Agonising physical distress caused by sensory nerve irritation. Nature’s warning that something is wrong. Where persistent, investigation by a qualified person is essential. For mild pain natural non- suppressive herbs are available. The following are helpful until the doctor comes.
In the chest. When in the gullet it can closely resemble pain in the heart and can be mistaken for angina. Gullet pain, worse by acid and hot drinks, is always a background pain and fails to resolve after exercise. See: OESOPHAGEAL SPASM.
Aching muscles. Bio-strath Willow Formula.
In the hips. Ligvites. (Gerard House)
Ovarian. See: OVARIES.
Fibrositis, polymyalgia. Low degree pain in muscles. Any one:– Black Cohosh, Devil’s Claw, Wild Lettuce, Wild Yam, Wintergreen, Lavender, Parsley, Fenugreek seeds, Meadowsweet, German Chamomile.
In the chest. (Lungs) Balm of Gilead. (Heart) Motherwort. Breast. Evening Primrose oil.
Spine. St John’s Wort.
Aching teeth. Oil of Cloves.
Lumbago, sciatica, backache. Bio-Strath Willow formula.
Gout, rheumatism, osteo-arthritis. Poultice or compress – Comfrey, Plantain leaves, Olbas oil, Weleda Massage oil.
The acute abdomen. Carminative herbs for flatulent colic.
Pain in bowels. (Internal) Wild Yam, Cinnamon, Ginger, Caraway. (External) Cold-pack with Castor oil, Chamomile poultice.
Sprains, bruises. 5 drops Oil of Camphor to egg-cup Olive oil, rub-in relief.
Facial stabbing pains. Plantain, Chamomile, Rosemary, or Wintergreen (external) compress, lotion, tincture.
Womb. Raspberry leaf/Motherwort tea (equal parts), internal.
Head. Feverfew, Skullcap, Passion flower.
Nerve pains. Valerian. Jamaica Dogwood.
Aromatherapy. Combine, equal parts Oils of Clove, Sassafras and Camphor. Add 10 drops to egg-cup Olive oil: use as a rub for aching muscles and stiff joints.
Drugs suppress pain without necessarily removing the underlying cause. The natural response to pain is to tighten, but if the patient lets go and relaxes into it, then he finds he can better control it. ... pain