Myelofibrosis Health Dictionary

Myelofibrosis: From 2 Different Sources

An alternative term for myelosclerosis.
Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
n. a chronic but progressive disease characterized by *fibrosis of the bone marrow, which leads to anaemia and the presence of immature red and white blood cells in the circulation. Other features include enlargement of the spleen and the presence of blood-forming (myeloid) tissue in abnormal sites, such as the spleen and liver (extramedullary *haemopoiesis). Its cause is unknown.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


An increase of fibrous tissue within the bone marrow (also known as myelofibrosis), in which the marrow’s ability to produce blood cells is impaired. Myelosclerosis may be primary (occurring with no obvious cause) or secondary (resulting from another bone marrow disease).

The main symptoms of myelosclerosis are those of anaemia. Enlargement of the spleen, night sweats, loss of appetite, and weight loss also commonly occur. In secondary myelosclerosis, the underlying disease may cause other symptoms. Treatment of primary myelosclerosis includes blood transfusions to relieve symptoms. A few patients may develop acute leukaemia. Treatment of secondary myelosclerosis depends on the underlying cause.... myelosclerosis


A condition in which increased production of red blood cells leads to an unusually large number of them in the blood. This condition is usually caused by another disorder or by hypoxia, and is called secondary polycythaemia. If it occurs for no apparent reason, it is called polycythaemia vera or primary polycythaemia.

Secondary polycythaemia occurs naturally at high altitudes due to the reduced oxygen level. It can also result from a disorder that impairs the oxygen supply to the blood, or can be secondary to liver cancer or some kidney disorders. Descending to sea level, or effective treatment of an underlying disorder, returns the blood to normal.Polycythaemia vera is a rare disorder that mainly affects people over 40. The large number of red blood cells causes increased volume and thickening of the blood, which may lead to headaches, blurred vision, and hypertension. There may also be flushed skin, dizziness, night sweats, and widespread itching. The

spleen is often enlarged. Possible complications include a tendency to bleed easily or to form blood clots; stroke; and myelofibrosis or acute leukaemia (see leukaemia, acute).

Diagnosis is made from a physical examination and blood tests and by ruling out other causes. Treatment is by venesection, sometimes in combination with anticancer drugs or with radioactive phosphorus. This enables most patients to survive for 10–15 years.... polycythaemia


n. a red blood cell (erythrocyte) that is shaped like a teardrop. This occurs in conditions such as *myelofibrosis and infiltration of the bone marrow with tumour cells.... dacrocyte


n. the presence of significant numbers of abnormal elliptical red cells (elliptocytes) in the blood. Elliptocytosis may occur as a hereditary disorder or be a feature of certain blood diseases, such as *myelofibrosis or iron-deficiency *anaemia.... elliptocytosis

Myeloproliferative Disorders

(MPD) a group of diseases in which there is excessive production of blood cells in the bone marrow. Myeloproliferative disorders include *polycythaemia vera, essential *thrombocythaemia, idiopathic *myelofibrosis, and chronic *myeloid leukaemia.... myeloproliferative disorders


n. the presence of abnormally shaped red cells (*poikilocytes) in the blood. Poikilocytosis is particularly marked in *myelofibrosis but can occur to some extent in almost any blood disease.... poikilocytosis

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