A drug that blocks the action of opioid drugs. Naloxone reverses the breathing difficulty caused by high doses of opioid drugs given during surgery. The drug is also given to newborn babies who are affected by opioid drugs used to relieve the mother’s pain during labour.
Possible adverse effects include nausea, vomiting, and tremors.
An e?ective drug in the treatment of opioid poisoning. It blocks the effects of most opiates; given intravenously, it acts within 2–3 minutes. The drug is also given to newborn babies whose breathing has been depressed by narcotic drugs given to their mothers to relieve pain during childbirth.
n. a drug that is a specific antidote to morphine and other opioids. It is used in the emergency treatment of opioid overdosage and to reverse the respiratory depression induced by opioid analgesics used during surgery. As it is short-acting, repeated doses may be necessary.