Phlebectomy Health Dictionary

Phlebectomy: From 1 Different Sources

n. the surgical removal of a vein (or part of a vein), sometimes performed for the treatment of varicose veins in the legs (varicectomy).
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


n. see phlebectomy.... varicectomy

Varicose Veins

veins that are distended, lengthened, and tortuous. The superficial veins (saphenous veins) of the legs are most commonly affected; other sites include the oesophagus (see oesophageal varices) and testes (*varicocele). There is an inherited tendency to varicose veins but obstruction to blood flow is responsible in some cases. Complications including thrombosis, *phlebitis, and haemorrhage may occur. Treatment includes elastic support and *sclerotherapy, but *avulsion (stripping), excision (*phlebectomy), or *endovenous laser treatment is required in some cases. Medical name: varices.... varicose veins


n. incision into a varicose vein (see phlebectomy).... varicotomy

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