Phleb Health Dictionary

Phleb: From 1 Different Sources


In?ammation of a vein. (See VEINS; VEINS, DISEASES OF.)... phlebitis


The study of the VEINS, particularly by means of X-rays after the veins have been injected with a radio-opaque substance.... phlebography


A traditional name for the operation of bloodletting by opening a vein. (See VEINS; VENESECTION.)... phlebotomy


The term applied to a small stone formed in a vein (see VEINS) as a result of calci?cation of a THROMBUS.... phlebolith


A group of biting flies commonly called sandflies including the genus Phlebotomus, sometimes vectors of leishmaniasis.... phlebotomine


n. the surgical removal of a vein (or part of a vein), sometimes performed for the treatment of varicose veins in the legs (varicectomy).... phlebectomy


(venosclerosis) n. a rare degenerative condition, of unknown cause, that affects the leg veins of young men. The vein walls become thickened and feel like cords under the skin. It is not related to arteriosclerosis and needs no treatment.... phlebosclerosis


n. obstruction of a vein by a blood clot, without preceding inflammation of its wall. It is most common within the deep veins of the calf of the leg – deep vein thrombosis (DVT) – in contrast to *thrombophlebitis, which affects superficial leg veins. Prolonged immobility, heart failure, pregnancy, injury, and surgery predispose to thrombosis by encouraging sluggish blood flow. Many of these conditions are associated with changes in the clotting factors in the blood that increase the tendency to thrombosis; these changes also occur in some women taking oral contraceptives.

The affected leg may become swollen and tender. The main danger is that the clot may become detached and give rise to *pulmonary embolism. Regular leg exercises help to prevent deep vein thrombosis, and anticoagulant drugs (such as heparin and warfarin) are used in prevention and treatment. Large clots may be removed surgically in the operation of thrombectomy to relieve leg swelling.... phlebothrombosis


n. see sandfly.... phlebotomus

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