Pithecellobium monadelphum Health Dictionary

Pithecellobium Monadelphum: From 1 Different Sources


Synonym: P. bigeminatum auct. non-(L.) Mart. ex Benth.; P. gracile Bedd.

Habitat: Eastern Himalayas, Khasi, Jaintia and Lushai Hills.

Siddha/Tamil: Kalpakku.

Folk: Kachloraa.

Action: Leaf—used externally as a mostrum for leprosy; also applied for promoting growth of hair. Seed—hypoglycaemic. Aerial parts—diuretic, spasmolytic.

The seeds contain 18.3% protein; major amino acids are aspartic acid 13.2, glutamic acid 10.9, alanine 9.7, leucine 8.3, glycine 8.2, serine 7.4%. Seeds contain a poisonous principle pithecolobine. They are used after repeated boiling and discarding of water.
Health Source: Indian Medicinal Plants
Author: Health Dictionary

Pithecellobium Dulce


Family: Mimosaceae.

Habitat: Cultivated throughout the plains of India.

English: Minila Tamarind, Madras Thorn, Quamachil.

Siddha/Tamil: Karapilly, Kodukkaa Puli.

Folk: Vilaayati Imli, Dakhini Babool.

Action: Bark—astringent, febrifuge, antidysenteric. Stem-bark—spasmolytic. Seeds—anti-inflammatory.

The leaves contain alpha-spinaste- rol; its beta-D-glucoside, octacosanol, kaempferol, its 3-rhamnoside, behenic and lignoceric acids. An insulin-like principle has also been reported in the leaves.

Seeds gave kaempferol, quercetin and a saponin consisting of a mixture of oleanolic and echinocystic acid gly- cosides. Lecithin is also reported from seeds.

The seed exhibited haemolytic agglutinating reaction with human blood. Saponins from seeds show spermicidal activity.

The bark contains tannins (up to 37%) of a catechol type; non-tans 1015%; 1.5% of pectin.... pithecellobium dulce

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