Murraya exotica Health Dictionary

Murraya Exotica: From 1 Different Sources


Synonym: M. paniculata (Linn.) Jack.

Family: Rutaceae.

Habitat: Throughout India and Andaman Islands up to an altitude of1,500 m.

Siddha/Tamil: Konji.

Folk: Kaamini; Aanthil (Bihar).

Action: Leaves—astringent; used in diarrhoea and dysentery (sap, squeezed from leaves, is administered). Root—antipyretic.

The plant is rich in coumarins, car- bazole alkaloids and flavonoids. The leaves contain a number of coumarins, the major ones being murrangatin and phebalosin. Murrangatin, derived from the precursor phebalosin, is reported to possess antithyroid property. The root contains a bis-indole alkaloid, yuehchukene, with potent antiimplantation activity.

Mexolide (dimeric coumarin), isolated from the stem bark is antibacterial. The steam distillate of leaves exhibit antifungal and antibacterial activity.
Health Source: Indian Medicinal Plants
Author: Health Dictionary

Murraya Koenigii

(Linn.) Spreng.

Habitat: Cultivated in Tamil Nadu; Maharashtra and North India.

English: Curry-Leaf tree.

Ayurvedic: Surabhini-nimba.

Unani: Karipattaa.

Siddha/Tamil: Karuveppilei, Karivempu, Kattuveppilei.

Folk: Mithaa Neem, Kathneem, Gandhela, Barsanga.

Action: Leaf—stomachic, antiprotozoal, spasmolytic; promotes appetite and digestion, destroys pathogenic organism, antidysen- teric. Externally, used against skin eruptions.

All parts of the plant, especially the leaves, are rich in carbazole alkaloids (several carbazole bases have been isolated). The leaves also gave a coumarin glucoside, scopolin.

The beta-carotene content of curry leaves was found decreased on cooking; deep frying resulted in maximum loss.

Inclusion of curry leaves in the diet of diabetic patients reduced the blood glucose level appreciably (it did not produce any insulin response).

The steam distillate of the leaves is reported to exhibit antifungal and in- secticidal activities.

The ethanolic extract of the stem bark showed anti-inflammatory effect in carrageenan-induced inflammation in rats.... murraya koenigii

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