Molybdenum Health Dictionary

Molybdenum: From 1 Different Sources

Trace element. RDA 0.15 to 0.5mg.

Deficiency. Sexual impotence in aged men. Decayed teeth, allergy, palpitation.

Believed to be linked with cancer of the gullet in China where soil is deficient in this element.

Body effects. Male sexual libido, dental health, iron metabolism, function of some enzymes.

Sources. Most foods. Liver, oats, buckwheat, barley, wholegrains, lima beans, sunflower seeds, pulses, Soya beans and flour.

Note: High levels of uric acid (a cause of gout and gravel) have been linked with a high content of the element in some native soils – especially in Armenia. 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia

Fennel Tea

Most of the people have already used it for cooking, but now it is time to consider drinking fennel as a tea. In ancient times it was believed that this herb had mysterious vitalistic properties. About fennel tea Also known as Foeniculum vulgare, fennelis a perennial, edible herb, green and crunchy like celery, with feathery leaves and small yellow flowers. It ressembles to dill as well. Its bulb is white or pale green with closely superimposed stalks. Originated from the Mediterranean regions now it grows almost everywhere. It is rich in vitamins A, B-complex, C and D, antioxidants and it is a great source of amino acids, fatty acids, calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, potassium, sodium, sulfur and zinc. Generally, the seeds are used to make fennel tea but some might use the leaves as well. How to make Fennel tea A cup of fennel tea will offer you a world of benefits due to its healthy constituents. For a tasty tea, take one teaspoon of fennel seeds and pour one cup of boiled water. Let the tea steep for about 10 minutes allowing the water to extract the oil from the seeds and then use another cup to drain the tea. Benefits of Fennel tea There is a wide range of health benefits for drinking fennel tea. Find out below some of the most important ones. Fennel tea stimulates milk production (lactation) and has the same impact on the body as estrogen. It also improves the hormone balance and alleviates symptoms of PMS and menopause. Fennel tea has been shown to be diuretic, bile-producing, pain-reducing, fever-reducing and an antimicrobial fighter. The seeds and the tea can help with digestive problems by relaxing the smooth muscles of the intestine and it is often used by people to alleviate bloating, constipation, heartburn, indigestion, and gas. Fennel tea is effective at reducing the symptoms of cold and flu, soothing sore throats, clearing up congestions in the chest and expelling excess phlegm. It is believed to improve the eyesight. Side effects of Fennel tea A part from the many benefits that it has, fennel tea also has some precautions that are better to be taken into consideration. The consumption of fennel in excessive quantities is not indicated because it can lead to muscular convulsions and even hallucinations. Pregnant women should avoid drinking fennel tea because it can act as an uterine stimulant. Do not apply fennel directly to your skin because it can irritate it. Fennel tea is mostly safe for regular consumption as long as you do not drink more than 3 cups a day. Do not ignore its precautions if you want to have a healthy experience.... fennel tea

Fenugreek Tea

Fenugreek tea has been used for centuries in alternative medicine and has many purported uses. Read more about its benefits and side effects. About Fenugreek tea Trigonella foenum-graecumor fenugreek is an annual aromatic plant with small round leaves, cultivated worldwide and is a common ingredient in dishes from India and Pakistan. Fenugreek contains several nutrients like protein, vitamin C, alkaloids, potassium, niacin, diosgenin, iodine, chromium, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, molybdenum, silicon, zinc, sodium, sulfur, iron and manganese among others. It tastes similar to maple syrup or licorice. Fenugreek tea is mild and flavorful and has a variety of medicinal purposes. How to make Fenugreek tea To prepare a tasty fenugreek tea you need one teaspoon of seeds. Put them into a cup and pour boiled water over. Let them steep for around 20 minutes and filter it. Fenugreek tea can be consumed hot or cold. Sweetening is not necessary because the tea is naturally very sweet. Benefits of Fenugreek tea With so many nutrients infused in one, fenugreek tea benefits for health are very diverse. Fenugreek tea helps in combating kidney problems and also regulate sugar absorption, making it suitable for diabetics. Studies have shown that this tealower cholesterol levels and ease a variety of digestive problems. This tea also increases milk secretion in nursing mothers and alsobalances female hormones, making it a natural remedy for an assortment of problems. Fenugreek tea is also widely used in treating cold symptoms, particularly, expelling excess mucus from the throat and the respiratory tract. Side effects of Fenugreek tea Although fenugreek tea is mostly safe, it can occasionally produce some unwanted side effects. Applied topically it can produce skin irritation or allergic reaction. It also can cause nausea, diarrhea, upset stomach or migraines. It may interphere with some medications  so be sure to consult your physician first. Don’t forget that it is not recommended for children. You can include fenugreek tea in your lifestyle and as long as you do not drink too much of it and take the precautions into consideration, you can enjoy its benefits.... fenugreek tea

Trace Elements

Chemical elements that are distributed throughout the tissues of the body in very small amounts and are essential for the nutrition of the body. Nine such elements are now recognised: cobalt, copper, ?uorine, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium and zinc.... trace elements

Mineral Nutrients


Trace Element

an element that is required in minute concentrations for normal growth and development; the body contains a total of <5 g of the element. Trace elements include fluorine (see fluoride), manganese, *zinc, copper, *iodine, cobalt, *selenium, molybdenum, *chromium, and silicon. They may serve as *cofactors or as constituents of complex molecules (e.g. cobalt in vitamin B12).... trace element

Cancer – Oesophagus

Usually epithelial in character, similar to that of the lips. Mostly in males.

Seldom before 45 years. Frequently in lower one-third of gullet. Dysphagia, with sense of obstruction on swallowing food. May perforate wall of trachea. Pain, worse at night, radiates from an exact spot. Eating hot food and drinking piping hot tea are heavily suspect.

At risk. Heavy smokers and alcoholics with depleted reserves of Vitamin A and zinc. These two factors play an important role in modern treatment.

Occurs in areas where the soil is low in molybdenum which causes plants to have a high level of nitrates. When such plants are stored they form nitrites which in turn form nitrosamines – which are carcinogens. Experimental rats given nitrous amines have a strong tendency to form cancer of the oesophagus. Eating pickled vegetables carries a high risk.

There are a few areas of the world where these adverse soil conditions pertain – one in Iran, another in Calvados, but the worst was in Lin Xian of the province of Honan, China. In Lin Xian, in the 1970s, it was found that villagers ate mainly persimmon and corn cakes and pickled vegetables. These, and their water, were high in nitrates. It was also their habit to eat mouldy bread which is high in amines – even nitrosamines. Their food was deficient in Vitamin C, which is likely to produce nitrous amines in the stomach.

The molybdenum problem was solved by sowing seeds with a fertiliser containing molybdenum. Piped water replaced old cistern wells and food was carefully stored. Even the chickens oesophageal cancers were cured. As a result of modern scientific investigation and treatment in which medicinal herbs made an important contribution, what was once a high gullet cancer area was resolved into one of the success stories of modern medicine.

Tannin has long been identified as a cancer-causing chemical, supported by findings of a high incidence of the disease among those who consume large quantities of tannin-containing beverages such as tea. Milk binds with tannin and is advised in tea-drinking where lemon is not taken.

Solid drugs and tablets should not be swallowed in the recumbent position without chewing a piece of banana.

Symptoms. (1) Sensation of obstruction when swallowing food. (2) Sharp pain behind breastbone. (3) “Something stuck in the gullet.” (4) Stomach ache, dry throat. (5) Belching when taking food. (6) Soreness of the upper back. (Dr Ge-ming, Lin Xian, Province of Honan, Chinese People’s Republic)

Of possible value. Alternatives:– Tea. Equal parts: Chaparral, Gotu Kola, Red Clover. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Drink freely.

Powders. Combination. Goldenseal 1; Echinacea 2; Slippery Elm 3. Dose: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon). 3 or more times daily.

Tinctures. Combination. Goldenseal 1; Bayberry 1; Thuja 1; Condurango 1; Rosebay Willowherb 2. One teaspoon 3 or more times daily.

Chinese Herbalism. Powdered Huang yao-tzu 3 ch’ien, 3 times daily. Remedy is prepared by taking 12 liang of huang yao-tzu and steeping in 3 chin of white wine 24 hours. Then place huang yao-tzu in cold water and soak for another 7 days and 7 nights. Take out, dry and crush into powder. (A Barefoot Doctor’s Manual)

Diet. Leafy vegetables, carrots, tomatoes and fruit help to protect against the disease. Supplements. Especially Vitamin A, zinc and molybdenum.

Treatment by a general medical practitioner or hospital oncologist. ... cancer – oesophagus

Diet - Cancer

GENERAL DIET use as a base.

Life is our most precious gift. But at some point that gift might be at risk. It is at such time that food and drink may contribute to our sense of well-being.

Rapidly accumulating evidence links cancer to a growing public awareness of the role of diet. Also, involvement of supplements in cancer prevention are a fruitful area of research.

Vital food enzymes are not destroyed in cooking when a large proportion of food is eaten raw. All food should be free from additives.

A high fat intake is a risk factor in cancer of the ovary, womb and prostate gland. It also affects the bowel flora, changing bile acid metabolism and the concentration of carcinogenic bile acid metabolites. Obesity significantly increases risk of cancer.

Epidemiological studies in man show that people with low Vitamin A levels are more susceptible to lung cancer. Cancer risk is increased by low levels of Vitamin A, particularly Beta Carotene, Vitamin E and Selenium.

Antioxidants control the activity of free-radicals that destroy body cells, and source foods containing them are therefore of value in cancer prevention. Most cancers generate a high degree of toxicity and this is where antioxidants, particularly Vitamin C are indicated. A deficiency of Vitamin C has been associated with cancer of the oesophagus, stomach, lungs and breast. This vitamin is known to increase life expectancy in terminally ill patients and is a mild analgesic for pain. Vitamin B6 may be of value for nausea.

Vitamins and minerals of value: Vitamins A, B6, C, E, Calcium, Chromium, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Selenium, Zinc.

Stimulants should be avoided: cocoa, alcohol, sugar, coffee (including decaffeinated). Tea should not be too strong as it inhibits absorption of iron. Choice should be over a wide range of foods, to eat less fat and more wholegrain cereals and raw fresh fruit and vegetables. ... diet - cancer

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