Metritis Health Dictionary

Metritis: From 2 Different Sources

In?ammation of the uterus (see UTERUS, DISEASES OF).
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

Kava Kava

Ava Pepper. Piper methysticum, Forster. German: Kawa pfeffer. French: Kawa. Spanish: Kava kava. Italian: Pepe kava. Parts used: rhizome and root.

Constituents: Pipermethysticine (alkaloid), Pyrone derivative.

Action: antimicrobial with special reference to STDs with mucopurulent discharge, including gonorrhoea. Also effective against Bacillus Coli. Antiseptic stimulant, mild analgesic for painful spasm, antispasmodic, nerve relaxant, diuretic, stimulant, tonic.

Uses: Genito-urinary infections, orchitis, vaginitis, urethritis, Candida, violent itching, ichthyosis, metritis, inflammation of the Fallopian tubes, incontinence in the aged with bladder weakness, infection of kidney, bladder and prostate gland, conditions arising from excess of uric acid, joint pains of rheumatism following STD infection, bed-wetting. A powerful soporific for chronic insomnia, ensuring dreamless sleep with no known ill-effects on rising.

Combinations: with Sarsaparilla for STDs. With Black Cohosh for rheumatism following STDs. Preparations. Average dose: 2-4g. Thrice daily.

Decoction. 1oz to 1 pint (30g to 500ml) water, simmer in gentle heat down to three-quarters volume. Dose: half-1 cup.

Liquid Extract. Half-1 teaspoon in water.

Powder: 2-4g.

Lotion. 1oz powdered root to 8oz glycerine, macerate 8 days, shake daily. External: for pruritus and most forms of intolerable itching. Add 10 drops Oil Eucalyptus for chronic cases. ... kava kava

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