Rounded facial appearance that is a feature of Cushing’s syndrome.
the classical facial appearance of a patient with *Cushing’s syndrome. The face is rounded and free of wrinkles, and the hair is often thin.
A type of joint found in the spine, formed by the bony knob (called a process) of one vertebra fitting into a hollow in the vertebra above. Facet joints allow a degree of movement between individual vertebrae, which gives the spine its flexibility.... facet joint
(facial Afro-Caribbean eruption of childhood) a rare skin condition seen in Afro-Caribbean children. Characterized by a papular eruption around the eyes, nose, and mouth, it is a benign and self-limiting condition that usually subsides within a few months to years.... face
n. (in dentistry) an instrument for transferring the jaw relationship of a patient to an *articulator to allow reproduction of the lateral and protrusive movements of the lower jaw. Specifically, it transfers the relationship of the maxillary arch and temporomandibular joint.... face-bow
an autosomal *recessive condition characterized by obesity, short stature, learning disabilities, *retinitis pigmentosa, *hypogonadism, and delayed puberty. [J. Z. Laurence (1830–74), British ophthalmologist; R. C. Moon (1844–1914), US ophthalmologist; A. Biedl (1869–1933), Austrian physician]... laurence–moon–biedl syndrome