Pepsinogen Health Dictionary

Pepsinogen: From 1 Different Sources

Proton Pump

A key enzyme system in the parietal cells of the mucosal lining of the stomach: hydrogen ions are produced which acidify the stomach’s secretions and convert pepsinogen to PEPSIN, an active participant in the digestion of food.... proton pump

Gastric Juice

the liquid secreted by the *gastric glands of the stomach. Its main digestive constituents are hydrochloric acid, mucin, *rennin, and pepsinogen. The acid acts on pepsinogen to produce *pepsin, which functions best in an acid medium. The acidity of the stomach contents also kills unwanted bacteria and other organisms that have been ingested with the food. Gastric juice also contains *intrinsic factor, which is necessary for the absorption of vitamin B12.... gastric juice


n. an enzyme in the stomach that begins the digestion of proteins by splitting them into peptones (see peptidase). It is produced by the action of hydrochloric acid on pepsinogen, which is secreted by the gastric glands. Once made, pepsin itself can act on pepsinogen to produce more pepsin.... pepsin

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