Habitat: Throughout India, as a weed upto 2,000 m.
English: Nut Grass.Ayurvedic: Musta, Mustaa, Mus- taka, Abda, Ambuda, Ambhoda, Ambodhara, Bhadra, Bhadraa, Bhadramusta, Bhadramustaa, Bhadramustaka, Ghana, Jalada, Jaldhara, Meghaahvaa, Nirada, Vaarida, Vaarivaaha, Payoda, Balaahaka. Ganda-Duurvaa (var.).Unani: Naagarmothaa, Saad-e-Kufi.Siddha/Tamil: Koraikkizhangu.Folk: Mothaa.Action: Carminative, astringent, anti-inflammatory, antirheumat- ic, hepatoprotective, diuretic, antipyretic, analgesic, hypoten- sive, emmenagogue and nervine tonic.
Used for intestinal problems, indigestion, sprue, diarrhoea, dysentery, vomiting and fever; also as a hypoc- holesterolaemic drug and in obesity.Along with other therapeutic applications, The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India indicated the use of the rhizome in rheumatism, inflammations, dysuria, puerperal diseases and obesity.The tuber is rich in Cu, Fe, Mg and Ni. Beta-sitosterol, isolated from the tubers, exhibits significant anti- inflammatory activity against carra- geenan- and cotton pellet-induced oedema in rats; the activity is comparable to hydrocortisone and phenylbutazone when administered intraperi- toneally.The alcoholic and aqueous extracts of the tubers possess lipolytic action and reduce obesity by releasing enhanced concentrations of biogenic amines from nerve terminals of the brain which suppress the appetite centre. Presence of eudalne group of ses- quiterpenic compounds of sesquiter- pene alcohol, isocyperol is said to play an important role in lipid metabolism.An alcoholic extract of the plant exhibits liver-protective activity against CCL4-induced liver damage in mice.Methanolic extract of the plant stimulates the production of melanin in cultured melanocytes. (Plant extract is used in preparations used for pigmentation of skin and hair, also in suntan gels.) Aqueous-alcoholic extract of the tuber exhibited hypotensive, diuretic, antipyretic and analgesic activities. These are attributed to a triterpenoid.The essential oil (0.5-0.9%) from the tubers contains mainly sesquiterpenes.C. platystilis Br. is equated with Kaivarta-mustaka.Dosage: Rhizome—3-6 g powder; 20-30 ml decoction. (API Vol. III.)... cyperus rotundusHabitat: Assam and Tripura.
English: Chalmogra.Ayurvedic: Tuvaraka (related species, substitute for H. laurifolia.)Unani: Chaalmograa, Tukhm-e- Biranj Mograa.Siddha/Tamil: Niradi-muttu.Action: Antileprotic, dermatic, febrifuge, sedative. Used parenter- ally for leprosy; also for psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis.
The plant is a source of chaulmoogra oil (Oleum Chaulmoograe which contains hydnocarpic, chaulmoogric, gor- lic, oleic, palmitic acids and lower homologues of hydnocarpic acid. The oil mixed with neem oil or oil of Psoralea corylifolia is used in leprosy.In mice, intraperitoneal and subcutaneous administration of chaul- moogra fatty acids demonstrated antimicrobial activity against Mycobac- terium leprae. (PDR.)... hydnocarpus kurziiHabitat: Western Ghats.
English: Soorty Oil tree.Ayurvedic: Tuvaraka, Katu- Kapittha, Kushtavairi, Garudaphala, Chaalmograa.Unani: Chaalmograa, Tukhm-e- Biranj Mograa.Siddha/Tamil: Maravattai, Niradi- muttu.Action: Seed oil—antileprotic, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic.
The seed oil gave chemical constituents similar to Hydnocarpus kuzii, and contain the flavonolignan, hyd- nowightin, hydnocarpin and neohyd- nocarpin.Hydnocarpin showed good anti- inflammatory and anti-neoplastic activity in mice, in vivo. Cytotoxicity against the growth of murine and human tissue cultured cells was also observed.The stem bark and leaves contain triterpenes, acelylbetulinic, betulinic, ursolic and acetylursolic acids.Dosage: Seed—3-5 g powder; oil— 5-10 drops. (CCRAS.)... hydnocarpus laurifoliaHabitat: North-West India, Bengal and Konkan.
English: Fragrant Sticky Mallow.Ayurvedic: Vaalaka, Baalaka, Baala, Barhishtha, Hrivera, Ambu, Jala, Nira, Paya, Toya, Udichya, Vaari, Muurdhaja. Sugandhbaalaa (also equated with Valeriana Jatamansi). In the South, Celus vettiveroides is equated with Baalaka.Siddha/Tamil: Peraamutti, Kastoori vendai.Action: Plant—anti-inflammatory and spasmolytic. Used in rheumatic affections. Root—stomachic, astringent, demulcent. Used in dysentery, haemorrhages from intestines; ulcers and bleeding disorders.
The roots gave an essential oil containing isovaleric acid, isovaleralde- hyde, armomadendrene, pavonene, alpha-terpinene, azulene and pavo- nenol.The plant exhibits antiparasitic activity against Entamoeba histolytica.... pavonia odorataHabitat: Andhra Pradesh, Karnata- ka and Madhya Pradesh.
English: Wild Date Palm.Ayurvedic: Kharjuuri.Siddha/Tamil: Periyaitcham, Icham.Folk: Sulemaani Khajuur, Desi Khajuur.Action: Fruits—restorative. Juice— cooling, gastric stimulant. Seeds— used in ague. Root—used for nervous debility.
Fresh, unfermented sap (Niraa) is a good source of ascorbic acid, nicotinic and isonicotinic acids, riboflavin, thiamine, sugars; crystine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, phenylalanine, thre- onine, tyrosine.The concentration of amino acids is much higher in palm jaggery than in sugar cane jaggery.Fresh fruits contain protein 1.2, fat 0.4, calcium 0.022 and phosphorus 0.38%.Dosage: Fruit—10-20 g paste. (CCRAS.)... phoenix sylvestrisHabitat: Throughout the hotter parts of India, particularly on cultivated land, up to 1,000 m.
Ayurvedic: Bhuumyaamalaki, Bahu- patri, Bhuudhaatri, Bahuphalaa, Taamalaki.Unani: Bhui Aaamalaa.Siddha/Tamil: Keelkaay Nelli.Action: Plant—diuretic, deobstru- ent, astringent, anti-inflammatory, styptic. Used as a single drug in the treatment of jaundice. Used in prescriptions for dyspepsia, indigestion, chronic dysentery, urinary tract diseases, diabetes, skin eruptions.
The leaves yielded lignans—phyl- lanthin (bitter), hypophyllanthin (nonbitter); niranthin, nirtetralin and phyl- tetralin. The whole plant gave a number of flavonoids, including quercetin, quercitrin, astragalin, rutin, kaempfer- ol. Isolation of a hydrolysable tannins, amarulone, is reported from the plant.The plant is reported to show antiviral activity against hepatitis B virus and related hepadna virus. It was also found to effectively repair CCl4-induced liver damage in rats.The herb exhibited hypotensive and hypoglycaemic activity. (Indian J Exp Biol 1995, 33 (11) 861-864.)Phyllanthus fraternus Webster: The ethanolic extract of the plant exhibited hepatotoxic-protective activity in albino rats pretreated with CCl-4, The petroleum extract is reported to possess analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. The flavonoids, isolated from the ethanolic extract of the plant, exhibit hypoglycaemic activity in alloxan-treated albino rats. The ethanolic and aqueous extracts of the plant exhibit antibacterial and antifun- gal activity.Dosage: Root, stem, leaf—3-6. powder. (API, Vol. I and III.)... phyllanthus amarus