adj. (in medicine) relating to the body rather than to the mind. For example, a physical sign is one that a doctor can detect when examining a patient, such as abnormal dilation of the pupils or the absence of a knee-jerk reflex (see also functional disorder; organic disorder).
That part of a patient’s consultation with a doctor in which the doctor looks, feels (palpates) and listens to (auscultates) various parts of the patient’s body. Along with the history of the patient’s symptoms, this enables the doctor to assess the patient’s condition and decide whether an immediate diagnosis is possible or whether laboratory or imaging investigations are needed to reach a diagnosis. A full physical examination may take 30 minutes or more. Physical examination, along with certain standard investigations, is done when a person attends for a ‘preventive’ check-up of his or her state of health.... physical examination
1 Treatment of pain, disease or injury by physical means. 2 The profession concerned with promotion of health; prevention of physical disabilities; evaluation and rehabilitation of persons disabled by pain, disease or injury; and with treatment by physical therapeutic measures, as opposed to medical, surgical or radiologic measures.... physical therapy / physiotherapy