Pars Health Dictionary

Pars: From 1 Different Sources


(American) Resembling the garnish Parslee, Parsleigh, Parsly, Parsli, Parslie, Parslea... parsley

Parsley Piert

Alchemilla arvensis. N.O. Rosaceae.

Synonym: Parsley Breakstone.

Habitat: Hedgerows, in better soils.

Features ? Up to six inches in height, the whole plant rather hairy. Leaves small, trifid higher up the stem, palmate lower down. Axillary tufts of small, greenish flowers.

Part used ? Herb.

Action: Diuretic, demulcent.

A widely-used diuretic acting directly on the parts. The 1 ounce to 1 pint infusion may be given in teacupful doses thrice daily in all kidney and bladder irregularities.... parsley piert


(English) A member of the clergy Parsan, Parsun, Parsin, Parsyn... parson

Cow Parsley, Himalayan

Heracleum brunonis benth, (umbellifera). Contains coumarins. Related to Angelica.

Action. Photosensitiser, antifungal, tuberculostatic. (Journal of Natural Products 1987, 50(5), pp997-8) Uses. Leucoderma. Vitiligo. Reputed fading of coloured areas of skin. ... cow parsley, himalayan

Pars Plana

part of the *uvea, one of the three layers that comprise the eye. As a part of the *ciliary body, it is about 4 mm long, located near the point where the iris and sclera touch, and is scalloped in appearance. It is a good site of entry for intraocular surgery.... pars plana

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