Overheads Health Dictionary

Overheads: From 1 Different Sources

The general costs of operating an entity that are allocated to all the revenue-producing operations of the entity, but which are not directly attributable to a single activity. For example, overhead costs normally include maintenance of plant, occupancy costs, housekeeping, administration and others.
Health Source: Community Health
Author: Health Dictionary


Actual expenses incurred to provide a health care product or service. Cost can be divided into a number of types including: average cost: The average cost per unit; equals the total cost divided by the units of production. avoided cost: Cost caused by a health problem that is avoided by a health care intervention. direct cost: Cost borne by the health care system, the community and families, e.g. diagnosis and treatment costs. A cost that is identifiable directly with a particular activity, service or product. fixed cost: Costs that, within a defined period, do not vary with the quantity produced, e.g. overhead costs of maintaining a building. incremental cost: The difference between marginal costs of alternative interventions. indirect cost: Cost which cannot be identified directly with a particular activity, service or product of the programme experiencing the cost. Indirect costs are usually apportioned among the programme’s services in proportion to each service’s share of direct costs. intangible cost: The cost of pain and suffering resulting from a disease, condition or intervention. marginal cost: The additional cost required to produce an additional unit of benefit (e.g. unit of health outcome). operating cost: In the health field, the financial requirements necessary to operate an activity that provides health services. These costs normally include costs of personnel, materials, overheads, depreciation and interest. opportunity cost: The benefit foregone, or value of opportunities lost, by engaging resources in a service. It is usually quantified by considering the benefit that would accrue by investing the same resources in the best alternative manner. recurrent cost: An item of expenditure that recurs year after year, such as the remuneration of health workers and other staff; the cost of food and other goods and services; the cost of vaccines, medicines, appliances and other supplies; the replacement of equipment; and the maintenance of buildings and equipment. tangible cost: Objective elements in the production of care, i.e. number of personnel, beds, consumables, technologies, staff qualifications. total cost: The sum of all costs incurred in producing a set quantity of service.... cost

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