In?ammation of the LABYRINTH of the EAR. Usually caused by bacterial or viral infection, the former often the result of inadequately treated otitis media (see EAR, DISEASES OF – Diseases of the middle ear), or MEASLES. Symptoms are VERTIGO, nausea, vomiting, nystagmus (see EYE, DISORDERS OF), TINNITUS and loss of hearing. Bacterial infection needs treatment with ANTIBIOTICS; viral infection is usually self-limiting. ANTIHISTAMINE DRUGS will help reduce the vertigo. Rarely, surgery may be required to drain the infection in bacteria-based labyrinthitis.... labyrinthitis
n. a surgical procedure to ablate (see ablation) the structures of the *labyrinth, usually performed for cases of severe Ménière’s disease.... labyrinthectomy
a common cause of the *nephrotic syndrome in adults. The diagnosis is established by renal biopsy, which shows diffuse global subepithelial deposits within the glomerulus. Most cases of membranous nephropathy are idiopathic, but there are associations with infection (e.g. hepatitis B), malignancy (especially lung cancer), autoimmune disease (e.g. SLE, Hashimoto’s disease), and drugs (e.g. gold and penicillamine). Recent studies suggest that idiopathic membranous nephropathy is an autoimmune disease with antibodies directed against an antigen (PLA2R, a phospholipase A2 receptor) on the *podocyte cell membrane. Without treatment, outcome is very variable: some patients will make a full recovery, while others will progress to end-stage kidney failure. Immunosuppressant treatment is often tried when there is evidence of declining renal function.... membranous nephropathy