Muniya Health Dictionary

Muniya: From 1 Different Sources

(Indian) Resembling a small bird Muniyah
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

Polygonum Hydropiper


Family: Polygonaceae.

Habitat: Throughout India in wet places.

English: Water Pepper, Pepperwort, Smartweed.

Folk: Paakur-muula, Paani-maricha (Bengal).

Action: Haemostatic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, lithotriptic, emmenagogue (used as infusion for delayed menses and amenorrhoea), antifungal (root and leaf used externally). Contraindicated during pregnancy.

The herb contains sesquiterpenes, including warburganal and polygodial, in the leaves; polygonal, isodrimeni- nol, isopolygodial and confertifolin in the seeds; and flavonoids including quercetin, kaempferol, isorhamnetin and rhamnesin; polygonolide (an iso- coumarin).

Isoquercitrin exhibited significant anti-oxidative activity. Polygodial and warburganal possess significant an- tifungal property. Warburganal also possesses potent cytotoxic and antibiotic activity. (The herb is used against cancer.)

Folk: Muniyaaraa (Bihar), Raani- phool, Macheti, Dubiaa Saaga.

Action: Galactogenic, antidiar- rhoeal. Powdered herb is given in pneumonia.

The whole plant yields 11% tannin. The rootstock contains oxymethylan- thraquinone.

Flowers gave oleanolic acid, betulin- ic acid, epi-friedelanol, beta-sitosterol, and flavonoids—quercetin, quercetin- 3-arabinoside and quercetin-3-rutino- side.... polygonum hydropiper

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