Mental illness Health Dictionary

Mental Illness: From 4 Different Sources

A general term that describes any form of psychiatric disorder.
Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
All forms of illness in which psychological, emotional or behavioural disturbances are the dominating feature. The term is relative and variable in different cultures, schools of thought and definitions. It includes a wide range of types and severities.
Health Source: Community Health
Author: Health Dictionary
De?ned simply, this is a disorder of the brain’s processes that makes the sufferer feel or seem ill, and may prevent that person from coping with daily life. Psychiatrists – doctors specialising in diagnosing and treating mental illness – have, however, come up with a range of much more complicated de?nitions over the years.

Psychiatrists like to categorise mental illnesses because mental signs and symptoms do occur together in clusters or syndromes, each tending to respond to certain treatments. The idea that illnesses can be diagnosed simply by recognising their symptom patterns may not seem very scienti?c in these days of high technology. For most common mental illnesses, however, this is the only method of diagnosis; whatever is going wrong in the brain is usually too poorly understood and too subtle to show up in laboratory tests or computed tomography scans of the brain. And symptom-based definitions of mental illnesses are, generally, a lot more meaningful than the vague lay term ‘nervous breakdown’, which is used to cover an attack of anything from AGORAPHOBIA to total inability to function.

There is still a lot to learn about the workings of the brain, but psychiatry has developed plenty of practical knowledge about the probable causes of mental illness, ways of relieving symptoms, and ways of aiding recovery. Most experts now believe that mental illnesses generally arise from di?erent combinations of inherited risk and psychological STRESS, sometimes with additional environmental exposure – for example, viruses, drugs or ALCOHOL.

The range of common mental illnesses includes anxiety states, PHOBIA, DEPRESSION, alcohol and drug problems, the EATING DISORDERS anorexia and bulimia nervosa, MANIC DEPRESSION, SCHIZOPHRENIA, DEMENTIA, and a group of problems related to coping with life that psychiatrists call personality disorders.

Of these mental illnesses, dementia is the best understood. It is an irreversible and fatal form of mental deterioration (starting with forgetfulness and eventually leading to severe failure of all the brain’s functions), caused by rapid death of brain cells and consequent brain shrinkage. Schizophrenia is another serious mental illness which disrupts thought-processes, speech, emotions and perception (how the brain handles signals from the ?ve senses). Manic depression, in which prolonged ‘highs’ of extremely elevated mood and overexcitement alternate with abject misery, has similar effects on the mental processes. In both schizophrenia and manic depression the sufferer loses touch with reality, develops unshakeable but completely unrealistic ideas (delusions), and hallucinates (vividly experiences sensations that are not real, e.g. hears voices when there is nobody there). This triad of symptoms is called psychosis and it is what lay people, through fear and lack of understanding, sometimes call lunacy, madness or insanity.

The other mental illnesses mentioned above are sometimes called neuroses. But the term has become derogatory in ordinary lay language; indeed, many people assume that neuroses are mild disorders that only affect weak people who cannot ‘pull themselves together’, while psychoses are always severe. In reality, psychoses can be brief and reversible and neuroses can cause lifelong disability.

However de?ned and categorised, mental illness is a big public-health problem. In the UK, up to one in ?ve women and around one in seven men have had mental illness. About half a million people in Britain suffer from schizophrenia: it is three times commoner than cancer. And at any one time, up to a tenth of the adult population is ill with depression.

Treatment settings Most people with mental-health problems get the help they need from their own family doctor(s), without ever seeing a psychiatrist. General practictitioners in Britain treat nine out of ten recognised mental-health problems and see around 12 million adults with mental illness each year. Even for the one in ten of these patients referred to psychiatrists, general practitioners usually handle those problems that continue or recur.

Psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, social workers, psychologists, counsellors and therapists often see patients at local doctors’ surgeries and will do home visits if necessary. Community mental-health centres – like general-practice health centres but catering solely for mental-health problems – o?er another short-cut to psychiatric help. The more traditional, and still more common, route to a psychiatrist for many people, however, is from the general practititioner to a hospital outpatient department.

Specialist psychiatric help In many ways, a visit to a psychiatrist is much like any trip to a hospital doctor – and, indeed, psychiatric clinics are often based in the outpatient departments of general hospitals. First appointments with psychiatrists can last an hour or more because the psychiatrist – and sometimes other members of the team such as nurses, doctors in training, and social workers – need to ask lots of questions and record the whole consultation in a set of con?dential case notes.

Psychiatric assessment usually includes an interview and an examination, and is sometimes backed up by a range of tests. The interview begins with the patient’s history – the personal story that explains how and, to some extent, why help is needed now. Mental-health problems almost invariably develop from a mixture of causes – emotional, social, physical and familial – and it helps psychiatrists to know what the people they see are normally like and what kind of lives they have led. These questions may seem unnecessarily intrusive, but they allow psychiatrists to understand patients’ problems and decide on the best way to help them.

The next stage in assessment is the mental-state examination. This is how psychiatrists examine minds, or at least their current state. Mental-state examination entails asking more questions and using careful observation to assess feelings, thoughts and mental symptoms, as well as the way the mind is working (for example, in terms of memory and concentration). During ?rst consultations psychiatrists usually make diagnoses and explain them. The boundary between a life problem that will clear up spontaneously and a mental illness that needs treatment is sometimes quite blurred; one consultation may be enough to put the problem in perspective and help to solve it.

Further assessment in the clinic may be needed, or some additional tests. Simple blood tests can be done in outpatient clinics but other investigations will mean referral to another department, usually on another day.

Further assessment and tests

PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS Psychologists work in or alongside the psychiatric team, helping in both assessment and treatment. The range of psychological tests studies memory, intelligence, personality, perception and capability for abstract thinking. PHYSICAL TESTS Blood tests and brain scans may be useful to rule out a physical illness causing psychological symptoms. SOCIAL ASSESSMENT Many patients have social diffculties that can be teased out and helped by a psychiatric social worker. ‘Approved social workers’ have special training in the use of the Mental Health Act, the law that authorises compulsory admissions to psychiatric hospitals and compulsory psychiatric treatments. These social workers also know about all the mental-health services o?ered by local councils and voluntary organisations, and can refer clients to them. The role of some social workers has been widened greatly in recent years by the expansion of community care. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ASSESSMENT Mental-health problems causing practical disabilities – for instance, inability to work, cook or look after oneself – can be assessed and helped by occupational therapists.

Treatment The aims of psychiatric treatment are to help sufferers shake o?, or at least cope with, symptoms and to gain or regain an acceptable quality of life. A range of psychological and physical treatments is available.

COUNSELLING This is a widely used ‘talking cure’, particularly in general practice. Counsellors listen to their clients, help them to explore feelings, and help them to ?nd personal and practical solutions to their problems. Counsellors do not probe into clients’ pasts or analyse them. PSYCHOTHERAPY This is the best known ‘talking cure’. The term psychotherapy is a generalisation covering many di?erent concepts. They all started, however, with Sigmund Freud (see FREUDIAN THEORY), the father of modern psychotherapy. Freud was a doctor who discovered that, as well as the conscious thoughts that guide our feelings and actions, there are powerful psychological forces of which we are not usually aware. Applying his theories to his patients’ freely expressed thoughts, Freud was able to cure many illnesses, some of which had been presumed completely physical. This was the beginning of individual analytical psychotherapy, or PSYCHOANALYSIS. Although Freud’s principles underpin all subsequent theories about the psyche, many di?erent schools of thought have emerged and in?uenced psychotherapists (see ADLER; JUNGIAN ANALYSIS; PSYCHOTHERAPY). BEHAVIOUR THERAPY This springs from theories of human behaviour, many of which are based on studies of animals. The therapists, mostly psychologists, help people to look at problematic patterns of behaviour and thought, and to change them. Cognitive therapy is very e?ective, particularly in depression and eating disorders. PHYSICAL TREATMENTS The most widely used physical treatments in psychiatry are drugs. Tranquillising and anxiety-reducing BENZODIAZEPINES like diazepam, well known by its trade name of Valium, were prescribed widely in the 1960s and 70s because they seemed an e?ective and safe substitute for barbiturates. Benzodiazepines are, however, addictive and are now recommended only for short-term relief of anxiety that is severe, disabling, or unacceptably distressing. They are also used for short-term treatment of patients drying out from alcohol.

ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS like amitriptyline and ?uoxetine are given to lift depressed mood and to relieve the physical symptoms that sometimes occur in depression, such as insomnia and poor appetite. The side-effects of antidepressants are mostly relatively mild, when recommended doses are not exceeded – although one group, the monoamine oxidase inhibitors, can lead to sudden and dangerous high blood pressure if taken with certain foods.

Manic depression virtually always has to be treated with mood-stabilising drugs. Lithium carbonate is used in acute mania to lower mood and stop psychotic symptoms; it can also be used in severe depression. However lithium’s main use is to prevent relapse in manic depression. Long-term unwanted effects may include kidney and thyroid problems, and short-term problems in the nervous system and kidney may occur if the blood concentration of lithium is too high – therefore it must be monitored by regular blood tests. Carbamazepine, a treatment for EPILEPSY, has also been found to stabilise mood, and also necessitates blood tests.

Antipsychotic drugs, also called neuroleptics, and major tranquillisers are the only e?ective treatments for relieving serious mental illnesses with hallucinations and delusions. They are used mainly in schizophrenia and include the short-acting drugs chlorpromazine and clozapine as well as the long-lasting injections given once every few weeks like ?uphenazine decanoate. In the long term, however, some of the older antipsychotic drugs can cause a brain problem called TARDIVE DYSKINESIA that affects control of movement and is not always reversible. And the antipsychotic drugs’ short-term side-effects such as shaking and sti?ness sometimes have to be counteracted by other drugs called anticholinergic drugs such as procyclidine and benzhexol. Newer antipsychotic drugs such as clozapine do not cause tardive dyskinesia, but clozapine cannot be given as a long-lasting injection and its concentration in the body has to be monitored by regular blood tests to avoid toxicity. OTHER PHYSICAL TREATMENTS The other two physical treatments used in psychiatry are particularly controversial: electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and psychosurgery. In ECT, which can be life-saving for patients who have severe life-threatening depression, a small electric current is passed through the brain to induce a ?t or seizure. Before the treatment the patient is anaesthetised and given a muscle-relaxing injection that reduces the magnitude of the ?t to a slight twitching or shaking. Scientists do not really understand how ECT works, but it does, for carefully selected patients. Psychosurgery – operating on the brain to alleviate psychiatric illness or di?cult personality traits – is extremely uncommon these days. Stereo-tactic surgery, in which small cuts are made in speci?c brain ?bres under X-ray guidance, has super-seded the more generalised lobotomies of old. The Mental Health Act 1983 ensures that psychosurgery is performed only when the patient has given fully informed consent and a second medical opinion has agreed that it is necessary. For all other psychiatric treatments (except another rare treatment, hormone implantation for reducing the sex drive of sex o?enders), either consent or a second opinion is needed – not both. TREATMENT IN HOSPITAL Psychiatric wards do not look like medical or surgical wards and sta? may not wear uniforms. Patients do not need to be in their beds during the day, so the beds are in separate dormitories. The main part of most wards is a living space with a day room, an activity and television room, quiet rooms, a dining room, and a kitchen. Ward life usually has a certain routine. The day often starts with a community meeting at which patients and nurses discuss issues that affect the whole ward. Patients may go to the occupational therapy department during the day, but there may also be some therapy groups on the ward, such as relaxation training. Patients’ symptoms and problems are assessed continuously during a stay in hospital. When patients seem well enough they are allowed home for trial periods; then discharge can be arranged. Patients are usually followed up in the outpatient clinic at least once.

TREATING PATIENTS WITH ACUTE PSYCHIATRIC ILLNESS Psychiatric emergencies – patients with acute psychiatric illness – may develop from psychological, physical, or practical crises. Any of these crises may need quick professional intervention. Relatives and friends often have to get this urgent help because the sufferer is not ?t enough to do it or, if psychotic, does not recognise the need. First, they should ring the person’s general practitioner. If the general practitioner is not available and help is needed very urgently, relatives or friends should phone the local social-services department and ask for the duty social worker (on 24-hour call). In a dire emergency, the police will know what to do.

Any disturbed adult who threatens his or her own or others’ health and safety and refuses psychiatric help may be moved and detained by law. The Mental Health Act of 1983 authorises emergency assessment and treatment of any person with apparent psychiatric problems that ful?l these criteria.

Although admission to hospital may be the best solution, there are other ways that psychiatric services can respond to emergencies. In some districts there are ‘crisis intervention’ teams of psychiatrists, nurses, and social workers who can visit patients urgently at home (at a GP’s request) and, sometimes, avert unnecessary admission. And research has shown that home treatment for a range of acute psychiatric problems can be e?ective.

LONG-TERM TREATMENT AND COMMUNITY CARE Long-term treatment is often provided by GPs with support and guidance from psychiatric teams. That is ?ne for people whose problems allow them to look after themselves, and for those with plenty of support from family and friends. But some people need much more intensive long-term treatment and many need help with running their daily lives.

Since the 1950s, successive governments have closed the old psychiatric hospitals and have tried to provide as much care as possible outside hospital – in ‘the community’. Community care is e?ective as long as everyone who needs inpatient care, or residential care, can have it. But demand exceeds supply. Research has shown that some homeless people have long-term mental illnesses and have somehow lost touch with psychiatric services. Many more have developed more general long-term health problems, particularly related to alcohol, without ever getting help.

The NHS and Community Care Act 1990, in force since 1993, established a new breed of professionals called care managers to assess people whose long-term illnesses and disabilities make them unable to cope completely independently with life. Care managers are given budgets by local councils to assess people’s needs and to arrange for them tailor-made packages of care, including services like home helps and day centres. But co-ordination between health and social services has sometimes failed – and resources are limited – and the government decided in 1997 to tighten up arrangements and pool community-care budgets.

Since 1992 psychiatrists have had to ensure that people with severe mental illnesses have full programmes of care set up before discharge from hospital, to be overseen by named key workers. And since 1996 psychiatrists have used a new power called Supervised Discharge to ensure that the most vulnerable patients cannot lose touch with mental-health services. There is not, however, any law that allows compulsory treatment in the community.

There is ample evidence that community care can work and that it need not cost more than hospital care. Critics argue, however, that even one tragedy resulting from inadequate care, perhaps a suicide or even a homicide, should reverse the march to community care. And, according to the National Schizophrenia Fellowship, many of the 10–15 homicides a year carried out by people with severe mental illnesses result from inadequate community care.

Further information can be obtained from the Mental Health Act Commission, and from MIND, the National Association for Mental Health. MIND also acts as a campaigning and advice organisation on all aspects of mental health.

Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
a disorder of one or more of the functions of the mind (such as mood, affect, perception, memory, or thought), which causes suffering to the patient or others. Symptoms of mental illness may be dimensional and only become pathological if at the severe end of the spectrum. Some mental illnesses are syndromes, which are characterized by a set of different symptoms that rarely all happen at once.

Mental illness should be distinguished from *learning disability, in which an individual has a general failure of development of the normal intellectual capacities. Mental illnesses are broadly divided into disorders in which the capacity for appreciating reality is lost (see psychosis) and those in which it is preserved (see neurosis).

Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


A person’s own perceptions, experience and evaluation of a disease or condition, or how he or she feels. For example, an individual may feel pain, discomfort, weakness, depression or anxiety, but a disease may or may not be present.... illness

Mental Handicap

See LEARNING DISABILITY.... mental handicap

Compressed Air Illness

Also known as caisson disease, this affects workers operating in compressed-air environments, such as underwater divers and workers in caissons (such as an ammunition wagon, a chest of explosive materials, or a strong case for keeping out the water while the foundations of a bridge are being built; derived from the French caisse, meaning case or chest). Its chief symptoms are pains in the joints and limbs (bends); pain in the stomach; headache and dizziness; and paralysis. Sudden death may occur. The condition is caused by the accumulation of bubbles of nitrogen in di?erent parts of the body, usually because of too-rapid decompression when the worker returns to normal atmospheric presure – a change that must be made gradually.... compressed air illness

Cost Of Illness

The personal cost of acute or chronic disease. The cost to the patient may be an economic, social or psychological cost or loss to himself, his family or community. The cost of illness may be reflected in absenteeism, productivity, response to treatment, peace of mind, quality of life, etc. It differs from health care costs in that this concept is restricted to the cost of providing services related to the delivery of health care, rather than the impact on the personal life of the patient. See “burden of disease”.... cost of illness

Mental Impairment

A disorder characterized by the display of an intellectual defect, as manifested by diminished cognitive, interpersonal, social and vocational effectiveness and quantitatively evaluated by psychological examination and assessment.... mental impairment

Mental Age

A measurement of the intellectual development of a person, with regard to the normal age at which that level of achievement is attained.

For example, a 13 year-old child with learning difficulties may have a mental age of 5.... mental age

Mental Health Act

The Mental Health

Act (1983) details the rights of patients with mental illness and the grounds for detaining mentally ill people against their will. It also outlines forms of legal guardianship for such patients.

When a person is endangering his or her own or other people’s health or safety (for example, threatening harm or suicide) because of a recognized mental illness, he or she may be compulsorily taken into hospital to be given treatment.

If a person breaks the law because of a mental disorder, the courts may remand him or her to hospital.... mental health act

Mental Retardation

See Learning difficulties.... mental retardation

Acute Disease / Illness

A disease which is characterized by a single or repeated episode of relatively rapid onset and short duration from which the patient usually returns to his/her normal or previous state or level of activity. An acute episode of a chronic disease (for example, an episode of diabetic coma in a patient with diabetes) is often treated as an acute disease.... acute disease / illness

Community Mental Health Centre

An entity which provides comprehensive mental health services (principally ambulatory), primarily to individuals residing or employed in a defined catchment area.... community mental health centre

Community Mental Health Teams

Intended as a key part of the NHS’s local comprehensive mental health services serving populations of around 50,000, these multidisciplinary, multi-agency teams have been less e?ective than expected, in part due to varying modes of operation in di?erent districts. Some experts argue that the services they provide – for example, crisis intervention, liaison with primary care services and continuing care for long-term clients – could be delivered more e?ectively by several specialist teams rather than a single, large generic one comprising psychiatrists, psychologists, community mental health nurses, occupational therapists, support and (sometimes) social workers.... community mental health teams

Cost-of-illness Analysis

A determination of the economic impact of a disease or health condition, including treatment costs.... cost-of-illness analysis

Decompression Illness (dci)

An illness suffered by divers when diving too deep, or too long and characterised bynitrogen bubbles forming in the tissues of the body. This may cause a multitude of symptoms although joint pains are those most-commonly encountered. Confusion may be caused in divers that have suffered an Irukandji sting as the symptoms have some similarities. See also, cerebral gas embolism.... decompression illness (dci)

Fabricated And Induced Illness

See MUNCHAUSEN’S SYNDROME.... fabricated and induced illness

Iatrogenic Illness (or Injury)

Negative effect resulting from a medical treatment.... iatrogenic illness (or injury)

Mental Health

The absence of psychiatric disorders or traits. It can be influenced by biological, environmental, emotional and cultural factors. This term is highly variable in definition, depending on time and place.... mental health

Severity Of Illness

A risk prediction system to correlate the “seriousness” of a disease in a particular person with the statistically “expected” outcome.... severity of illness

Terminal Illness

An illness for which there is no known cure.... terminal illness

Mental Hospital

A hospital, formerly known as an asylum, specializing in the treatment of psychiatric illness.

Most admissions to mental hospitals are for acute psychiatric illness.

The majority of admissions are voluntary, but in some cases detention under the Mental Health Act may be necessary.... mental hospital

Mental Health Problems In Children

Emotional and behavioural problems are common in children and adolescents, affecting up to one-?fth at any one time. But these problems are often not clear-cut, and they may come and go as the child develops and meets new challenges in life. If a child or teenager has an emotional problem that persists for weeks rather than days and is associated with disturbed behaviour, he or she may have a recognisable mental health disorder.

Anxiety, phobias and depression are fairly common. For instance, surveys show that up to

2.5 per cent of children and 8 per cent of adolescents are depressed at any one time, and by the age of 18 a quarter will have been depressed at least once. Problems such as OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER, ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER (HYPERACTIVITY SYNDROME), AUTISM, ASPERGER’S SYNDROME and SCHIZOPHRENIA are rare.

Mental-health problems may not be obvious at ?rst, because children often express distress through irritability, poor concentration, dif?cult behaviour, or physical symptoms. Physical symptoms of distress, such as unexplained headache and stomach ache, may persuade parents to keep children at home on school days. This may be appropriate occasionally, but regularly avoiding school can lead to a persistent phobia called school refusal.

If a parent, teacher or other person is worried that a child or teenager may have a mental-health problem, the ?rst thing to do is to ask the child gently if he or she is worried about anything. Listening, reassuring and helping the child to solve any speci?c problems may well be enough to help the child feel settled again. Serious problems such as bullying and child abuse need urgent professional involvement.

Children with emotional problems will usually feel most comfortable talking to their parents, while adolescents may prefer to talk to friends, counsellors, or other mentors. If this doesn’t work, and if the symptoms persist for weeks rather than days, it may be necessary to seek additional help through school or the family’s general practitioner. This may lead to the child and family being assessed and helped by a psychologist, or, less commonly, by a child psychiatrist. Again, listening and counselling will be the main forms of help o?ered. For outright depression, COGNITIVE BEHAVIOUR THERAPY and, rarely, antidepressant drugs may be used.... mental health problems in children

Mental Health Services

Comprehensive mental health services, as generally defined under some national (or state) laws and statutes, include: inpatient care, outpatient care, day care and other partial hospitalization and emergency services; specialized services for the mental health of the elderly; consultation and education services and specialized programmes for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of alcohol and drug abusers. They generally include a variety of services provided to people of all ages, including counselling, psychotherapy, psychiatric services, crisis intervention and support groups. Issues addressed include depression, grief, anxiety and stress, as well as severe mental illnesses.... mental health services

Emotional Illness

A number of different mental and emotional conditions may arise. Some are hereditary, others acquired through anxiety and a sense of insecurity. A sound constitution and strong nervous system are a bulwark against disintegration of the personality. For this purpose nerve restoratives and anxiolytics are indicated.

Alternatives. Teas: German Chamomile, Oats, Skullcap, Valerian, Gotu Kola. Tablets. Devil’s Claw, Ginseng, Pulsatilla, Mistletoe, Motherwort, Valerian. Gotu Kola: used extensively in traditional Indian medicine for mental ailments. Diet. Protein, Salt-free. Lacto-vegetarian.

Vitamins. B-complex, B1; B6; B12; Niacin, Folic Acid. C, E, F. Minerals. Dolomite. Zinc. ... emotional illness

Manic–depressive Illness

A mental disorder that is characterized by a disturbance of mood. The disturbance may be unipolar (consisting of either depression or mania) or bipolar (swinging between the two). In a severe form that is sometimes referred to as manic– depressive psychosis, there may also be grandiose ideas or negative delusions.

Abnormalities in brain biochemistry, or in the structure and/or function of certain nerve pathways within the brain, could underlie manic–depressive illness. An inherited tendency is also an established causative factor.Severe manic–depressive illness often needs hospital treatment. Antidepressant drugs and/or ECT are used to treat depression, and antipsychotic drugs are given to control manic symptoms. Carbamazepine or lithium may be used to prevent relapse.

Group therapy, family therapy, and individual psychotherapy may be useful in treatment. Cognitive–behavioural therapy may also be helpful. With treatment, more than 80 per cent of patients improve or remain stable. Even those with severe illness may be restored to near normal health with lithium.... manic–depressive illness

Catastrophic Illness

a US term for a health condition that severely affects an individual’s physical, mental, social, or economic wellbeing, lasts for an extended period of time, and (usually) requires very expensive treatment. In practice, the definition varies from government agency to agency and from employer to employer. The definition may focus specifically on the economic burden, the time lost from work, the seriousness of the condition, or a combination of these.... catastrophic illness

Community Mental Health Team

(CMHT) a multidisciplinary team consisting of psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, psychologists, social workers, and occupational therapists who treat patients with severe mental illness in the community.... community mental health team

Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders

see DSM.... diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders

Illness Anxiety Disorder

see hypochondria.... illness anxiety disorder

Independent Mental Capacity Advocate

(IMCA) a person who must, by virtue of the *Mental Capacity Act 2005, be contacted to represent the *best interests of a patient who lacks *capacity and has no family or friends while acting as a proxy in medical decision-making. IMCAs are available via the local Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy Service.... independent mental capacity advocate

Mental Capacity Act 2005

legislation for England and Wales, which came into force in October 2007, to govern the treatment of people who lack *capacity to make decisions. It gives legal force to the importance of *autonomy in health care and to *advance directives, decisions, or statements. It also provides statutory legislation for medical and social decision-makers to act in the patient’s best interests should he or she lose capacity (see Independent Mental Capacity Advocate). It allows proportionate force to implement decisions made in a patient’s best interests. For Scotland the current legislation is the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000.... mental capacity act 2005

Mental Health Act Commission

a regulating body in England and Wales, governed by the Mental Health Act 2007, that was responsible for regularly visiting psychiatric hospitals, reviewing psychiatric care, giving second opinions on the need for certain psychiatric treatments, and acting as a forum for the discussion of psychiatric issues. It was subsumed under the *Care Quality Commission in April 2009.... mental health act commission

Mental Health Review Tribunal

(MHRT) a tribunal, established under the Mental Health Act 1959 and now operating under the Mental Health Act 2007, to which applications may be made for the discharge from hospital of a person compulsorily detained there under provisions of the Act (see compulsory admission). When a patient is subject to a restriction order an application may only be made after his or her first six months of detention. The powers of the tribunal, which comprises both legally and medically qualified members, include reclassifying unrestricted patients, recommending leave of absence for a patient, delaying discharge, and transferring patients to other hospitals. Detained patients may also apply to have a managers hearing to review their detention. The powers of the managers hearing are slightly different from those of the MHRT, but both are defined in the Mental Health Act 2007 and both can discharge a patient from a section of the Mental Health Act.... mental health review tribunal

Mental State Examination

(MSE) a full psychiatric examination of signs and symptoms, which takes place during a psychiatric interview and should apply only to signs and symptoms elicited at that time; it should not take into account historical information. The examination is usually divided into the following subheadings: appearance and behaviour, speech, mood, *affect, thought and perception, *insight, and orientation. Usually it also includes a *risk assessment.... mental state examination

Mini-mental State Examination

(MMSE) a brief 30-point questionnaire that is used to screen for cognitive impairment in the diagnosis of dementia. It is also used to estimate the severity of cognitive impairment and to follow the course of cognitive changes in an individual over time, thus making it an effective way to document response to treatment. It tests functions including arithmetic, memory, and orientation.... mini-mental state examination

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