Intense sensations produced by a series of muscular contractions at the peak of sexual excitement. Orgasm usually lasts for about 3–10 seconds but can last up to a minute in women.In men, contractions of the muscles of the inner pelvis massage seminal fluid from the prostate gland into the urethra, from which it is forcefully propelled via the urethral orifice (see ejaculation). Orgasm in women is associated with irregular contractions of the voluntary muscles of the walls of the vagina and, in some women, of the uterus, followed by relief of congestion in the pelvic area. Some women experience multiple orgasms if stimulation is continued. Orgasm is followed by a refractory phase during which there is no physical response to further sexual stimulation. Both men and women may experience problems with orgasm (see ejaculation, disorders of; orgasm, lack of).