Benth.Synonym: Ougeinia oojeinensis (Roxb.) Hochr.Family: Papilionaceae; Fabaceae.
Habitat: Outer Himalayas and sub-Himalayan tract from Jammu to Bhutan up to an altitude of 1,500 m, and extending through the whole of northern and central India into the greater part of Deccan Peninsula.
English: Chariot tree, Punjab Kino.Ayurvedic: Tinishaa, Tinisha, Syandana, Nemi, Sarvasaara, Ashmagarbhaka, Vajjala, Chitrakrt.Siddha/Tamil: Narivengai.Folk: Saanan.Action: Bark—febrifuge, anti- diarrhoeal, spasmolytic.
The leaves and heartwood contained iso-flavonoids—dalbergion, hemofer- ritin and urgenin. Leaves, in addition, contained flavonoids—querce- tin, kaempferol and leucopelargonidin. Stem bark gave triterpenes, lupeol and betulin.