Nail-biting Health Dictionary

Nail-biting: From 3 Different Sources

Chewed nails and cuticles wound the skin on one of its most exposed areas. Chronic nail-biting has been known to cause osteomyelitis of finger bones due to staphylococcus aureus from direct spread through macerated tissue. After ablutions, paint nails with Tincture of Myrrh, daily. 
Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia
A common habit in children during their early years at school. Most children grow out of it, although nailbiting sometimes continues as a nervous habit in adolescents and adults.

Various preparations with an unpleasant taste can be painted on the nails as a preventive measure.

Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
A common practice in schoolchildren, most of whom gradually give it up as they approach adolescence. Too much signi?cance should therefore not be attached to it; in itself it does no harm, and punishment or restraining devices are not needed. It is a manifestation of tension or insecurity, the cause of which should be removed. In some people the habit is carried into adulthood.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


See SKIN.... nail


A splitting of the skin (cuticle) at the side of a ?ngernail. In manual workers it is usually caused by trauma, but ISCHAEMIA of the ?ngers (see also RAYNAUD’S DISEASE) may predispose to the condition. Secondary infection and in?ammation may make hang-nail a very tender condition; treatment consists of reducing trauma, and the use of EMOLLIENTS and ANTIBIOTICS if necessary.... hang-nail

Kuntscher Nail

A surgical nail inserted into the medulla of a fractured bone to ?xate it. First introduced by a 20th-century German surgeon.... kuntscher nail

Peak Biting Time

The period during which the biting cycle of a given mosquito species when the largest number of females take blood meals.... peak biting time


n. see Küntscher nail.... k-nail

Küntscher Nail

(K-nail) a metal rod that is inserted down the middle of the femur (thigh bone) to stabilize a transverse fracture of the shaft. [G. Küntscher (1902–72), German orthopaedic surgeon]... küntscher nail

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