An operation to correct prolapse of the vaginal wall. This may be accompanied by a vaginal hysterectomy if the uterus is also prolapsed (see uterus, prolapse of).... vaginal repair
a variety of mechanisms that help to ensure that the genetic sequence, as expressed in the DNA, is maintained and that errors that occur during DNA replication, by mutation, are not allowed to accumulate. An error in the genetic sequence could cause cell death by interfering with the replication process. DNA repair involves the action of enzymes, which detect damage to DNA and effect the repair. Some genetic diseases, including *ataxia telangiectasia and *xeroderma pigmentosum, are due to deficiencies in these enzymes.... dna repair
(EVAR) a recently developed technique that involves the insertion of a covered metal *stent into an *aneurysm. The stent lines the aneurysm and thereby excludes it from the circulation, preventing further expansion and rupture. The delivery system containing the stents is introduced through the common femoral artery. *Fluoroscopy provides real-time imaging to guide placement of the stents and ensure they are in the correct anatomical position.... endovascular aneurysm repair
abnormal bulging down of the *perineum as a result of weakness of the pelvic floor muscles. It often accompanies problems with defecation and micturition.... perineal descent
(perineal trauma) an injury to the perineum, which may be sustained during childbirth. Perineal tears can be classified by degree. First-degree tears involve the perineal skin and vaginal mucosa only. Second-degree tears involve the perineal muscles but not the anal sphincter. Third-degree tears involve the anal sphincter complex: the external anal sphincter (EAS) and internal anal sphincter (IAS). These are subclassified as 3a (less than 50% of EAS thickness torn), 3b (more than 50% of EAS thickness torn), and 3c (IAS torn). Fourth-degree tears involve the anal sphincter complex (EAS and IAS) and the anal epithelium or rectal mucosa. It is vitally important that these injuries are recognized and repaired by competent personnel. See also obstetric anal sphincter injury.... perineal tear