Nephrosis Health Dictionary

Nephrosis: From 3 Different Sources

Degeneration of the kidney, with high discharge of albumin in the urine. Anaemia, dropsy and protein loss.

Causes: recurrent attacks of nephritis, bacterial toxins, environmental poisons, mineral drugs (mercury etc).

Treatment. Specific hospital treatment essential, (dialysis etc). Simple phytomedicines may bring a measure of relief as supportives to conventional medicine.

Teas. Barley water, Buchu, Clivers, Cornsilk, Couchgrass, Goldenrod, Parsley, Plantain, Wild Carrot. Decoctions. Broom tops, Dandelion root, Marshmallow root, Hydrangea root, Parsley root.

Powders. Alfalfa 45; Bearberry 15; Buchu 10; Couchgrass 15; Wild Carrot 15. Dose: 500-750mg (2-3 00 capsules or one-third to half a teaspoon) thrice or more daily.

Tinctures. Echinacea 2 (to enhance powers of resistance). Parsley root 2; Ginseng 1; Ginger quarter. Dose: 1-2 teaspoons in water thrice or more daily.

Restharrow herb. For weak kidneys and bladder. (R.F Weiss MD. Book: Herbal Medicine, Beaconsfleld Publishers)

Diet. High protein, salt-free, herb teas. Spring water in abundance.

Supplements. Vitamin A, B-complex, B2, C, E. Calcium, Iron, Magnesium.

Supportives. Hot abdominal packs. Castor oil packs. Sweat packs. Induce sweating with aid of diaphoretics.

Subsequent treatment by or in liaison with a qualified medical practitioner. 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia
n. (in pathology) degenerative changes in the epithelium of the kidney tubules. The term is sometimes used loosely for the *nephrotic syndrome.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Orthosiphon Grandiflorus


Synonym: O. aristatus (Blume) Miq. O. spiralis (Linn.) Merrill O. stamineus Benth.

Family: Labiatae; Lamiaceae.

Habitat: Manipur, Naga and Lushai hills, Chota Nagpur, Western Ghats.

English: Kidney Tea Plant, Java Tea.

Folk: Mutri-Tulasi (Maharashtra).

Action: Leaves—diuretic, used in nephrosis and severe cases of oedema. An infusion of leaves is given as a specific in the treatment of various kidney and bladder diseases including nephrocirrhosis and phosphaturia, also in rheumatism and gout.

Key application: In irrigation therapy for bacterial and inflammatory diseases of the lower urinary tract and renal gravel. (German Commission E.) Flower tops and leaves (samples from Indonesia) contained methyl ri- pariochromene A. In another sample, leaves also yielded several phenolic compounds including lipophilic flavones, flavonol glycosides and caf- feic acid derivatives. Rosmarinic acid and 2,3-dicaffeoyl-tartaric acid (67% of total phenolics, 94.5% in hot water extract) were major compounds of caffeic acid derivatives.

The leaves also contain a high percentage (0.7-00.8) of potassium salts. Presence oforthosiphonin and potassium salts help in keeping uric acid and urate salts in solution, thus prevents calculi and other deposits. The leaf extract lowers blood sugar in diabetics, but not consistently.

Orthosiphon pallidus Royle, equated with the Ayurvedic herb Arjaka and Shveta-Kutherak and known as Ajagur and Naganda-baavari in folk medicine, is used for dysuria and colic.... orthosiphon grandiflorus

Kidney Disorders

The kidneys are responsible for the excretion of many waste products, chiefly urea from the blood. They maintain the correct balance of salts and water. Any of the individual kidney disorders may interfere with these important functions. See: ABSCESS (kidney). BRIGHT’S DISEASE. CARDIAC DROPS. RENAL FLUID RETENTION. GRAVEL. HYDRONEPHROSIS. NEPHROSIS. PROTEINURIA. PYELITIS. RENAL COLIC. RETENTION OF URINE. STONE IN THE KIDNEY. SUPPRESSION OF URINE. URAEMIA. ... kidney disorders

Carbon Tetrachloride

a pungent volatile fluid used as a dry-cleaner. When inhaled or swallowed it may severely damage the heart, liver, and kidneys, causing cirrhosis and nephrosis, and it can also affect the optic nerve and other nerves. Treatment is by administration of oxygen. Formula: CCl4.... carbon tetrachloride


suffix denoting 1. a diseased condition. Examples: nephrosis (of the kidney); leptospirosis (caused by Leptospira species). 2. any condition. Example: narcosis (of stupor). 3. an increase or excess. Example: leucocytosis (of leucocytes).... osis

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