A rare birth defect in which the oesophagus forms into 2 separate, blind-ended sections during development. There is usually an abnormal channel (tracheoesophageal fistula) between one of the sections and the trachea. The condition may be suspected before birth if the mother had polyhydramnios. The infant cannot swallow, and drools and regurgitates milk continually. If there is an upper tracheoesophageal fistula, milk may be sucked into the lungs, provoking attacks of coughing and cyanosis. Immediate surgery is needed to join the blind ends of the oesophagus and close the fistula. If the operation is successful, the baby should develop normally. Some babies, however, do not survive.
The absence of a natural opening, or closure of it by a membrane. Thus atresia may be found in newborn infants, preventing the bowels from moving. In young girls after puberty, absence of the menstrual ?ow may be due to such a malformation at the entrance to the VAGINA.... atresia
A procedure to stretch the oesophagus when it has been narrowed by disease (see oesophageal stricture) and swallowing is difficult. Endoscopy is used to locate the obstruction. The narrowed area is then stretched by passing bougies (cylindrical rods with olive-shaped tips) down the oesophagus, or by using balloon catheters.... oesophageal dilatation
A sac-like protrusion of part of the oesophagus wall in which food becomes trapped, causing irritation, difficulty swallowing, halitosis, and regurgitation. A diverticulum is usually removed surgically.... oesophageal diverticulum
a condition in which there is congenital narrowing of the duodenum causing complete obstruction. It presents at birth with vomiting, which is usually bile-stained, and is associated with other congenital abnormalities, particularly *Down’s syndrome. Treatment is by restoration of any fluid and electrolyte loss followed by surgical repair.... duodenal atresia
a disorder affecting the gullet (oesophagus) in which uncoordinated, sometimes simultaneous, oesophageal contractions precipitate difficulty in swallowing (*dysphagia), regurgitation of food, and chest pain. The cause is unclear. Diagnosis is suggested by characteristic appearances during a *barium swallow (corkscrew oesophagus) and confirmed by oesophageal manometry. Medical treatment comprises the use of calcium-channel blockers, nitrates, and sildenafil; endoscopic treatment may include infiltration of *botulinum toxin in specific oesophageal segments and, infrequently, endoscopic dilatation. Surgical myotomy is reserved for extreme cases.... diffuse oesophageal spasm
a rare form of congenital heart disease in which there is no communication between the right atrium and the right ventricle. Affected babies present with *cyanosis, breathlessness, particularly on feeding, and *failure to thrive. Diagnosis is by *echocardiography. Treatment involves surgical intervention, but the prognosis is often poor.... tricuspid atresia