Mimicking major aspects of parasympathetic function. EXAMPLES: Amanita muscaria mushrooms, Pilocarpine, Lobelia.
A drug that stimulates the PARASYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM. The actions of such drugs resemble those of ACETYLCHOLINE. Those cholinergic actions include stimulation of musculoskeletal muscle, reduction in the heart rate, greater tension in involuntary (or smooth) muscle, increasing glandular secretions such as saliva, and constriction of the pupil of the EYE. MYASTHENIA GRAVIS, GLAUCOMA, certain disorders of the cardiovascular system, and intestinal or bladder malfunction are among the conditions for which cholinergic drugs are prescribed.
n. a drug that has the effect of stimulating the *parasympathetic nervous system. The actions of parasympathomimetic drugs are cholinergic (resembling those of *acetylcholine) and include stimulation of skeletal muscle, *vasodilatation, depression of heart rate, increasing the tension of smooth muscle, increasing secretions (such as saliva), and constricting the pupil of the eye. They are used in the treatment of *myasthenia gravis (see anticholinesterase) and glaucoma (see miotic).
A plant alkaloid and the primary bioactive substance reducible from Pilocarpus spp. (Jaborandi leaves). It is an almost pure parasympathomimetic (cholinergic), inducing lowered blood pressure and stimulating glandular secretions...EVERYWHERE. It stimulates sweating as well, a sympathetic cholinergic response. Anyway, it is used in eye drops these days to contract the pupil, lower ocular fluid pressure and take some of the stress off glaucoma. The refined alkaloid is better in the eyes, but the dried leaves are the usual complex agents of herb use and have some therapeutic values in low doses. Good Lobelia or Asclepias will work similarly and are both safer, fresher and more predictable as botanicals.... pilocarpine
n. any substance that inhibits the action of *cholinesterase, the enzyme that is responsible for the breakdown of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, and therefore allows acetylcholine to continue transmitting nerve impulses. Drugs with anticholinesterase activity include *neostigmine, *pyridostigmine, and *edrophonium; their uses include the diagnosis and treatment of *myasthenia gravis. See also parasympathomimetic.... anticholinesterase