Phoenix sylvestris Health Dictionary

Phoenix Sylvestris: From 1 Different Sources


Family: Palmae; Arecaceae.

Habitat: Andhra Pradesh, Karnata- ka and Madhya Pradesh.

English: Wild Date Palm.

Ayurvedic: Kharjuuri.

Siddha/Tamil: Periyaitcham, Icham.

Folk: Sulemaani Khajuur, Desi Khajuur.

Action: Fruits—restorative. Juice— cooling, gastric stimulant. Seeds— used in ague. Root—used for nervous debility.

Fresh, unfermented sap (Niraa) is a good source of ascorbic acid, nicotinic and isonicotinic acids, riboflavin, thiamine, sugars; crystine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, phenylalanine, thre- onine, tyrosine.

The concentration of amino acids is much higher in palm jaggery than in sugar cane jaggery.

Fresh fruits contain protein 1.2, fat 0.4, calcium 0.022 and phosphorus 0.38%.

Dosage: Fruit—10-20 g paste. (CCRAS.)
Health Source: Indian Medicinal Plants
Author: Health Dictionary

Malva Sylvestris


Family: Malvaceae.

Habitat: Temperate Himalayas from Punjab to Kumaon, up to 2,400 m; Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

English: Common Mallow, Blue Mallow, High Mallow.

Ayurvedic: Suvarchalaa (var.).

Unani: Khubbaazi, Bhubhaazi Bustaani, Gul-Khair.

Action: Mucilaginous, emollient, laxative, antitussive, pectoral, antibacterial. Infusion is used for coughs and colds, irritation of the bronchi. Phagocyte stimulant.

Key application: In irritation of the mucosa and throat and dry, irritative cough. (German Commission E.)

The herb contains sulphated flavo- nol glycosides, mucilage and tannins.

Flowers contain malvin (an antho- cyanin), malvidin diglucoside, tannins, carotene and ascorbic acid.

Malva coromandeliana Linn. (also malvastrum) is anti-inflammatory, pectoral, antidysenteric and diaphoretic.... malva sylvestris


(Greek) A dark-red color; in mythology, an immortal bird Phuong, Phoenyx... phoenix

Phoenix Dactylifera


Family: Palmae; Arecaceae.

Habitat: Cultivated in Punjab and Rajasthan.

English: Date Palm.

Ayurvedic: Kharjuura, Kharjuuraka, Kharjuurikaa. Pindakharjuurikaa. Chhuhaaraa (dry date). Pindakhar- juura is the fruit of Phoenix acaulis Roxb.

Unani: Khurmaa, Khajuur, Chhuharaa.

Siddha/Tamil: Perichchankay, Ita.

Action: Fruit pulp—antitussive, expectorant, demulcent, laxative, diuretic, restorative. Sap—cooling, laxative. Gum—used in diarrhoea and genitourinary diseases.

The fruit contains ascorbic acid (vitamin C), carotene (as vitamin A), nicotinic acid, riboflavin, thiamine, sugars (60-80%). Besides sucrose and invert sugars, rhamnose, xylose, ara- binose, ribose, galactose and galac- turonic acid have been identified in the fruit. Invert sugar predominates in the soft dates; sucrose in dry varieties. The dried date, used in Ayurvedic and Unani compositions, contains protein 2.5-3, fat 0.5, carbohydrates 75.882.9% and calcium 35.9, phosphorus 129.3 and iron 3.4 mg/100 g. Presence of sterols of ergosterol group, and esterone has been reported from dried date seeds.

Charged C-glycosylflavones and caf- feylshikimic acid, leucocyanidin are characteristically present in the plant. Flavonol glycosides are also common. Several uncharged C-glycosylflavones were also detected.

Dosage: Fresh fruit—10-50 g, dried fruit—10-15 g. (API, Vol. IV.)... phoenix dactylifera

Phoenix Paludosa


Family: Palmae.

Habitat: Coastal swamps of West Bengal (particularly Sundarbans), Orissa and the Andamans.

Ayurvedic: Hintala.

Folk: Hital (Orissa), Hintalamu (Telugu).

Action: Fruits—antiphlogistic, cooling; used in flatulence.

Triacontanol, beta-sitosterol have been isolated from the plant.... phoenix paludosa

Phoenix Pusilla


Family: Palmae; Arecaceae.

Habitat: Coromandel Coast.

Ayurvedic: Parushaka (Kerala). (Grewia Asiatica Linn., Tiliaceae, Is Also Equated With Parushaka.)

Siddha/Tamil: Kalangu, Ithi, Sagi.

Action: Fruit—Cooling, Laxative. Used In Respiratory Disorders. Gum—Used In Diarrhoea And Genitourinary Diseases. Fresh Sap— Laxative.... phoenix pusilla

Viola Sylvestris

Lam. (in part)

Family: Violaceae.

Habitat: Kashmir at 1,200-2,400 m.

English: Pale Wood Violet, Wood Violet.

Unani: Banafashaa (related species).

Action: Plant—pectoral, bechic; used in chest troubles. Stem, leaf and flower—applied to foul sores and wounds.

Habitat: Native to Europe; grown as an ornamental.

English: Heartsease, Wild Pansy.

Unani: Banafashaa (related species).

Action: Herb—anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, expectorant, diuretic, antirheumatic, alterative. Used for bronchitis, rheumatism, chronic skin disorders and for preventing capillary haemorrhage when under corticosteroid therapy. Root— antidysenteric; used as a substitute for Cephaelis ipecacuanha.

Key application: Externally in mild seborrheic skin diseases and milk scall in children. (German Commission E.) The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia recognizes the herb as an expectorant and dermatological agent.

The herb contains rutin, violin and salicylic acid. The flower contains rutin, quercetin, violanthin (6,8-digly- coside of apigenin), violaxanthin, p- hydroxycinnamic acid and delphini- din. A flavone C-glycoside-saponarin has also been obtained from flowers. Flowers, in addition, contain 15-cis- violaxanthin.

The herb exhibits anticoagulant property and diminishes the aggregation of platelets. It can be used as a preventive measure against thrombosis.

Habitat: Temperate Himalayas from Kashmir to Nepal between 1,200 and 2,700 m (a semiparasitic plant).

English: European Mistletoe.

Ayurvedic: Bandaaka, Suvarna- bandaaka. Vrikshaadani (substitute).

Unani: Kishmish Kaabuli.

Action: Vasodilator, cardiac depressant, tranquiliser, stimulates the vagus nerve which slows the pulse, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, immune enhancer, antineoplas- tic. Used for hypertension and tachycardia, as a nervine tonic.

The extract of leafy twigs is anti- inflammatory exerting an action upon capillary permeability and oedema. It stimulates granulation and the neoformation of connective tissue.

Key application: For treating degenerative inflammation of the joints by stimulating cuti- visceral reflexes following local inflammation brought about by intradermal injections; as palliative therapy for malignant tumour through non-specific stimulation. (German Commission E.)

Mistletoe contains glycoproteins; flavonoids, usually quercetin-derived (dependent on host tree to some extent); polypeptides; phenylcarboxylic acids; polysaccharides (including viscid acid); alkaloids; lignans.

Cardiotonic activity is due to the lig- nans. The polysaccharides stimulate the immune response. Antineoplas- tic activity is claimed to be responsible for prolongation of survival time in cancer patients. Polypeptides (visco- toxins) inhibit tumours and stimulate immune resistance. (For uses of lectin from Mistletoe in cancer, see Eur J cancer, 2001, Jan, 37(1), 23-31; Eur J Cancer 2001, 37 (15), 19101920.) (For application in hepatitis, see Fitoterapia, 70, 2001.)... viola sylvestris

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