Habitat: Cultivated as pulse crop, chiefly in Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka.
English: Pigeon Pea, Red Gram.Ayurvedic: Aadhaki, Tuvari, Tuvara, Shanapushpikaa.Unani: Arhar.Siddha/Tamil: Thuvarai.Action: Green leaves are considered hypocholesterolaemic. Pulse shows cholesterol and phospholipid lowering effect (reported to cause flatulence). A paste of leaves with salt and water, is taken on an empty stomach for jaundice. Leaves are used in diseases of the mouth, and topically for treating measles and other eruptions.
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia ofIn- dia indicated the use of the seed in lipid disorders and obesity; externally for promoting breast development, and attributed blood purifying properties to the root.Amino acid analysis of the seed extract showed that phenylalanine (26.3% of the total amino acids) is responsible for about 70% of the anti- sickling potency of the seed extract.Seeds also contain riboflavin and pyridoxine. Root bark contains isofla- vones, sterols, triterpenoids, flavones, anthraquinone derivatives. Plant also contains an isoflavone, cajanol.The aqueous extract of leaves showed vasodilatory effect in experimental animals.Unroasted nuts had hypoglycaemic effect in mice; roasted seeds, in contrast, had a hyperglycaemic effect. (Sharon M. Herr.)Dosage: Root—2-6 g powder. (API Vol. III.)... cajanus cajanHabitat: North-western Himalaya from Kashmir to Simla at 2,4003,600 m.
English: Stinging Nettle.Ayurvedic: Vrishchhiyaa-shaaka (related species).Unani: Anjuraa.Folk: Shisuun (Kumaon).Action: Plant—diuretic, astringent, antihaemorrhagic; eliminates uric acid from the body, detoxifies the blood. Externally, astringent and haemostatic.
Used internally for the treatment of nephritis, haemoptysis and other haemorrhages.Key application: Above ground parts—as a supportive therapy for rheumatic ailments (internally and externally). Internally, in irrigation therapy for inflammatory diseases of the lower urinary tract and prevention and treatment of kidney gravel. (German Commission E, ESCOP, The British Herbal Compendium, The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.) Root—in symptomatic treatment of micturition disorders (dysuria, pol- lakiuria, nocturia, urine retention) in benign prostatic hyperplasia at stages I and II. (German Commission E, ESCOP, WHO, The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)Clinical experiments have confirmed the utility of the herb as a haemostatic in uterine haemorrhage and bleeding from nose. The herb is also used in sciatica, rheumatism and palsy. The treatment for paralysis comprises slapping the patient with a bundle of twigs. Alcoholic extract of Russian sp. is used in the cholecystitis and habitual constipation.The root exhibits an antiprolifera- tive effect on prostatic epithelial and stromal cells. It may also lessen the effects of androgenic hormones by competitively blocking acess to human sex hormone binding globulin. (Planta Med, 63, 1997; ibid, 66, 2000. Also, ESCOP monograph; Altern Complem Ther, 1998; Simon Mills; Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)In Europe, the juice of the leaves or roots, mixed with honey or sugar, was prescribed forbronchial asthma. In the USA, a freeze-dried preparation of the herb (300 mg gelatin capsules) has been found to improve condition of allergic rhinitis patients. The powdered seeds were considered a cure for goitre. (M. Grieve.)The urticating properties of the hairs are attributed to the presence of acetyl- choline, histamine and 5-hydroxytryp- tamine (5-HT). A histamine-liberating enzyme is also present.Acetylcholine is present in the leaves, rootlets, rhizomes and cortex in the ascending order of concentration. Histamine is not present in the underground parts of the plant. Its concentration in the leaves is about four times than that in the stem-cortex. Betaine and choline are present in the leaves.The leaves gave flavonoids (including rutin), sterols, carotenoids, vitamins (including C, B group, K), minerals, plant phenolic acids. The coumarin scopoletin has been isolated from the flowers and the root.A polysaccharide fraction obtained from aqueous extract showed anti- inflammatory activity in carrageenan- induced rat paw oedema and lymphocyte transformation test. A lectin was found to stimulate proliferation of human lymphocytes. (Planta Med, 55, 1989.)The leaf and root is contraindicat- ed in kidney disease and pregnancy. 5-hydroxytryptamine is a uterotropic constituent. (Francis Brinker.)... urtica dioicaHabitat: Throughout the drier and subtropical parts of India.
English: Winter Cherry. (Physalis alkekengi is also known as Winter Cherry.)Ayurvedic: Ashwagandhaa, Haya- gandhaa, Ashwakanda, Gandharva- gandhaa, Turaga, Turagagandhaa, Turangagandhaa, Vaajigandhaa, Gokarnaa, Vrishaa, Varaahakarni, Varadaa, Balyaa, Vaajikari. (A substitute for Kaakoli and Kshira- kaakoli.) Cultivated var.: Asgandh Naagori. (Indian botanists consider the cultivated plants distinct from the wild ones.)Unani: Asgandh.Siddha: Amukkuramkizhangu.Action: Root—used as an antiinflammatory drug for swellings, tumours, scrofula and rheumatism; and as a sedative and hypnotic in anxiety neurosis. Leaf— anti-inflammatory, hepatopro- tective, antibacterial. Fruits and seeds—diuretic. Withanine— sedative, hypnotic. Withaferin A—major component of biologically active steroids; as effective as hydrocortisone dose for dose. Antibacterial, antitumour, an- tiarthritic, significantly protective against hepatotoxicity in rats.
The root contains several alkaloids, including withanine, withananine, withananinine, pseudo-withanine, somnine, somniferine, somniferinine. The leaves of Indian chemotype contain 12 withanolides, including withaferin A. Steroidal lactones ofwithano- lide series have been isolated.Withanine is sedative and hypnotic. Withaferin A is antitumour, an- tiarthritic and antibacterial. Anti-inflammatory activity has been attributed to biologically active steroids, of which withaferin A is a major component. The activity is comparable to that of hydrocortisone sodium succinate.Withaferin A also showed significantly protective effect against CCl4- induced hepatotoxicity in rats. It was as effective as hydrocortisone dose for dose.The root extract contains an ingredient which has GABA mimetic activityThe free amino acids present in the root include aspartic acid, glycine, tyrosine, alanine, proline, tryptophan, glutamic acid and cystine.The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia ofIn- dia recommends Ashwagandha in im- potency. This claim could not be sustained in a recent experiment and raises a doubt about the equation of classical Ashwagandha with Withania somnifera. A methanolic extract of With- ania somnifera root induced a marked impairment in libido, sexual performance, sexual vigour and penile dysfunction in male rats. (Llayperuma et al, Asian J Androl, 2002, 295-298.)The total alkaloids of the root exhibited prolonged hypotensive, brady- cardiac and depressant action of the higher cerebral centres in several experimental animals.A withanolide-free aqueous fraction isolated from the roots of Withania somnifera exhibited antistress activity in a dose-dependent manner in mice. (Phytother Res 2003, 531-6.)(See also Simon Mills; American Herbal Pharmacopoeia, 2000; Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)Dosage: Root—3-6 g powder. (API, Vol. I.)... withania ashwagandhaThus, a plant may normalise glandular secretions, build up cell protein and enable the body to recover from exertion. This important group includes Gotu Kola, Sarsaparilla and Ginseng. ... amphoteric
Sheila E. Drew BPharm PhD MRPharms. Deputy Head of Technical Services, William Ransom & Son plc.
Fred Fletcher-Hyde BSc FNIMH. President Emeritus, British Herbal Medicine Association. President Emeritus, National Institute of Medical Herbalists.
Simon Y. Mills MA FNIMH. Director, Centre for Complementary Health Studies, University of Exeter. Hugh W. Mitchell MNIMH (Hon). President, British Herbal Medicine Association. Managing Director, Mitchfield Botanics Ltd.
Edward J. Shellard BPharm PhD DSc(Hon) (Warsaw Medical Academy) FRPharmS CChem FRSC FLS. Emeritus Professor of Pharmacognosy, University of London.
Arnold Webster CChem MRSC. Technical Director, English Grains Ltd.
Peter Wetton BSc LRSC. G.R. Lane Health Products Ltd.
Hein Zeylstra FNIMH. Principal. School of Phytotherapy, Sussex. ... british herbal medicine association, scientific committee, 1995
Carragheen Moss. See entry.
Decoctions. Angelica root, Echinacea, Fenugreek seed, Fringe Tree bark.
Gentian root. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup cold water steeped overnight. Half-1 cup thrice daily. Popular German tonic.
Tablets or capsules: Damiana, Ginseng, Echinacea, St John’s Wort. Siberian Ginseng.
Angustura: see entry.
Powders. Formula: Siberian Ginseng 2; Gentian 1. Pinch Cayenne. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon) thrice daily.
Dr Charles Millspaugh. “Bark of the root of Fringe Tree as a tonic after a long and exhaustive illness is one of great merit.” (Tincture 1:5 in 45 per cent alcohol BHP (1983); dose 2-3ml thrice daily)
Diet. See: DIET – GENERAL. Avoid alcohol, smoking, coffee and other caffeine drinks. Slippery Elm gruel. ... convalescence
Founder groups: The National Institute of Medical Herbalists, College of Osteopaths, British Naturopathic and Osteopathic Association, The British Chiropractic Association, The Society of Homoeopaths, The British Acupuncture Association, The Traditional Acupuncture Society and the Register of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Objects: to provide vital unified representation to contest adverse legislation; to promote the interests of those seeking alternative treatments; to maintain standards of competent primary health care; to protect the practice of alternative medicine if Common Law is encroached upon. The Council prefers to work in harmony with the orthodox profession in which sense it is complementary. Council’s first chairman: Simon Mills, FNIMH. Address: 10 Belgrave Square, London SW1X BPH. ... council for complementary and alternative medicine
Symptoms. Tremors, restlessness, nausea and sleep disturbance. The greater potency of the drug, the higher the rebound anxiety. Many drugs create stress, weaken resistance to disease, tax the heart and raise blood sugar levels.
Drugs like Cortisone cause bone loss by imperfect absorption of calcium. Taken in the form of milk and dairy products, calcium is not always absorbed. Herbs to make good calcium loss are: Horsetail, Chickweed, Slippery Elm, Spinach, Alfalfa.
Agents to calm nerves and promote withdrawal may augment a doctor’s prescription for reduction of drug dosage, until the latter may be discontinued. Skullcap and Valerian offer a good base for a prescription adjusted to meet individual requirements.
Alternatives. Teas: German Chamomile, Gotu Kola, Hops, Lime flowers, Hyssop, Alfalfa, Passion flower, Valerian, Mistletoe, Oats, Lavender, Vervain, Motherwort. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-15 minutes; half-1 cup thrice daily.
Decoctions: Valerian, Devil’s Claw, Siberian Ginseng, Lady’s Slipper. Jamaica Dogwood, Black Cohosh.
Tablets/capsules. Motherwort, Dogwood, Valerian, Skullcap, Passion flower, Mistletoe, Liquorice. Powders. Formulae. Alternatives. (1) Combine equal parts Valerian, Skullcap, Mistletoe. Or, (2) Combine Valerian 1; Skullcap 2; Asafoetida quarter. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon) thrice daily. Formula No 2 is very effective but offensive to taste and smell.
Practitioner. Tincture Nucis vom. once or twice daily, as advised.
Aloe Vera gel (or juice). Russians tested this plant on rabbits given heavy drug doses and expected to die. Their survival revealed the protective property of this plant: dose, 1 tablespoon morning and evening. Aromatherapy. Sniff Ylang Ylang oil. Lavender oil massage for its relaxing and stress-reducing properties.
Diet. Avoid high blood sugar levels by rejecting alcohol, white flour products, chocolate, sugar, sweets and high cholesterol foods.
Supplements. Daily. Multivitamins, Vitamin B-complex, B6, Vitamin C 2g, Minerals: Magnesium, Manganese, Iron, Zinc. Change of lifestyle. Stop smoking. Yoga.
Notes. “Do not withdraw: insulin, anticoagulants, epileptic drugs, steroids, thyroxin and hormone replacement therapy (the endocrine glands may no longer be active). Long-term tranquillisers e.g., Largactil or any medicament which has been used for a long period. Patients on these drugs are on a finely-tuned medication the balance of which may be easily disturbed.” (Simon Mills, FNIMH)
Counselling and relaxation therapy.
The Committee on Safety of Medicines specifically warns against the abrupt cessation of the Benzodiazepines and similar tranquillisers because of the considerable risk of convulsions. ... drug dependence
Constituents: helonin, saponins, chamaelirin.
Action. Powerful uterine tonic. Emmenagogue. Adaptogen. (Simon Mills) Precursor of oestrogen. Anthelmintic, diuretic, emetic.
Uses: Weakness of female reproductive organs. Absent or painful periods. Endometriosis, leucorrhoea, morning sickness, female sterility, inflammation of the Fallopian tubes, vaginitis, pruritus. Symptoms of the menopause: hot flushes, heavy bloated feeling, headache, depression, and to maintain normal fluid balance. Ovarian neuralgia. Spermatorrhoea in the male. Threatened abortion: miscarriage.
Preparations: Thrice daily. Average dose: 1-2g.
Combines well with Beth root. (F. Fletcher Hyde)
Tea. Does not yield its properties to simple infusion.
Decoction. Half-1 teaspoon to each cup water gently simmered 20 minutes. Dose: half-1 cup.
Liquid extract BHC Vol 1. 1:1 in 45 per cent ethanol. Dose: 1-2ml.
Tincture BHC Vol 1. 1:5 in 45 per cent alcohol. Dose: 2-5ml.
Powder. Equal parts Helonias and Beth root: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon).
Popular combination. Tablets/capsules. Powdered Helonias BHP (1983) 120mg; powdered Parsley BHP (1983) 60mg; powdered Black Cohosh BHP (1983) 30mg; powdered extract Raspberry leaves 3:1 – 16.70mg. (Gerard House)
Note: Large doses may cause vomiting. ... helonias
Constituents: volatile oil, flavonoids, terpenoids, Mucilage, Resin.
Action: to induce heavy sweating in fevers, hypertensive to increase blood pressure, expectorant, emmenagogue, mild analgesic, diuretic. Antispasmodic. (Mills) External antiseptic.
Antiviral action against herpes simplex virus reported. (E.C. Herrmann, Jr., & L.S. Kucera, Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 124, 874, 1967)
Uses: Bronchitis, colds, chills, catarrh, sore throat. Has been used in hysteria, anxiety states and petil mal BHP (1983). Respiratory disorders of nervous background in children.
Externally: eczema, bruises.
Combinations: with Betony (tea: equal parts) for tendency to epileptic episodes.
Preparations: Average dose: 2-4 grams. Thrice daily.
Tea: 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water: infuse 15 minutes. Half-1 cup freely in acute conditions; childrens’ fevers.
Liquid Extract: 30-60 drops, in water.
Tincture BHP (1983) 1:5 in 45 per cent alcohol; dose 2-4ml.
Essential oil. 1-2 drops in water or honey after meals (digestive). 5-6 drops in 2 teaspoons Almond oil (chest rub for congested bronchi). 1-2 drops in honey between meals for worms in children. ... hyssop
Constituents: volatile oil, coumarins, chalcones, triterpenes, flavonoids.
Action: demulcent expectorant, glycogenconservor, anti-inflammatory, mild laxative. Adrenal restorative (has glycosides remarkably similar to body steroids). ACTH-like activity on adrenal cortex (Simon Mills). Female hormone properties (Science Digest). Regulates salt and water metabolism (Medicina, Moscow, 1965). Anti-stress. Anti-ulcer. Antiviral. Increases gastric juices up to 25 per cent, without altering pH. Aldosterone-like effect. Liver protective. Anti-depressive.
Use s. Adrenal insufficiency – sodium-retention properties suitable for Addison’s disease. Hypoglycaemia. Peptic ulcer – reduces gastric juice secretion. Inflamed stomach. Mouth ulcer. Duodenal ulcer. Respiratory infections: dry cough, hoarseness, bronchitis, lung troubles, catarrh. Tuberculosis (Chinese traditional). In the absence of more effective remedies of value in food poisoning. To prevent urinary tract infections.
Combinations: with Iceland Moss for wasting and cachexia to nourish and increase weight; with Lobelia for asthma and bronchitis: with Raspberry leaves for the menopause; with Comfrey for dental caries.
“Liquorice is recorded as a cancer remedy in many countries.” (J.L. Hartwell, Lloydia, 33, 97. 1970) Preparations. Average dose: 1-5 grams. Thrice daily before meals.
Decoction: half-1 teaspoon to each cup water, simmer 15 minutes. Half-1 cup.
Liquid Extract: 1:1. Dose: 2-5ml.
Sticks: for chewing.
Powdered root: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon).
Diet: Pontefract cakes – use in kitchen for adrenal failure; because of their sodium-retaining properties may be taken as sweets without added sugar. Low salt when taken.
Contra-indicated: In pregnancy, cirrhosis (liver) and in the presence of digitalis.
Note: If over-consumed may result in low potassium levels, high blood pressure and falls in renin and aldosterone. Where taken for a long period, increase intake of potassium-rich foods. May cause fluid retention of face and ankles which could be tolerated while primary disorder is being healed. ... liquorice root
Filipendula ulmaria L. German: Ma?desu?ss. French: Ulmaire. Spanish: Ulmaria. Italian: Ulmaria. Leaves and stems. Contains salicin. The herbalist’s bicarbonate of soda. Contains salicylic acid which has an aspirin (anti-thrombotic) effect on blood vessels.
Constituents: flavonoids, oil, phenolic glycosides.
Action: antacid, anti-rheumatic, stomachic, astringent, antiseptic (internal), diaphoretic, diuretic, hepatic, anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory, mild urinary analgesic, anti-coagulant.
“A calming influence in an overactive digestive system.” (Simon Mills)
Uses: effective symptomatic relief of indigestion and other upper gastro-intestinal conditions associated with flatulence and hyperacidity. Gastric ulcer, gastric reflux, liver disorder, summer diarrhoea in children, cystitis, rheumatism, foul breath. Red sandy deposits in the urine with an oily film on the surface. Arthrosis, chronic rheumatism, oedema, urinary stone, cellulitis.
Combines well with Goldenseal and Marshmallow for gastric ulcer. Balanced combination of antacids with anti-flatulent: Meadowsweet, Parsley and Black Horehound (equal parts as a tea).
Preparations: Average dose 2-6 grams dried herb or in infusion. Reduced dose for children and the elderly.
Tea: 1-2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Half-1 cup. Liquid Extract BHC Vol 1. 1:1 in 25 per cent ethanol. Dose: 2-6ml. Tincture BHC Vol 1: 1:5 in 25 per cent ethanol. Dose: 2 to 4ml.
Powder, capsules: 250mg. 2 capsules thrice daily before meals. (Arkocaps) ... meadowsweet
Constituents: flavonoids, iridoids including rutin, diterpenes.
Action: antispasmodic, laxative, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, vaso-constrictor. (Simon Mills) Nerve and heart sedative. Hypotensive. Action similar to Valerian. (Dr Rudolf F. Weiss) Cardiotonic.
Uses: angina on effort, simple uncomplicated heart conditions to enhance exercise duration; tachycardia from hyperactive thyroid, hypertension, absent or painful menstruation (hence its name), menopausal flushes, schizophrenic tendency, pre-menstrual tension.
“Drink Motherwort tea and live to be a source of continuous astonishment and frustration to waiting heirs.” (Old saying)
Not given in pregnancy.
Combines well with Vervain (equal parts) for relaxing nervine.
Practitioner combinations: Menstrual disorders, equal parts: Black Cohosh, Cramp bark, Motherwort. Heart disorders: Motherwort 1; Hawthorn 1; Lily of the Valley half.
Benzodiazepine addiction to assist withdrawal: equal parts, Motherwort, Skullcap and Valerian. Infusions, extracts or tinctures.
Preparations: Thrice daily.
Tea: 1-2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Half-1 cup.
Tea combination: equal parts, Motherwort, Balm and Lime flowers. 2 teaspoons to cup boiling water: infuse 15 minutes, 1 cup thrice daily. Angina and heart symptoms – to ameliorate.
Liquid Extract: 1:1, 25 per cent alcohol. Dose: 2-4ml (30-60 drops).
Tincture: 1:5, 25 per cent alcohol. Dose: 5-10ml (1-2 teaspoons).
Powders. 2 to 4g.
Tablets/capsules. Popular combination. Powdered extract Motherwort 4:1 – 50mg. Powdered Passion flower BHP (1983) – 90mg. Powdered extract Lime flowers 3:1 – 67mg. For a calming and sedating effect in stressful situations and insomnia. (Gerard House)
Note: Motherwort needs to be taken for weeks. ... motherwort
FAMILY: Fabaceae (Leguminosae)
SYNONYMS: Cabureicica, ‘Baume de Perou brun’.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A graceful, tall tropical tree, 12–15 metres high, with a very hard wood, extremely resistant to moisture and mould growth. It yields a balsam when the trunk is damaged, like many other South American trees.
DISTRIBUTION: Found in Brazil, Paraguay, Chile and north Argentina.
OTHER SPECIES: Many varieties of Myrocarpus yield cabreuva oil, such as M. frondosus. It is also botanically related to the trees which yield copaiba, Peru and Tolu balsam.
HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: The wood is highly appreciated for carving and furniture making. It is used by the natives to heal wounds, ulcers and obviate scars. It was once listed in old European pharmocopoeias for its antiseptic qualities.
ACTIONS: Antiseptic, balsamic, cicatrisant.
EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation from wood chippings (waste from the timber mills).
CHARACTERISTICS: A pale yellow, viscous liquid with a sweet, woody-floral scent, very delicate but having great tenacity. It blends well with rose, cassie, mimosa, cedarwood, rich woody and oriental bases.
PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Mainly nerolidol (80 per cent approx.), farnesol, bisabolol, among others.
SAFETY DATA: Non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitizing.
Skin Care: Cuts, scars, wounds.
Respiratory System: Chills, coughs.
Immune System: Colds.
OTHER USES: Fragrance component and fixative in soaps and high-class perfumes, especially floral, woody or oriental types. Previously used for the isolation of nerolidol, now produced synthetically.... cabreuva
FAMILY: Pinaceae
SYNONYMS: Longleaf yellow pine, southern yellow pine, pitch pine, pine (oil).
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A tall evergreen tree with long needles and a straight trunk, grown extensively for its timber. It exudes a natural oleoresin from the trunk, which provides the largest source for the production of turpentine in America – see also entry on turpentine.
DISTRIBUTION: Native to south eastern USA, where the oil is largely produced.
OTHER SPECIES: There are numerous other species of pine all over the world which are used to produce pine oil, as well as pine needle and turpentine oil – see Botanical Classification section.
HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: Pine sawdust has been used for centuries as a highly esteemed household remedy for a variety of ailments. ‘It is a grand, gentle, although powerful external antiseptic remedy, applied as a poultice in rheumatism when localised, hard cancerous tumours, tuberculosis in the knee or ankle joints, disease of the bone, in short, all sluggish morbid deposits ... I have used it behind the head for failing sight, down the spine for general debility, on the loins for lumbago, etc. all with the best results.’.
ACTIONS: Analgesic (mild), antirheumatic, antiseptic, bactericidal, expectorant, insecticidal, stimulant.
EXTRACTION: The crude oil is obtained by steam distillation from the sawdust and wood chips from the heartwood and roots of the tree (wastage from the timber mills), and then submitted to fractional distillation under atmospheric pressure to produce pine essential oil.
CHARACTERISTICS: A water-white or pale yellow liquid with a sweet-balsamic, pinewood scent. It blends well with rosemary, pine needle, cedarwood, citronella, rosewood, ho leaf and oakmoss.
PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Terpineol, estragole, fenchone, fenchyl alcohol and borneol, among others.
SAFETY DATA: Non-toxic; non-irritant (except in concentration); possible sensitization in some individuals.
Circulation muscles and joints: Arthritis, debility, lumbago, muscular aches and pains, poor circulation, rheumatism, stiffness, etc.
Respiratory system: Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, sinusitis.
OTHER USES: Used extensively in medicine, particularly in veterinary antiseptic sprays, disinfectants, detergents and insecticides (as a solvent carrier). Employed as a fragrance component in soaps, toiletries, bath products and perfumes. Also used in paint manufacture although it is increasingly being replaced by synthetic ‘pine oil’.... pine, longleaf