A perverse sexual attraction to children of either sex. Paedophiles are nearly always male and may have heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual orientation.
In England and Wales, the age of consent for heterosexual and homosexual sex is 16 years; in Northern Ireland, 17 years; and in Scotland the age of consent for heterosexual sex is 12 for a girl and 14 for a boy. However, girls are protected by Section 5 of the Criminal Law (Consolidation) Act 1995 which makes it an o?ence to have sexual intercourse with a girl aged under
16. For girls under 13, the maximum sentence is life-imprisonment, and between 13 and 16, two years’ imprisonment. Homosexual consent in Scotland is 16.
Paedophiles suffer from personality problems rather than overt psychoses (see PSYCHOSIS) and the origins of their behaviour may lie in their own early sexual experiences. Their behaviour often has features of an addiction.
It is of note that most underaged sex is between family members such as stepfather and daughter rather than with a stranger or predatory paedophile.
n. sexual attraction to children (of either sex) that may cause deviant behaviour. Sexual activity with any children under the age of 16 is illegal in the UK for adults. Paedophiles who have been arrested may be forced to undergo treatment: *behaviour therapy can be used, although evidence of its efficacy is controversial. Occasionally, the offender’s sexual drive can be reduced by drug treatment. —paedophile n. —paedophilic adj.
(See also CHILD ABUSE). Though NAI has traditionally been seen as abuse against children – and they are still the main victims – such injuries can also be in?icted on vulnerable adults. Adults with learning diffculties, dementias or physical disabilities su?ciently serious as to require institutional care (or who make heavy demands on relatives) are sometimes the victims of NAI. Health professionals, social workers and relatives should bear this possibility in mind when discovering unusual, severe or repeated bruising or fractures in vulnerable adults, even in circumstances where NAI may seem unlikely. (See also MUNCHAUSEN’S SYNDROME; PAEDOPHILIA.)... non-accidental injury (nai)
A form of sexual behaviour, most common in men, in which intercourse between adults is not the final aim. Forms of sexual deviation include exhibitionism, fetishism, paedophilia, and transvestism.... deviation, sexual
The branch of medicine that is concerned with the development of children, and the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of childhood diseases.paedophilia Sexual attraction to children. (See also child abuse; incest.)... paediatrics