(Ker-Gawl.) Haw.Synonym: O. stricta Haw. var. dillenii (Ker-Gawl.) Benson.Family: Cactaceae.
Habitat: Native of Mexico; well- acclimatized throughout India.
English: Prickly Pear, Slipper Thorn.Ayurvedic: Naagaphani, Kanthaari.Unani: Naagphani.Siddha/Tamil: Sappathikalli, Nagathali.Action: Leaves—applied as poultice to allay inflammation and heat. Fruit—baked and given in whooping cough.
Dried or fresh flowers of cactus (opuntia series)—astringent and haemostatic. An infusion is given in irritable bowel, mucous colitis, and prostatitis. Ash of the aerial portion, mixed with sugar candy, is given for 21 days for birth control in tribal areas of Andhra Pradesh.The Plant is recommended for growing in high pollution zones for abating sulphur dioxide pollution.Pods contain a polysaccharide, ar- binogalactan. Betanin has been isolated from ripe fruits. Flowers contain the glycosides of isorhamnetin and quer- cetin, with smal amounts of the free flavonols.