Plumeria rubra Health Dictionary

Plumeria Rubra: From 1 Different Sources


Family: Apocynaceae.

Habitat: Native to Mexico; grown throughout India.

English: Red Jasmine.

Ayurvedic: Kshira Champaka (red-flowered var.).

Action: Root bark—used in blennorrhagia. Flower—bechic (used in pectoral syrups). Bark— a decoction is used in venereal diseases and leprosy.

The bark contains cytotoxic iridoids (including fulvoplumierin which also inhibits the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis) and the lignin, lirioden- drin.

The plant contains the triterpene rubrinol which showed antibacterial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa (a causative agent responsible for infecting burns, wounds, urinary tract and infection in cystic fibrosis) and Pseudomonas pseu- domallei (which causes melioidosis or pseudoglandess).

The herb contains cardiac glycosides which have a narrow-margin of safety. (Sharon M. Herr.)
Health Source: Indian Medicinal Plants
Author: Health Dictionary

Nymphaea Rubra

Roxb. ex Salisb.

Synonym: N. nouchali Burm. f. N. lotus Hook. f. Thoms non L.

Family: Nymphaeaceae.

Habitat: Throughout the warmer parts of India.

English: Indian Red Water-lily.

Ayurvedic: Kumuda, utpala (red-flowered var.).

Siddha/Tamil: Alli-tamarai, Vellam- bal.

Action: Flower—astringent, cardiac tonic; used in palpitation of heart. Rhizomes—used for dysentery and dyspepsia.... nymphaea rubra


Love... plumeria

Plumeria Acuminata


Family: Apocynaceae.

Habitat: Native to Mexico; cultivated in Indian gardens.

English: Pagoda tree.

Action: Root bark—used in herpes, sexually transmitted diseases. Bark—stimulant, emmenagogue. Root—violent cathartic. Latex— purgative, rubefacient.

Iridoids are present in the leaf, stem, flower and root. Plumieride glucoside has been isolated from all parts of the plant. The plumeric acid, isolated from leaves, exhibits promising cytotoxic activity.

Fulvoplumierin (a pigment) inhibits the growth of various strains of My- cobacterium tuberculosis.... plumeria acuminata

Plumeria Alba


Family: Apocynaceae.

Habitat: Native to West Indies; cultivated in Indian gardens.

English: White Champa.

Ayurvedic: Kshira Champaka (white-flowered var.).

Siddha/Tamil: Perumal Arali, Seemai Arali.

Action: Root bark—used in blenn- orrhagia. Bark and latex—used externally in herpes, syphilitic ulcers and scabies. Seed—haemostatic.

The root gave iridoids—iso-plu- mericin, plumericin, plumieride, plu- mieride coumarate and its glucoside. The bark gave alpha-and beta-amyrin and their acetates, beta-sitosterol, sco- poletin and plumieride. The flowers also contain plumieride coumarate and its glucoside, in addition to quercetin derivatives.... plumeria alba

Rosa Rubra


Synonym: R. gallica Linn.

Family: Rosaceae.

Habitat: Indian gardens.

English: French Rose.

Ayurvedic: Rakta-Taruni (non- classical), Gulaab.

Action: Dried petals—tonic and astringent. Used in debility, excessive mucous discharges and bowel complaints. The oil and rose water—used in bronchial asthma and as a remedy for skin irritation.

The flowers yield 0.027-0.036% of an essential oil. It contains geraniol 40-76, l-citronellol 15-37, nerol 5-10, phenyl ethyl alcohol 3-9, eugenol 1, esters 3-5, phenyl acetic acid traces; and stearoptene 15-30%; citronellol, citral, farnesol, l-linalool and nonylaldehyde are also present. (The flowers, unlike those of Rosa damascena, develop their perfume when dried.)

The petals also contain fatty oil, sugars (3-14% as invert), tannin (Rosa tan- nic acid 10-24%), cyanin (up to 10%), cyanidin and quercitrin.

The pollen contains carotene (1.67 mg/100 g), free and bound amino acids and sugars.

Fresh hips and their pulp contain 545 and 847 mg/100 g vitamin C respectively.

Action: Fruits—rich in vitamin C (751 mg/100 g,) concentration up to 8% in dry pulp.... rosa rubra

Spergularia Rubra

(Linn.) J. Persl S C. Persl.

Synonym: Spergula rubra D. Dietr.

Family: Caryophylaceae.

Habitat: Native to Southern France and Malta; found in Punjab and Western Uttar Pradesh.

English: Sand-Spurry, Sandwort, Arenaria Rubra.

Action: Diuretic. Used in cystitis and urethral colic, dysuria and urinary calculi.... spergularia rubra

Miliaria Rubra

see prickly heat.... miliaria rubra

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