Migraine Health Dictionary

Migraine: From 4 Different Sources

Recurring headache commencing with constriction of blood vessels of the brain, followed by expansion which allows engorgement of vessels. Single or double-sided. With nausea, vomiting, speech difficulties, visual disturbances, emotional stress, tension.

“Half of all migraine patients suffer from anxiety, and one in five experiences depression,” according to a study carried out at Manchester University. (Dr Jennifer Devlen)

Causes: many and varied. Alcohol, excess coffee and caffeine stimulants, gluten food allergies, dairy products, chocolate, citrus fruits. Related to carbohydrate metabolism. May be associated with menstruation or emotional disturbance, nervous or physical fatigue; liver, stomach or kidney disturbance, or The Pill.

Symptoms: temporary blindness, or sight may be only half the visual field. Flashing lights, throbbing headache, loud noises worsen, nausea, vomiting, depression.

Treatment. In the initial (constrictive) stage any of the following simple teas may resolve: German Chamomile, Betony, Skullcap, Wild Thyme, Valerian.

Where the condition has progressed to vasodilation (engorgement of cerebral blood vessels) give any of the following alternatives. Whilst the requirements of each individual case is observed, inclusion of a remedy for stomach and liver may enhance efficacy. Sometimes a timely diuretic to reduce volume of the blood aborts an attack.

Associated with menstrual disorders: Agnus Castus, Evening Primrose oil.

Tea: Formula. (1) Equal parts: Betony, Valerian, Dandelion root. (2) Alfalfa 1; Valerian half; Hops quarter. One heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Half-1 cup 2-3 times daily. Formula. Skullcap 2; Mistletoe 1; Hops half. Dose: Liquid Extracts: 1-2 teaspoons. Tinctures: 1-3 teaspoons. Powders: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon) 2-3 times daily.

Valerian. German traditional.

Feverfew. 2-3 fresh leaves on bread. Tincture (or essence) 5-10 drops.

Practitioner: Tincture Gelsemium, BPC (1963) 5 drops.

Diet: Fruit juice fast. Oily fish. Hay diet. Salt-free.

Vitamins. A. B-complex, B6, B12, C (up to 1000mg). E, Niacin.

Minerals. Manganese, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc.

Rose-tinted glasses. Ophthalmology Department, Birmingham University.

Information. British Migraine Association, 178A High Road, West Byfleet, Surrey KT14 7ED. Send SAE. 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia
A severe headache, typically lasting 4–72 hours, accompanied by visual disturbances and/or nausea and vomiting. Migraine attacks may be isolated or may recur at varying intervals.

There is no single cause of migraine, although it tends to run in families. Stress-related, food-related, or sensoryrelated factors may trigger an attack. Menstruation and oral contraceptives may also trigger migraine.

There are 2 types: migraine with aura (an impression of flashing lights and/or numbness and tingling), and migraine without aura. In migraine without aura, there is a slowly worsening headache, often on one side of the head, with nausea and sometimes vomiting.

In migraine with aura, there may be visual disturbances for up to an hour, followed by a severe one-sided headache, nausea, vomiting and light-sensitivity. Other temporary neurological symptoms, such as weakness in one half of the body, may occur.

Diagnosis is usually made from the history and a physical examination. Treatment for an attack is an analgesic drug such as aspirin or paracetamol, plus an antiemetic drug, if needed. If this is not effective, treatment with serotonin agonists such as sumatriptan may be prescribed. Ergotamine may prevent an attack if taken before the headache begins, but is now rarely used. Sleeping in a darkened room may hasten recovery. For frequent attacks, preventive treatment may be needed. Keeping a diary can help pinpoint trigger factors, and prophylactic drugs may be prescribed.(See also cluster headaches.)

Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
The word migraine derives from HEMICRANIA, the Greek for half a skull, and is a common condition characterised by recurring intense headaches. It is much more usual in women than in men and affects around 10 per cent of the population. It has been de?ned as ‘episodic headache accompanied by visual or gastrointestinal disturbances, or both, attacks lasting hours with total freedom between episodes’.

It usually begins at puberty – although young children can be affected – and tends to stop in middle age: in women, for example, attacks often cease after MENOPAUSE. It frequently disappears during pregnancy. The disorder tends to run in families. In susceptible individuals, attacks may be provoked by a wide variety of causes including: anxiety, emotion, depression, shock, and excitement; physical and mental fatigue; prolonged focusing on computer, television or cinema screens; noise, especially loud and high-pitched sounds; certain foods – such as chocolate, cheese, citrus fruits, pastry; alcohol; prolonged lack of food; irregular meals; menstruation and the pre-menstrual period.

Anything that can provoke a headache in the ordinary individual can probably precipitate an attack in a migrainous subject. It seems as if there is an inherited predispostion that triggers a mechanism whereby in the migrainous subject, the headache and the associated sickness persist for hours, a whole day or even longer.

The precise cause is not known, but the generally accepted view is that in susceptible individuals, one or other of these causes produces spasm or constriction of the blood vessels of the brain. This in turn is followed by dilatation of these blood vessels which also become more permeable and so allow ?uid to pass out into the surrounding tissues. This combination of dilatation and outpouring of ?uid is held to be responsible for the headache.

Two types of migraine have been recognised: classical and common. The former is relatively rare and the headache is preceded by a slowly extending area of blindness in one or both eyes, usually accompanied by intermittent ‘lights’. The phenomenon lasts for up to 30 minutes and is followed by a bad, often unilateral headache with nausea, sometimes vomiting and sensitivity to light. Occasionally, passing neurological symptoms such as weakness in a limb may accompany the attack. The common variety has similar but less severe symptoms. It consists of an intense headache, usually situated over one or other eye. The headache is usually preceded by a feeling of sickness and disturbance of sight. In 15–20 per cent of cases this disturbance of sight takes the form of bright lights: the so-called AURA of migraine. The majority of attacks are accompanied by vomiting. The duration of the headache varies, but in the more severe cases the victim is usually con?ned to bed for 24 hours.

Treatment consists, in the ?rst place, of trying to avoid any precipitating factor. Patients must ?nd out which drug, or drugs, give them most relief, and they must always carry these about with them wherever they go. This is because it is a not uncommon experience to be aware of an attack coming on and to ?nd that there is a critical quarter of an hour or so during which the tablets are e?ective. If not taken within this period, they may be ine?ective and the unfortunate victim ?nds him or herself prostrate with headache and vomiting. In addition, sufferers should immediately lie down; at this stage a few hours’ rest may prevent the development of a full attack.

When an attack is fully developed, rest in bed in a quiet, darkened room is essential; any loud noise or bright light intensi?es the headache or sickness. The less food that is taken during an attack the better, provided that the individual drinks as much ?uid as he or she wants. Group therapy, in which groups of around ten migrainous subjects learn how to relax, is often of help in more severe cases, whilst in others the injection of a local anaesthetic into tender spots in the scalp reduces the number of attacks. Drug treatment can be e?ective and those a?icted by migraine may ?nd a particular drug or combination of drugs more suitable than others. ANALGESICS such as PARACETAMOL, aspirin and CODEINE phosphate sometimes help. A combination of buclizine hydrochloride and analgesics, taken when the visual aura occurs, prevents or diminishes the severity of an attack in some people. A commonly used remedy for the condition is ergotamine tartrate, which causes the dilated blood vessels to contract, but this must only be taken under medical supervision. In many cases METOCLOPRAMIDE (an antiemetic), followed ten minutes later by three tablets of either aspirin or paracetamol, is e?ective if taken early in an attack. In milder attacks, aspirin, with or without codeine and paracetamol, may be of value. SUMATRIPTAN (5-hydroxytryptamine [5HT1] AGONIST – also known as a SEROTONIN agonist) is of value for acute attacks. It is used orally or by subcutaneous injection, but should not be used for patients with ischaemic heart disease. Naratriptan is another 5HT1 agonist that is an e?ective treatment for acute attacks; others are almotriptan, rizariptan and zolmitriptan. Some patients ?nd beta blockers such as propranolol a valuable prophylactic.

People with migraine and their relatives can obtain help and guidance from the Migraine Action Association.

Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
n. a neurovascular disorder in a genetically predisposed individual. There is an instability within the brainstem that is triggered by a variety of stimuli (e.g. foods, light, stress) and results in a recurrent throbbing headache that characteristically affects one side of the head. The patient sometimes has forewarning of an attack (an aura) consisting of visual disturbance or tingling and/or weakness of the limbs, which clear up as the headache develops. It is often accompanied by prostration, nausea and vomiting, and *photophobia. Effective preventive medication (e.g. beta blockers and some antiepileptic drugs) is available for patients with frequent migraine attacks, and *5HT1 agonists may be used to treat acute attacks. See also cluster headache.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Teas For Migraines

Migraines are described as strong headaches associated with a certain discomfort of the nervous system. Although practitioners around the world tried to find the ultimate cure for this ailment, they are still far from finding the miraculous cure. Since ancient times, herbalists used a wide range of alternative remedies to induce a state of relaxation and bring relief to those suffering from migraines. However, modern medicine found new ways to treat this condition, even if no definitive cure has been provided yet. Drink Teas for Migraines Alternative medicine, however, gives you a hand. There are a lot of teas for migraines and headaches which can successfully be used in order to treat the affected areas and calm the localized pain. If you are suffering from this condition, you may want to try one of the following teas: - Black Tea - when it comes to Teas for Migraines, Black Tea turns out to be quite a helper. Thanks to its anti-oxidant and alkaline properties, this natural remedy can calm your pain and release the necessary amount of active constituents. - Catnip Tea - another name on the Teas for Migraines list is Catnip Tea, a powerful treatment with anesthetic, sedative and relaxing properties which can be found in almost any teashop. Just make sure that you’re buying the product from a trusted provider in order to avoid unnecessary complications. - Chamomile Tea - used in both the cosmetic and the pharmaceutical industries, Chamomile Tea is probably one of the world’s greatest panaceas. When choosing Teas for Migraines, you need to make sure that the herb you’re about to use has no side effects and that its action is rapid and very effective. If that is the case, Chamomile Tea, with its calming and nourishing properties may be a good alternative to traditional medication. Also, if you suffer from sleeping disorders, Chamomile Tea might bring relief and a good night sleep. - Lavender Tea - used mostly for its memorable scent, Lavender is used by both the cosmetic industry and the cleaning products factories. However, when choosing Teas for Migraines, Lavender Tea may be just as important as the other too teas mentioned above. Thanks to a good level of tannis and volatile oils, Lavender Tea makes migraines go away within minutes. Other Effective Teas for Migraines - Tansy Tea - although it is yet unknown to the European public, Tansy Tea is one of the most efficient Teas for Migraines in the alternative medicine. Tansy Tea contains tanacetin, volatile oil, tannic acid, parthenolides, which are toxic for your body in high dosages. Although its action is very quickly, you need to be careful when taking a treatment based on Tansy Tea. Exceeding the recommended dosage may lead to death! - Thyme Tea – known mostly for its ability to treat menstrual pain, Thyme Tea is also one of the Teas for Migraines we strongly recommend. Its active ingredient is a substance called thymol, which is responsible for the calming effect that this tea has on you and your health. Also, applied topically, Thyme Tea is a good remedy for cuts and opened wounds. - White Peony Root Tea – used especially for its anti-inflammatory properties, White Peony Root Tea is probably the most effective and also the rarest of these Teas for Migraines. It contains a substance called paeoniflorin, which has a high anti-spastic action, so it can calm not only your migraines, but almost any type of localized pain. The other ingredients, flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, tannins and polysaccharides make this particular herbal treatment work more efficient. By its own, paeniflorin is not as effective as used in combination with these other substances. - Yucca Tea – familiar to the South American populations and almost unknown for the Europeans, Yucca Tea is one of the teas that could probably treat almost any kind of affection. When you look in the Teas for Migraines section, you’ll notice that Yucca Tea has its own place. Thanks to a series of curative properties generated by the amount of saponins contained, Yucca Tea can treat other conditions of your body as well. If you suffer from arthritis or you just want a natural remedy for your hair, Yucca Tea is the answer! - Yerba Mate Tea – drank from special reservoirs, Yerba Mate Tea is commonly known as “the Argentine coffee”. Although it might be a little difficult to find it if you live in Europe, in case you’re looking for Teas for Migraines and you run into a teashop specialized in Yerba Mate products, hold on to it! It is said that this miraculous tea has all the ingredients necessary to sustain life. Specialists even call it “the new green tea”, thanks to its many curative properties. If you suffer from severe migraines, there’s no point in spending a lot of money on traditional pain killers. Just give one of these teas a try and enjoy its wonderful benefits!... teas for migraines

Abdominal Migraine

a condition characterized by intermittent central abdominal pain that may be associated with nausea, and often vomiting. It usually occurs in children between the ages of three and ten years and is more common in those with a family history of migraine headaches. Typically these children develop migraine headaches when they are older.... abdominal migraine

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