Nerve block Health Dictionary

Nerve Block: From 3 Different Sources

The injection of a local anaesthetic around a nerve to produce loss of sensation in a part of the body supplied by that nerve. For example, the palm of the hand may be anaesthetized by giving injections at sites up the arm, blocking the ulnar and median nerves.

A nerve may be blocked as it leaves the spinal cord. This occurs in epidural anaesthesia, used mainly in childbirth, and in spinal anaesthesia, used mainly for surgery of the lower abdomen and limbs. In a caudal block an anaesthetic is injected around nerves leaving the lowest part of the spinal cord. It produces anaesthesia in the buttock and genital areas, and is occasionally used in childbirth. A pudendal nerve block involves the injection of an anaesthetic into nerves passing under the pelvis into the floor of the vagina. This type of nerve block is sometimes used in a forceps delivery. (See also anaesthesia, local.)

Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
See ANAESTHESIA – Local anaesthetics.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
a method of producing *anaesthesia in part of the body by blocking the passage of pain impulses in the sensory nerves supplying it. A local anaesthetic, such as lidocaine, is injected into the tissues in the region of a nerve. In this way anaesthesia can be localized, so that minor operations can be performed without the necessity of giving a general anaesthetic. A *ring block is a common technique used for anaesthetizing a digit.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Auditory Nerve

See VESTIBULOCOCHLEAR NERVE.... auditory nerve

Beta Blockers

Drugs used to slow the response to epinephrine (released by the adrenal medulla), usually to attempt controlling high blood pressure... beta blockers

Bundle Branch Block

An abnormality of the conduction of electrical impulses through the ventricles of the HEART, resulting in delayed depolarisation of the ventricular muscle. The electrocardiograph (see ELECTROCARDIOGRAM (ECG)) shows characteristic widening of the QRS complexes. Abnormalities of the right and left bundle branches cause delayed contraction of the right and left ventricles respectively.... bundle branch block

Facial Nerve

The seventh cranial nerve (arising from the BRAIN), supplying the muscles of expression in the face, being purely a motor nerve. It enters the face immediately below the ear after splitting up into several branches. (See BELL’S PALSY.)... facial nerve

Hypoglossal Nerve

The 12th cranial nerve, which supplies the muscles of the tongue, together with some others lying near it. This nerve is responsible for movements required for swallowing and talking. (See also NERVOUS SYSTEM.)... hypoglossal nerve


A nerve is a bundle of conductory ?bres called axons (see AXON) that emanate from neurones (see NEURON(E)) – the basic anatomical and functional units of the NERVOUS SYSTEM. Nerves make up the central nervous system (BRAIN and SPINAL CORD) and connect that system to all parts of the body, transmitting information from sensory organs via the peripheral nerves to the centre and returning instructions for action to the relevant muscles and glands.

Nerves vary in size from the large pencil-sized sciatic nerve in the back of the thigh muscles to the single, hair-sized ?bres distributed to the skin. A nerve, such as the sciatic, possesses a strong, outer ?brous sheath, called the epineurium, within which lie bundles of nerve-?bres, divided from one another by partitions of ?brous tissue, in which run blood vessels that nourish the nerve. Each of these bundles is surrounded by its own sheath, known as the perineurium, and within the bundle ?ne partitions of ?brous tissue, known as endoneurium, divide up the bundle into groups of ?bres. The ?nest subdivisions of the nerves are the ?bres, and these are of two kinds: medullated and non-medullated ?bres. (See NEURON(E) and NERVOUS SYSTEM for more details on structure and functions of neurons and nerves.)... nerve

Optic Nerve

See EYE.... optic nerve

Radial Nerve

This NERVE arises from the BRACHIAL plexus in the axilla. At ?rst descending posteriorly and then anteriorly, it ends just above the elbow by dividing into the super?cial radial and interosseous nerves. It supplies motor function to the muscles which extend the arm, wrist, and some ?ngers, and supplies sensation to parts of the posterior and lateral aspects of the arm, forearm and hand.... radial nerve

Trigeminal Nerve

The ?fth cranial nerve (arising from the BRAIN). It consists of three divisions: (1) the ophthalmic nerve, which is purely sensory in function, being distributed mainly over the forehead and front part of the scalp; (2) the maxillary nerve, which is also sensory and distributed to the skin of the cheek, the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, and the upper teeth; and (3) the mandibular nerve, which is the nerve of sensation to the lower part of the face, the tongue and the lower teeth, as well as being the motor nerve to the muscles concerned in chewing. The trigeminal nerve is of special interest, owing to its liability to NEURALGIA – TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA, or tic douloureux as it is also known, being the most painful form known.... trigeminal nerve

Trochlear Nerve

The fourth cranial nerve (arising from the BRAIN), which acts upon the superior oblique muscle of the EYE.... trochlear nerve

Ulnar Nerve

A major NERVE in the arm, it runs from the brachial plexus to the hand. The nerve controls the muscles that move the ?ngers and thumb and conveys sensation from the ?fth and part of the fourth and from the adjacent palm. Muscle weakness and numbness in the areas supplied by the nerve is usually caused by pressure from an abnormal outgrowth from the epicondyle at the bottom of the humerus (upper-arm bone).... ulnar nerve

Vagus Nerve

Also called the pneumogastric nerve, this is the tenth cranial nerve, with many fibers leading to parasympathetic ganglia in internal organs, and can be considered the presynapse starter for the upper parts of the parasympathetic functions.... vagus nerve

Vestibulocochlear Nerve

The eighth cranial nerve. It consists of two sets of ?bres, which constitute two separate nerves. One is known as the vestibular nerve, which connects the semicircular canals and inner ear to the BRAIN and conveys information on posture and movement of the body; it is the nerve of equilibration or balance. The other is known as the cochlear nerve, which links the COCHLEA (organ that responds to sounds) with the brain and is the nerve of hearing. Disturbance of the former causes giddiness (VERTIGO), whilst disturbance of the latter causes DEAFNESS.... vestibulocochlear nerve

Heart Block

A disorder that occurs in the transmission of impulses between the atria (upper chambers) and ventricles (lower chambers) of the heart. A blocking of the normal route of electrical conduction through the ventricles not responding to initiation of the beat by the atria. Beats are missed with possible blackouts.

Causes: myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, coronary thrombosis or other heart disorder.

Symptoms: slow feeble heart beats down to 36 beats per minute with fainting and collapse, breathlessness, Stoke Adams syndrome.

Treatment. Intensive care. Until the doctor comes: 1-5 drops Oil of Camphor in honey on the tongue or taken in a liquid if patient is able to drink. Freely inhale the oil. On recovery: Motherwort tea, freely. OR, Formula of tinctures: Lily of the Valley 2; Cactus 1; Motherwort 2. Mix. Dose – 30-60 drops in water thrice daily. A fitted pace-maker may be necessary.

Spartiol. 20 drops thrice daily. (Klein) ... heart block

Abducent Nerve

This is the sixth nerve rising from the brain and controls the external rectus muscle of the EYE, which turns the eye outwards. It is particularly liable to be paralysed in diseases of the nervous system, thus leading to an inward squint.... abducent nerve

Calcium-channel Blockers

Calcium-channel blockers inhibit the inward ?ow of calcium through the specialised slow channels of cardiac and arterial smooth-muscle cells. By thus relaxing the smooth muscle, they have important applications in the treatment of HYPERTENSION and ANGINA PECTORIS. Various types of calcium-channel blockers are available in the United Kingdom; these di?er in their sites of action, leading to notable di?erences in their therapeutic effects. All the drugs are rapidly and completely absorbed, but extensive ?rst-pass metabolism in the liver reduces bioavailability to around one-?fth. Their hypotensive e?ect is additive with that of beta blockers (see BETA-ADRENOCEPTOR-BLOCKING DRUGS); the two should, therefore, be used together with great caution – if at all. Calcium-channel blockers are particularly useful when beta blockers are contraindicated, for example in asthmatics. However, they should be prescribed for hypertension only when THIAZIDES and beta blockers have failed, are contraindicated or not tolerated.

Verapamil, the longest-available, is used to treat angina and hypertension. It is the only calcium-channel blocker e?ective against cardiac ARRHYTHMIA and it is the drug of choice in terminating supraventricular tachycardia. It may precipitate heart failure, and cause HYPOTENSION at high doses. Nifedipine and diltiazem act more on the vessels and less on the myocardium than verapamil; they have no antiarrhythmic activity. They are used in the prophylaxis and treatment of angina, and in hypertension. Nicardipine and similar drugs act mainly on the vessels, but are valuable in the treatment of hypertension and angina. Important di?erences exist between di?erent calcium-channel blockers so their use must be carefully assessed. They should not be stopped suddenty, as this may precipitate angina. (See also HEART, DISEASES OF.)... calcium-channel blockers

Lacrimal Nerve

A branch of the ophthalmic nerve supplying the lacrimal gland and conjunctiva of the EYE.... lacrimal nerve

Nerve Cell

See NEURON(E).... nerve cell

Phrenic Nerve

The NERVE which chie?y supplies the DIAPHRAGM. A phrenic nerve arises on each side of the SPINAL CORD from the third, fourth and ?fth cervical spinal nerves; both follow a long course down the neck, and through the chest to the diaphragm. They play a key part in RESPIRATION through control of the diaphragm. Injury to one nerve paralyses one half of the diaphragm. Occasionally the phrenic nerve may be surgically crushed as part of the treatment to repair a HIATUS HERNIA or, rarely, to stop intractable hiccups.... phrenic nerve

Pudendal Nerve

The nerve that operates the lowest muscles of the ?oor of the PELVIS and also the anal SPHINCTER muscle. It may be damaged in childbirth, resulting in INCONTINENCE.... pudendal nerve

Ring Block

A local anaesthetic agent (see ANAESTHESIA) injected into the circumference of the base of a digit. It numbs the nerves of the ?nger or toe and so permits minor surgery to be performed. Care must be taken to avoid damage to local blood vessels which can lead to GANGRENE.... ring block

Accessory Nerve

The 11th cranial nerve. Unlike the other cranial nerves, most of the accessory nerve originates from the spinal cord. The small part of the nerve that originates from the brain supplies many muscles of the palate, pharynx (throat), and larynx (voice box). Damage to this part of the nerve may cause difficulty in speaking and swallowing. The spinal part of the nerve supplies large muscles of the neck and back, notably the sternomastoid and trapezius. Damage to the spinal fibres of the nerve paralyses these muscles.... accessory nerve

Acoustic Nerve

The part of the vestibulocochlear nerve (the 8th cranial nerve) that is concerned with hearing. It is also known as the auditory nerve.... acoustic nerve


Inability to express true feelings or thoughts, usually as a result of emotional or mental conflict. In Freudian- based psychotherapies, blocking is regarded as originating from repression of painful emotions in early life. A very specific form of thought blocking occurs in schizophrenia: trains of thought are persistently interrupted involuntarily to

be replaced by unrelated new ones.

(See also psychotherapy.)... blocking

Femoral Nerve

One of the main nerves of the leg. The nerve fibres making up the femoral nerve emerge from the lower spine and run down into the thigh, where they branch to supply the skin and quadriceps muscles.

Damage to the femoral nerve (which impairs the ability to straighten the knee) is usually caused by a slipped disc in the lumbar region of the spine (see disc prolapse). Damage may also result from a backward dislocation of the hip or a neuropathy.... femoral nerve

Glossopharyngeal Nerve

The ninth cranial nerve.

This nerve performs both sensory and motor functions.

It conveys sensations, especially taste, from the back of the tongue, regulates secretion of saliva by the parotid gland, and controls movement of the throat muscles.... glossopharyngeal nerve

Oculomotor Nerve

The 3rd cranial nerve, controlling most of the muscles that move the eye. The oculomotor nerve also supplies the muscle that constricts the pupil, that which raises the upper eyelid, and the ciliary muscle, which focuses the eye. The nerve may be damaged due to a fracture to the base of the skull or a tumour. Symptoms include ptosis, squint, dilation of the pupil, inability to focus the eye, double vision, and slight protrusion of the eyeball. (See also trochlear nerve; abducent nerve.)... oculomotor nerve

Olfactory Nerve

The first cranial nerve, which conveys sensations of smell as nerve impulses from the nose to the brain. Each of the 2 olfactory nerves has receptors in the mucous membrane lining the nasal cavity. These receptors detect smells and send signals along nerve fibres, which pass through tiny holes in the roof of the nasal cavity and combine to form the olfactory bulbs. From here, nerve fibres come together to form the olfactory nerve, leading to the olfactory centre in the brain. Sense of smell may be lost or impaired due to damage to the olfactory nerves, usually as a result of head injury.... olfactory nerve

Sciatic Nerve

The main nerve in each leg and the largest nerve in the body.The sciatic nerves are formed from nerve roots in the spinal cord.... sciatic nerve

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation

See TENS.... transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation

Alpha Adrenergic Blockers

Also called adrenoceptor-blocking agents or alpha blockers, these drugs stop the stimulation of alpha-adrenergic receptors at the nerve endings of the SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM by HORMONES with ADRENALINE-like characteristics. The drugs dilate the arteries, causing a fall in blood pressure, so they are used to treat HYPERTENSION and also benign enlargement of the PROSTATE GLAND. Examples of this group of drugs are doxazosin, indoramin, phentolamine and prazosin. The drugs should be used with caution as some may cause a severe drop in blood pressure when ?rst taken.... alpha adrenergic blockers


The continued occupation of a hospital bed by a patient who is ?t to be discharged but requires further care in a nursing home or in a community setting that cannot be arranged because of lack of suitable facilities and/or funding. Bed-blocking has become a common phenomenon in the NHS, particularly in the winter.

The result is that patients who need inpatient care cannot always be admitted. The term ‘bedblockers’ is derogatory and should not be used.... bed-blocking

Beta-adrenoceptor-blocking Drugs

Also called beta blockers, these drugs interrupt the transmission of neuronal messages via the body’s adrenergic receptor sites. In the HEART these are called beta1 (cardioselective) receptors. Another type – beta2 (non-cardioselective) receptors – is sited in the airways, blood vessels, and organs such as the eye, liver and pancreas. Cardioselective beta blockers act primarily on beta1 receptors, whereas non-cardioselective drugs act on both varieties, beta1 and beta2. (The neurotransmissions interrupted at the beta-receptor sites through the body by the beta blockers are initiated in the ADRENAL GLANDS: this is why these drugs are sometimes described as beta-adrenergic-blocking agents.)

They work by blocking the stimulation of beta adrenergic receptors by the neurotransmitters adrenaline and noradrenaline, which are produced at the nerve endings of that part of the SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM – the autonomous (involuntary) network

– which facilitates the body’s reaction to anxiety, stress and exercise – the ‘fear and ?ight’ response.

Beta1 blockers reduce the frequency and force of the heartbeat; beta2 blockers prevent vasodilation (increase in the diameter of blood vessels), thus in?uencing the patient’s blood pressure. Beta1 blockers also affect blood pressure, but the mechanism of their action is unclear. They can reduce to normal an abnormally fast heart rate so the power of the heart can be concomitantly controlled: this reduces the oxygen requirements of the heart with an advantageous knock-on e?ect on the respiratory system. These are valuable therapeutic effects in patients with ANGINA or who have had a myocardial infarction (heart attack – see HEART, DISEASES OF), or who suffer from HYPERTENSION. Beta2 blockers reduce tremors in muscles elsewhere in the body which are a feature of anxiety or the result of thyrotoxicosis (an overactive thyroid gland – see under THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF). Noncardioselective blockers also reduce the abnormal pressure caused by the increase in the ?uid in the eyeball that characterises GLAUCOMA.

Many beta-blocking drugs are now available; minor therapeutic di?erences between them may in?uence the choice of a drug for a particular patient. Among the common drugs are:

Primarily cardioselective Non-cardioselective
Acebutolol Labetalol
Atenolol Nadolol
Betaxolol Oxprenolol
Celiprolol Propanolol
Metoprolol Timolol

These powerful drugs have various side-effects and should be prescribed and monitored with care. In particular, people who suffer from asthma, bronchitis or other respiratory problems may develop breathing diffculties. Long-term treatment with beta blockers should not be suddenly stopped, as this may precipitate a severe recurrence of the patient’s symptoms – including, possibly, a sharp rise in blood pressure. Gradual withdrawal of medication should mitigate untoward effects.... beta-adrenoceptor-blocking drugs

Idiopathic Facial Nerve Palsy

See BELL’S PALSY.... idiopathic facial nerve palsy

Neuromuscular Blockade

In clinical practice, the transmission of impulses at the NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION may be blocked to paralyse temporarily a patient for a surgical procedure, or to assist treatment on the intensive care unit. There are two main types of drug, both of which competitively block the ACETYLCHOLINE receptors on the motor end plates. (1) Depolarising neuromuscular blocking agents: these act by ?rst producing stimulation at the receptor, and then by blocking it. There are characteristic muscle fasciculations before the rapid onset of paralysis which is of short duration (less than ?ve minutes with the commonly used drug, suxamethonium). The drug is removed from the receptor by the enzyme, CHOLINESTERASE.

(2) Non-depolarising neuromuscular blocking agents: these drugs occupy the receptor and prevent acetylcholine from becoming attached to it. However, in su?ciently high concentrations, acetylcholine will compete with the drug and dislodge it from the receptor; the e?ect of these drugs is reversed by giving an anticholinesterase, which allows the amount of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction to build up. These drugs have varying durations of action, but all are slower in onset and of longer duration than the depolarisers.... neuromuscular blockade

Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve

A branch of the vagus NERVE which leaves the latter low down in its course, and – hooking around the right subclavian artery on the right side and round the arch of the aorta on the left

– runs up again into the neck, where it enters the larynx and supplies branches to the muscles which control the vocal cords.... recurrent laryngeal nerve

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (tens)

A method of electrical stimulation that is being used for the relief of PAIN, including that of MIGRAINE, NEURALGIA and phantom limbs (see AMPUTATION). Known as TENS, its mode of action appears to have some resemblance to that of ACUPUNCTURE. Several controlled trials suggest that it provides at least a modicum of relief of pain after operations, thereby reducing the amount of ANALGESICS that may be called for.... transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (tens)

Blocked-up Nose

Due to many causes from catarrh to infection. May be associated with sinus headache and nasal congestion.

Alternatives. Teas. Plantain leaves, Nasturtium leaves, Marigold flowers (Calendula), Thyme. Tablets/capsules. Garlic, Goldenseal, Iceland Moss.

Tinctures. Formula. Echinacea 2; Goldenseal 1. Mix. 30-60 drops in water thrice daily. Practitioner. Ephedra.

Topical. Decongestants. Olbas oil. Oils of Aromatherapy: Eucalyptus, Garlic, Thyme. Supplementation. Vitamins A, C.

Bedtime: 2-3 Garlic capsules. ... blocked-up nose

Nerve Relaxant

See: SEDATIVE. ... nerve relaxant

Nerve Restoratives

All degenerative changes in the nervous system arise from breakdown of cell integrity through causes including stress, disease or faulty nutrition. J.M. Thurston classifies the restorative effect of herbs as:

Stomach and intestines: Wild Cherry bark, Black Haw.

Heart: Lily of the Valley, Cactus. Liver: Wild Yam.

Eye: Blue Cohosh, Poke root.

Brain: Oats, Black Cohosh.

Spine: Damiana, Oats, Kola, Unicorn root (Aletris). Hops. Womb: False Unicorn root (Helonias).

General Restoratives: St John’s Wort, Vervain. ... nerve restoratives

Nerve Stimulants

Often necessary to bring added vitality to the body or one of its parts. Often combined with circulatory stimulants to help support the nervous system in the presence of nerve weakness and paralysis.

Ephedra, Ginseng, Siberian Ginseng, Oats, Damiana, Kola, Gotu Kola, Thuja, Vervain. ... nerve stimulants

Nerve Tonics

To invigorate and restore. Regarded as nutrients for strengthening nerve fibres and their protective sheaths. Help resolve effects of stress and replace mineral deficiencies in nerve tissue. They bring a new vigour in place of enervation and debility.

Betony, Damiana, Oats, St John’s Wort, Skullcap, Vervain.

Combination. Tea: Equal parts, Skullcap, Betony, Vervain. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Half-1 cup freely. ... nerve tonics

Nerve Tension

Nervous excitability, irritability, prone to over-reaction by anger or other destructive emotion.

Teas. Cowslip flowers, St John’s Wort flowers, Passion flower, Valerian, Hops, Lime flowers, Balm, Motherwort, Woodruff, Skullcap, Oats.

Formula, tea: equal parts, Balm, Motherwort, Passion flower. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-10 minutes. 1 cup thrice daily.

Tablets. Valerian. Pulsatilla. Natracalm. (English Grains) 500mg Passion flower tablets: 1 tablet thrice daily.

See: SEDATIVES. ... nerve tension

Alpha-blocker Drugs

A group of drugs used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure) and urinary symptoms due to enlargement of the prostate gland. Alpha-blockers are also used to treat urinary retention caused by an enlarged prostate gland (see prostate, enlarged). Side effects of the drugs may include dizziness and fatigue due to a sudden drop in blood pressure, nausea, dry mouth, and drowsiness.... alpha-blocker drugs

Beta-blocker Drugs

A group of drugs, also known as beta-adrenergic blocking agents, prescribed principally to treat heart and circulatory disorders such as angina and hypertension. Beta-blockers block the effects of the sympathetic nervous system, which releases adrenaline (epinephrine) and noradrenaline (norepinephrine) at nerve endings that are known as beta receptors.

There are 2 types of beta receptor: beta 1 and beta 2. Beta 1 receptors are present in the heart and blood vessels, and beta 2 in the lungs. Some betablockers (such as acebutolol, atenolol, and metoprolol) are termed cardioselective and, because they act mostly on beta 1 receptors, are used mainly to treat heart disease such as angina, hypertension, and cardiac arrhythmia. The drugs are sometimes given after a myocardial infarction (heart attack) to reduce the likelihood of further damage to the heart muscle.

Other types of beta-blocker, such as oxprenolol, propranolol, and timolol, may be given to prevent migraine attacks by acting on blood vessels in the head; reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety; or control the symptoms of thyrotoxicosis. Beta-blocker drugs such as timolol are sometimes given in the

form of eye drops to treat glaucoma and work by lowering the fluid pressure in the eyeball.

Beta-blockers may reduce an individual’s capacity for strenuous exercise. The drugs may worsen the symptoms of asthma, bronchitis, or other forms of lung disease. They may also reduce the flow of blood to the limbs, causing cold hands and feet. In addition, sleep disturbance and depression can be side effects of beta-blockers.... beta-blocker drugs

Blocked Nose

See nasal congestion; nasal obstruction.... blocked nose

Caudal Block

A type of nerve block, in which a local anaesthetic is injected into the lower part of the spinal canal.

Caudal block may be used for obstetric and gynaecological procedures.... caudal block

Laryngeal Nerve

One of a pair of nerves that carry instructions from the brain to the larynx and send sensations from the larynx to the brain.... laryngeal nerve

Median Nerve

One of the main nerves of the arm. It is a branch of the brachial plexus and runs down the arm from the shoulder into the hand. The median nerve controls the muscles that carry out bending movements of the wrist, fingers, and thumb, and that rotate the forearm palm-inwards. The nerve also conveys sensations from the thumb and first 3 fingers, and from the region of the palm at their base.

Damage to the nerve may result from injury to the shoulder, a Colles’ fracture just above the wrist, or pressure on the nerve where it passes through the wrist (carpal tunnel syndrome).

Symptoms of damage include numbness and weakness in areas controlled by the nerve.... median nerve

Nerve Conduction Studies

Tests carried out to assess the extent of nerve damage caused by disorders of the peripheral nervous system (see neuropathy). In the test, an electrical stimulus is applied to a nerve, and the speed at which the nerve responds to the stimulus and transmits a signal is recorded.

nerve injury Damage or severance of conducting fibres within a nerve as a result of trauma, causing loss of skin sensation and muscle power. (See neuropathy for nerve damage from cause.

other than injury.)

If a peripheral nerve (a nerve outside the brain or spinal cord) is only partially severed, the cut fibres may be able to regenerate. Provided the severed ends are still aligned, new fibres can grow across the cut to rejoin the connection, restoring function. If a nerve is totally severed, the individual fibres cannot regenerate successfully and there is no recovery of function. Nerve tracts within the brain and spinal cord are structurally different from the peripheral nerves, and severed fibres in these tracts do not regenerate. For example, vision cannot be restored if the optic nerves are cut.Microsurgery can sometimes be used to stitch a severed peripheral nerve into place, but recovery is rarely complete.... nerve conduction studies

Nerve, Trapped

Compression or stretching of a nerve, causing numbness, tingling, weakness, and, sometimes, pain. Common examples of a trapped nerve include carpal tunnel syndrome, in which pressure on the median nerve as it passes through the wrist causes symptoms in the thumb, index, and middle fingers; a disc prolapse, in which pressure on the nerve root leading from the spinal cord produces symptoms in the back and legs; and crutch palsy, in which the radial nerve presses against the humerus (upper-arm bone), producing symptoms in the wrist and hand.

A damaged nerve may take some time to heal. In severe cases, surgical decompression to relieve pressure on the nerve may be necessary.... nerve, trapped

Pudendal Block

A type of nerve block used to provide pain relief for a forceps delivery.

A local anaesthetic (see anaesthesia, local) is injected into either side of the vagina near the pudendal nerve.... pudendal block

Trapped Nerve

See nerve, trapped.... trapped nerve

Abducens Nerve

the sixth *cranial nerve (VI), which supplies the lateral rectus muscle of each eyeball, responsible for turning the eye outwards.... abducens nerve

Alpha Blocker

(alpha-adrenergic blocker) a drug that prevents the stimulation of alpha *adrenoceptors at the nerve endings of the sympathetic nervous system by noradrenaline and adrenaline: it therefore causes relaxation of smooth muscle, including widening of arteries (vasodilatation) and a drop in blood pressure. Alpha blockers include *doxazosin, *phentolamine, *phenoxybenzamine, *indoramin, *prazosin, *alfuzosin, and *tamsulosin.... alpha blocker

Beta Blocker

(beta-adrenergic receptor blocker) a drug that prevents stimulation of the beta *adrenoceptors at the nerve endings of the sympathetic nervous system. Blockade of ?1 receptors causes a decrease in heart rate and force; blockade of ?2 receptors causes constriction of the airways and the arteries. Beta blockers include *acebutolol, *atenolol, *bisoprolol, *oxprenolol, *propranolol, and *sotalol; they are used to control abnormal heart rhythms, to treat angina, and to reduce high blood pressure (although they are no longer regarded by some experts as the first choice of drug for treating hypertension in the absence of heart disease, being less effective than newer antihypertensive drugs). Beta blockers that block both ?1 and ?2 receptor sites cause constriction of air passages in the lungs, and these drugs should not be used in patients with asthma and bronchospasm. Other beta blockers are relatively selective for the heart (cardioselective) and are less likely to constrict the airways. Some beta blockers (e.g. *carteolol, *levobunolol, and *timolol) reduce the production of aqueous humour and therefore the pressure inside the eye; they are taken as eye drops in the treatment of *glaucoma.... beta blocker


n. any interruption of physiological or mental function, brought about intentionally (as part of a therapeutic procedure) or by disease. See also heart block; nerve block.... block

Calcium-channel Blocker

(calcium antagonist) a drug that inhibits the influx of calcium ions into cardiac and smooth-muscle cells; it therefore reduces the strength of heart-muscle contraction, reduces conduction of impulses in the heart, and causes *vasodilatation. Calcium-channel blockers, which include *amlodipine, *diltiazem, *nicardipine, *nifedipine, and *verapamil, are used to treat angina and high blood pressure.... calcium-channel blocker

Circumflex Nerve

a mixed sensory and motor nerve of the upper arm. It arises from the fifth and sixth cervical segments of the spinal cord and is distributed to the deltoid muscle of the shoulder and the overlying skin.... circumflex nerve

Cochlear Nerve

(acoustic nerve, auditory nerve) the nerve connecting the cochlea to the brain and therefore responsible for transmitting the nerve impulses relating to hearing. It forms part of the *vestibulocochlear nerve (cranial nerve VIII).... cochlear nerve

Dental Nerve

either of two nerves that supply the teeth; they are branches of the trigeminal nerve. The inferior dental nerve supplies the lower teeth and for most of its length exists as a single large bundle; thus anaesthesia of it has a widespread effect (see inferior dental block). The superior dental nerve, which supplies the upper teeth, breaks into separate branches at some distance from the teeth and it is possible to anaesthetize these individually with less widespread effect for the patient.... dental nerve

House–brackmann Facial Nerve Grading System

(House–Brackmann score, House–Brackmann scale, House–Brackmann facial weakness scale) a six-point grading system for patients with *Bell’s palsy or other forms of facial nerve palsy. Grade I is normal function; grade VI is a total palsy. [J. W. House and D. E. Brackmann (21st century), US otorhinolarygologists]... house–brackmann facial nerve grading system

Inferior Dental Block

(inferior alveolar nerve block) a type of injection to anaesthetize the inferior *dental nerve. Inferior dental block is routinely performed to allow dental procedures to be carried out on the lower teeth on one side of the mouth.... inferior dental block

Medullated Nerve Fibre

(myelinated nerve fibre) see myelin.... medullated nerve fibre

Motor Nerve

one of the nerves that carry impulses outwards from the central nervous system to bring about activity in a muscle or gland. Compare sensory nerve.... motor nerve

Musculocutaneous Nerve

a nerve of the *brachial plexus that supplies some muscles of the arm and the skin of the lateral part of the forearm.... musculocutaneous nerve

Nerve Conduction Study

a test done to assess the peripheral nervous system. It involves activating the nerves electronically with electrical pulses and measuring the responses obtained.... nerve conduction study

Nerve Ending

the final part (terminal) of one of the branches of a nerve fibre, where a *neuron makes contact either with another neuron at a synapse or with a muscle or gland cell at a neuromuscular or neuroglandular junction.... nerve ending

Nerve Entrapment Syndrome

any syndrome resulting from pressure on a nerve from surrounding structures. Examples include the *carpal tunnel syndrome and *meralgia paraesthetica.... nerve entrapment syndrome

Nerve Fibre

the long fine process that extends from the cell body of a *neuron and carries nerve impulses. Bundles of nerve fibres running together form a *nerve. Each fibre has a sheath, which in medullated nerve fibres is a relatively thick layer containing the fatty insulating material *myelin.... nerve fibre

Nerve Gas

any gas that disrupts the normal functioning of nerves and thus of the muscles they supply. There are two groups, the G agents and the V agents. The latter are more than 300 times as deadly as mustard gas: one inhalation can kill by paralysing the respiratory muscles. V agents also act through the skin, therefore gas masks are ineffective protection against them.... nerve gas

Nerve Growth Factor

(NGF) a protein (see growth factor), consisting of two polypeptide chains, that is required for the development and longevity of some neurons, including those in the sympathetic nervous system and some central nervous system and sensory neurons. Nerve growth factor is necessary for axon growth and also for initiating new neuronal connections with other cells. The role of NGFs in preventing the degeneration of brain cells is being explored in research into Alzheimer’s disease.... nerve growth factor

Nerve Impulse

the electrical activity in the membrane of a *neuron that – by its rapid spread from one region to the next – is the means by which information is transmitted within the nervous system along the axons of the neurons. The membrane of a resting nerve is charged (polarized) because of the different concentrations of ions inside and outside the cell. When a nerve impulse is triggered, a wave of *depolarization spreads, and ions flow across the membrane (see action potential). Until the nerve has undergone *repolarization no further nerve impulses can pass.... nerve impulse

Nerve Regeneration

the growth of new nerve tissue, which occurs at a very slow rate (1–2 mm per day) after a nerve has been severed and is often partially or totally incomplete. *Microsurgery has improved the results by facilitating primary repair in the immediate aftermath of injury. See also axonotmesis; neurotmesis.... nerve regeneration

Nystagmus Block Syndrome

a type of squint (convergent *strabismus) that results from the use of the convergence mechanism to block or dampen down *nystagmus in an attempt to improve visual acuity.... nystagmus block syndrome

Ophthalmic Nerve

the smallest of the three branches of the *trigeminal nerve. It supplies sensory fibres to the eyeball, conjunctiva, and lacrimal gland, to a small region of the nasal mucous membrane, and to the skin of the nose, brows, and scalp.... ophthalmic nerve

Saphenous Nerve

a large branch of the *femoral nerve that arises in the upper thigh, travels down on the inside of the leg, and supplies the skin from the knee to below the ankle with sensory nerves.... saphenous nerve

Sensory Nerve

a nerve that carries information inwards, from an outlying part of the body towards the central nervous system. Different sensory nerves convey information about temperature, pain, touch, taste, etc., to the brain. Compare motor nerve.... sensory nerve

Singular Nerve

a small subdivision of the *vestibular nerve that carries information from the posterior *semicircular canal to the brain. Singular neurectomy is a surgical procedure to divide the singular nerve, occasionally used in the treatment of *benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.... singular nerve

Spinal Accessory Nerve

see accessory nerve.... spinal accessory nerve

Thought Block

a sudden halting of the flow of thought, usually manifested as an interruption to speech lasting for a few seconds or more; when speech resumes, it is often on an unrelated subject. Thought block is a common symptom in severe mental illness but may also arise in the context of *psychosis, severe anxiety, or depression.... thought block

Vasomotor Nerve

any nerve, usually belonging to the autonomic nervous system, that controls the circulation of blood through blood vessels by its action on the muscle fibres within their walls or its action on the heartbeat. The *vagus nerve slows the heart and reduces its output, but sympathetic nerves increase the rate and output of the heart and increase blood pressure by causing the constriction of small blood vessels at the same time.... vasomotor nerve

Vestibular Nerve

the division of the *vestibulocochlear nerve that carries impulses from the semicircular canals, utricle, and saccule of the inner ear to the brain, conveying information about the body’s posture and movements in space and allowing coordination and balance.... vestibular nerve

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