For symptoms of overdosing or withdrawal from Paracetamol when discontinued, nervines are sometimes of value.
To break dependency: White Willow bark, Guaiacum, Oats, Passion flower.
Overdosing may cause liver damage for which Fringe Tree bark is indicated. Nutrients: Vitamins B-complex, C. Zinc.
(US, acetaminophen.) A non-opioid analgesic (see ANALGESICS) similar in e?cacy to aspirin, but without any demonstrable antiin?ammatory activity. It also has the advantage over aspirin of causing less gastric irritation. It is indicated for mild to moderate pain and pyrexia in a dose of 0.5–1g by mouth (maximum 4 doses every 24 hours).... paracetamol
OXYGEN toxicity in human lungs causes an acute OEDEMA followed by ?brosis and PULMONARY HYPERTENSION. In the neonate, retrolental ?broplasia occurs and centralnervous-system damage may result in the infant having ?ts. Several factors are involved in toxicity and there is no absolute relationship to time or concentration, although inspired concentrations of under 50 per cent are probably safe for long periods.... oxygen toxicity