Paragonimiasis Health Dictionary

Paragonimiasis: From 2 Different Sources

A tropical disease found mainly in the Far East. It is caused by infections of the lungs by a parasitic ?uke called Paragonimus westermani. The infection is acquired by eating insu?ciently cooked shell?sh. The affected person has symptoms similar to those of chronic BRONCHITIS; treatment is with the drugs CHLOROQUINE and bithionol.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
(endemic haemoptysis) n. a tropical disease that occurs principally in Asia, caused by the presence of the fluke *Paragonimus westermani in the lungs or other organs. The infection is acquired by eating inadequately cooked shellfish. Early symptoms include fever, cough, chest pain, fatigue, and sweating. Later symptoms vary depending on which organs are affected: in the case of the lungs, symptoms resemble those of tuberculosis. Paragonimiasis is treated with praziquantel.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


n. a genus of large tropical parasitic *flukes that are particularly prevalent in the Far East. The adults of P. westermani live in the human lungs, where they cause destruction and bleeding of the tissues (see paragonimiasis). However, they may also be found in other organs of the body. Eggs are passed out in the sputum and the larvae undergo their development in two other hosts, a snail and a crab.... paragonimus

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