A method of recording the degree of dilatation, or opening, of the cervix (or neck) of the UTERUS in labour (see PREGNANCY AND LABOUR) to assess how labour is progressing.
n. a graphic record of the course of labour, designed to monitor its progress and enable early recognition of any problems. It includes information on the mother’s blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature; length, frequency, and strength of contractions; and heart rate and amniotic fluid in the baby.
failure of the presenting part to descend in spite of uterine contractions, which implies a mechanical cause. Obstruction is usually due to (1) an abnormality in the woman’s pelvis (a contracted pelvis); (2) an abnormality in her baby (e.g. hydrocephaly); or (3) an abnormality in the relationship between them, either (a) an abnormal *lie (e.g. transverse) or *malpresentation, or (b) *cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD). CPD and impacted transverse lie are the most important causes. Much of the purpose of antenatal care is to screen mothers who are at risk from obstructed labour, which can be detected early by means of a *partogram. If undetected, it can lead to rupture of the uterus, death of the fetus, obstetric fistulae, or maternal death.... obstructed labour