n. an antiviral drug that acts by inhibiting the action of the enzyme *neuraminidase in viruses, which reduces their replication in host cells. Oseltamivir is administered orally for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and B. To be effective, the drug must be taken within 48 hours of exposure to influenza (for prophylaxis) or onset of symptoms (for treatment).
a drug effective against viruses that cause disease. Antiviral drugs include *DNA polymerase inhibitors (e.g. *aciclovir, *foscarnet, *ganciclovir), *ribavirin, and *oseltamivir; they are used for treating herpes, cytomegalovirus and respiratory syncytial virus infections, and influenza. Antiviral drugs are also used for treating HIV infection and AIDS (see antiretroviral drug).... antiviral drug