Pneumonia Health Dictionary

Pneumonia: From 5 Different Sources

Inflammation of the lungs due to infection. There are 2 main types: lobar pneumonia and bronchopneumonia. Lobar pneumonia initially affects 1 lobe of a lung. In bronchopneumonia, inflammation initially starts in the bronchi and bronchioles (airways).

Pneumonia can be caused by any type of microorganism, but most cases are due to viruses, such as adenovirus, or bacteria, such as STREPTOCOCCUS PNEUMONIAE, HAEMOPHILUS INFLUENZAE, and STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS. Symptoms are usually fever, chills, shortness of breath, and a cough that produces yellow-green sputum and occasionally blood. Potential complications include pleural effusion, pleurisy, and a lung abscess.

Diagnosis is made by physical examination, chest X-ray, and examining sputum and blood for microorganisms.

Treatment depends on the cause, and may include antibiotic drugs or antifungal drugs.

Aspirin or paracetamol may be given to reduce fever, and, in severe cases, oxygen therapy and artificial ventilation may be needed.

In most cases, recovery usually occurs within 2 weeks.

Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
Inflammation, usually infectious, of the lungs. Unless the result of only moderate chemical or smoke irritation, it is a potentially life-threatening condition. There are so many defenses against an infection this deep in the body that the very presence of pneumonia signals a pathogen of great virulence or impaired or exhausted immunity...or all three.
Health Source: Herbal Medical
Author: Health Dictionary
Pneumonia is an in?ammation of the lung tissue (see LUNGS) caused by infection. It can occur without underlying lung or general disease, or in patients with an underlying condition that makes them susceptible.

Pneumonia with no predisposing cause – community-acquired pneumonia – is caused most often by Streptococcus pneumoniae (PNEUMOCOCCUS). The other most common causes are viruses, Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Legionella species (Legionnaire’s disease). Another cause, Chlamydia psittaci, may be associated with exposure to perching birds.

In patients with underlying lung disease, such as CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE (COPD) or BRONCHIECTASIS as in CYSTIC FIBROSIS, other organisms such as Haemophilus in?uenzae, Klebsiella, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are more prominent. In patients in hospital with severe underlying disease, pneumonia, often caused by gram-negative bacteria (see GRAM’S STAIN), is commonly the terminal event.

In patients with an immune system suppressed by pregnancy and labour, infection with HIV, CHEMOTHERAPY or immunosuppressive drugs after organ transplantation, a wider range of opportunistic organisms needs to be considered. Some of these organisms such as CYTOMEGALOVIRUS (CMV) or the fungus Pneumocystis carinii rarely cause disease in immunocompetent individuals – those whose body’s immune (defence) system is e?ective.

TUBERCULOSIS is another cause of pneumonia, although the pattern of lung involvement and the more chronic course usually di?erentiate it from other causes of pneumonia.

Symptoms The common symptoms of pneumonia are cough, fever (sometimes with RIGOR), pleuritic chest pain (see PLEURISY) and shortness of breath. SPUTUM may not be present at ?rst but later may be purulent or reddish (rusty).

Examination of the chest may show the typical signs of consolidation of an area of lung. The solid lung in which the alveoli are ?lled with in?ammatory exudate is dull to percussion but transmits sounds better than air-containing lung, giving rise to the signs of bronchial breathing and increased conduction of voice sounds to the stethoscope or palpating hand.

The chest X-ray in pneumonia shows opacities corresponding to the consolidated lung. This may have a lobar distribution ?tting with limitation to one area of the lung, or have a less con?uent scattered distribution in bronchopneumonia. Blood tests usually show a raised white cell (LEUCOCYTES) count. The organism responsible for the pneumonia can often be identi?ed from culture of the sputum or the blood, or from blood tests for the speci?c ANTIBODIES produced in response to the infection.

Treatment The treatment of pneumonia involves appropriate antibiotics together with oxygen, pain relief and management of any complications that may arise. When treatment is started, the causative organism has often not been identi?ed so that the antibiotic choice is made on the basis of the clinical features, prevalent organisms and their sensitivities. In severe cases of community-acquired pneumonia (see above), this will often be a PENICILLIN or one of the CEPHALOSPORINS to cover Strep. pneumoniae together with a macrolide such as ERYTHROMYCIN. Pleuritic pain will need analgesia to allow deep breathing and coughing; oxygen may be needed as judged by the oxygen saturation or blood gas measurement.

Possible complications of pneumonia are local changes such as lung abscess, pleural e?usion or EMPYEMA and general problems such as cardiovascular collapse and abnormalities of kidney or liver function. Appropriate treatment should result in complete resolution of the lung changes but some FIBROSIS in the lung may remain. Pneumonia can be a severe illness in previously ?t people and it may take some months to return to full ?tness.

Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
n. inflammation of the lung caused by bacteria, in which the air sacs (*alveoli) become filled with inflammatory cells and the lung becomes solid (see consolidation). The symptoms include those of any infection (fever, malaise, headaches, etc.), together with cough and chest pain. Pneumonias may be classified in different ways.

(1) According to the X-ray appearance. Lobar pneumonia affects whole lobes and is usually caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, while lobular pneumonia refers to multiple patchy shadows in a localized or segmental area. When these multiple shadows are widespread, the term bronchopneumonia is used. In bronchopneumonia, the infection starts in a number of small bronchi and spreads in a patchy manner into the alveoli. Interstitial pneumonia is the result of an inflammatory process centred within the alveolar walls rather than the alveolar airspaces. It may be due to a variety of factors, including certain infections, drugs, inhalation of fumes, and exposure to high concentrations of oxygen.

(2) According to the infecting organism. The most common organism is Streptococcus pneumoniae, but Haemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcus aureus, Legionella pneumophila, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae (among others) may all be responsible for the infection. See also atypical pneumonia; viral pneumonia.

(3) According to the clinical and environmental circumstances under which the pneumonia is acquired. These infections are divided into community-acquired pneumonia, hospital-acquired (nosocomial) pneumonia, and pneumonias occurring in immunocompromised subjects (including those with AIDS). The organisms responsible for community-acquired pneumonia are totally different from those in the other groups.

Appropriate antibiotic therapy, based on the clinical situation and on microbiological studies, will result in complete recovery in the majority of patients.

Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Pneumocystis Pneumonia

PNEUMONIA caused by a species of the genus of PROTOZOA, a parasitic micro-organism. Pneumocystis carinii causes an opportunistic infection in the lung which is dangerous to people whose immune system is impaired (see IMMUNITY), thus reducing their resistance to infections. People with AIDS/HIV or LEUKAEMIA have impaired immune systems and P. carinii is a major cause of death in the former. Fever, dry cough and breathlessness are among the symptoms; treatment is with high doses of antibiotic drugs such as CO-TRIMOXAZOLE or PENTAMIDINE.... pneumocystis pneumonia

Viral Pneumonia

Infection of the lung tissue by a VIRUS. Causes of this type of pneumonia include ADENOVIRUSES, COXSACKIE VIRUSES and in?uenza virus. Viral infections do not respond to ANTIBIOTICS and treatment is symptomatic, with antibiotics used only if the patient develops secondary bacterial infection. In a previously healthy individual the viral infection is usually self-limiting, but in vulnerable patients – the elderly or those with pre-existing disease – it can be fatal.... viral pneumonia


See PNEUMONIA.... broncho-pneumonia

Atypical Pneumonia

any one of a group of community-acquired *pneumonias that do not respond to penicillin but do respond to such antibiotics as tetracycline and erythromycin. They include infection with Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia psittaci (see psittacosis), and Coxiella burnetii (see Q fever).... atypical pneumonia

Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia

(BOOP) a disease entity characterized clinically by a flulike illness with cough, fever, shortness of breath, and late inspiratory crackles; there are specific histological features and patchy infiltrates on X-ray. It is sometimes the result of a viral infection, but may follow medication with certain drugs or be associated with connective-tissue disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis. The condition usually responds to oral corticosteroids; however, if a drug is implicated, it must be withdrawn.... bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia

Community-acquired Pneumonia

(CAP) see pneumonia.... community-acquired pneumonia

Interstitial Pneumonia

(interstitial pneumonitis) an alternative name for *idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis used by lung pathologists to classify the different cellular types of the disease. The most common cellular pattern is usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP). A differing cellular pattern is seen in patients with nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP), who have a better prognosis than those with UIP. There are two variants of NSIP: cellular and fibrosing. The former has chronic inflammatory cells with minimal collagen deposition, while the latter consists of diffuse interstitial fibrosis with fewer inflammatory cells. It is believed that corticosteroid therapy can slow the progression of cellular to fibrosing NSIP.... interstitial pneumonia

Nonspecific Interstitial Pneumonia

(NSIP) see interstitial pneumonia.... nonspecific interstitial pneumonia

Usual Interstitial Pneumonia

(UIP) see interstitial pneumonia; idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.... usual interstitial pneumonia

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