(Buch-Ham.) Roem.Family: Rutaceae.
Habitat: Bihar, Orissa, Bengal, Sikkim, Nepal, Assam, Khasi, Aka and Lushai hills.
Action: Bark of the root, stem and branches—used in the treatment of tubercular cases.
The root contains coumarins, mi- cromelin, phebalosin and yuehchak- ene.Micromelum pubescens Blume, synonym M. minutum (Forst. f.) Seem. is found in the Andamans. The plant is used in Malaya and Indonesia for phthisis and chest diseases. The root is chewed with betel for coughs.The leaves contain coumarins, mi- cropubescin and phebalosin.The bark contains phebalosin. The roots contain micromelumin, phe- balosin, imperatorin, angelical, lime- ttin, scopoletin, minumicrolin and murrangatin.Family: Lamiaceae; Labiatae.Habitat: Kumaon, Upper Gangetic plain, Bihar, Orissa, Western Ghats, Nilgiris.
Folk: Pudinaa (var.).Action: Plant—carminative. Used as a substitute for Mentha piperata Linn.
The plant yields an essential oil (1.6%) which contains mainly pulegone (80%).Micromeria biflora Benth., equated with Indian Wild Thyme, is found in tropical and temperate Himalayas, and in Western Ghats and hills of South India.The principal constituent of volatile oil of Camphorata sp. is camphor; of Citrata sp. is citral; of menthata and Pulegata sp. is d-menthone; and pulegone.