Harms.Synonym: M. Toluiferum H. B. & K.Family: Leguminosae.
Habitat: Indigenous To Venezuela, Columbia And Peru;. Grown In Lal Bagh Botanic Garden (Bangalore) And Kallar (Nilgiris).
English: Tolu Balsam Tree.Action: Balsam—Antiseptic, Stimulant And Expectorant. Used As An Ingredient In Cough Mixtures, Also Used As An Inhalant In Cases Of Obstinate Catarrh.
Key Application ? Externally For Poorly Healing Wounds, For Burns, Decubitus Ulcers, Frost Bite, Ulcus Cruris, Bruises Caused By Prostheses, Haemorrhoids; As Antibacterial, Antiseptic And Antiparasitic (Especially For Scabies). (German Commission E.)Balsam Contains Cinnamic Acid, Benzoic Acid And Their Esters.Myroxylon Pereirae Kolotzsch (Lal Bagh Botanic Garden, Bangalore), Is The Source Of Peru Balsam. Used Externally In The Form Of An Ointment Or Tincture, As A Parasiticide In Scabies, Ringworm And Pediculosis And For Bed Sores And Chilblains. It Enters Into Suppositories Used In Hemorrhoids.