Intense self-love. A narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by an exaggerated sense of self-importance, constant need for attention or praise, inability to cope with criticism or defeat, and poor relationships with other people.
An abnormal mental state characterised by excessive admiration of one’s self. In Greek mythology, Narcissus so loved staring at his own re?ection in water that he eventually fell in and drowned.
n. an excessive involvement with oneself and one’s self-importance, often to cover insecurity. In Freudian terms it is a state in which the *ego has taken itself as a love object. Some degree of narcissism is present in most individuals, but when it is shown to an extreme degree it may become a *personality disorder. —narcissistic adj.
n. a complex sequence of imagination in which several imaginary elements are woven together into a story. An excessive preoccupation with one’s fantasies may be symptomatic of a difficulty in coping with reality or part of a narcissistic personality disorder (see narcissism). In psychoanalytic psychology, unconscious fantasies are believed to control behaviour, and psychological symptoms may be symbols of or defences against such fantasies (see symbolism).... fantasy