Polysaccharide Health Dictionary

Polysaccharide: From 2 Different Sources

A CARBOHYDRATE comprising several monosaccharides linked in long chains. Polysaccharides store energy – as starch in plants and glycogen in animals – and they also form the structural parts of plants (as cellulose) and animals (as mucopolysaccharides).
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
n. a *carbohydrate formed from many monosaccharides joined together in long linear or branched chains. Polysaccharides have two important functions: (1) as storage forms of energy; for example *glycogen in animals and *starch in plants, and (2) as structural elements; for example *mucopolysaccharides in animals and *cellulose in plants.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


Echinacea is widely used to prevent or cure the common cold. It’s a powerful herb that contains active substances that enhance the activity of the immune system, relieve pain, reduce inflammation and have antioxidant effects. The leaves and flowers of the uppermost part of the plant are the section believed to contain polysaccharides (a substance known to trigger the activity of the immune system).... echinacea


The term applied to an organic substance in which the hydrogen and oxygen are usually in the proportion to form water. Carbohydrates are all, chemically considered, derivatives of simple forms of sugar and are classi?ed as monosaccharides (e.g. glucose), disaccharides

(e.g. cane sugar), polysaccharides (e.g. starch). Many of the cheaper and most important foods are included in this group, which comprises sugars, starches, celluloses and gums. When one of these foods is digested, it is converted into a simple kind of sugar and absorbed in this form. Excess carbohydrates, not immediately needed by the body, are stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles. In DIABETES MELLITUS, the most marked feature consists of an inability on the part of the tissues to assimilate and utilise the carbohydrate material. Each gram of carbohydrate is capable of furnishing slightly over 4 Calories of energy. (See CALORIE; DIET.)... carbohydrate

Agrimonia Eupatoria

auct non L.

Synonym: A. pilosa Hook.f. non Ledeb.

A. pilosa Ledeb. var. nepalensis (D. Don) Nakai

Family: Rosacae.

Habitat: The Himalayas from Kashmir to West Bengal at 9003,000 m, and in Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Meghalaya.

English: Agrimony, Stickle Wort.

Unani: Ghaafis.

Folk: Belu.

Action: Astringent, anti- inflammatory, hepatic, cholagogue, diuretic, mild haemostatic, antibacterial. Used for irritations and infections of the intestinal tract, gallbladder diseases, hyperacidity, colic, urinary disorders (bed- wetting, incontinence), sluggish liver, mucus membrane inflammations; externally for ulcerated and discharging skin, psoriasis and seborrhoic eczemas.

Key application: In mild, nonspecific, acute diarrhoea and in inflammation of oral and pharyngeal mucosa; as astringent. (German Commission E, The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)

The herb contains condensed tannins up to 8%, coumarins, flavonoids (glucosides of luteolin, apigenin and quercetin), polysaccharides, volatile oil. Luteolin 7-glucoside shows a chole- gogic action. Aqueous extracts inhibited Mycobacterium tuberculosis, also strains resistant to streptomycin and p-aminosalicylate. Essential oil is antibacterial, active against Bacillus sub- tilis.

The ethanolic extracts of the herb are used for their antiviral properties. (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)

Coumarins interact with anticoagulants, and drugs that increase the risk of bleeding Furanocoumarin content increase photosensitivity. (Sharon M. Herr.)... agrimonia eupatoria

Agropyron Repens


Synonym: Triticum repens L.

Family: Gramineae; Poaceae.

Habitat: The western Himalayas and Kashmir at altitudes between 2,700 and 3,600 m.

English: Couch grass, dog grass, wheat grass.

Action: Demulcent (used in cystitis, nephritis), aperient, diuretic and urinary antiseptic, anticholesterolaemic.

Key application: In irrigation therapy for inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract and for the prevention of kidney gravel. (German Commission E, The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.) It is contraindicated in oedema due to cardiac or renal insufficiency.

The juice of rhizomes is used for cystitis, nephritis, scirrhous liver; decoction for tonsils and as an adjuvant for cancer; also used for gout and rheumatism, and chronic skin disorders.

The rhizome contains triticin, a carbohydrate allied to starch, a fruc- tosan polysaccharide, inositol, manni- tol; volatile oil up to about 0.05%, consisting mainly of agropyrene; vanillin glucoside; mucilage, gum, large quantities of silica; iron, minerals, vitamins, K salt. Agropyrene is reported to have broad antibiotic properties. Extracts show uric acid solvent properties. Agropyrene is antifungal.... agropyron repens

Althaea Officinalis


Family: Malvaceae.

Habitat: Native to eastern Europe; found in Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh.

English: Marshmallow, Hollyhock.

Unani: Khatmi, Gul-Khairu (also equated with Althaea rosea Linn.).

Siddha/Tamil: Shemai-tutti.

Action: Demulcent, emollient, antitussive (used for cough, bronchitis, gastritis, enteritis and cystitis), antilithic, diuretic.

Key application: (leaf and root) In irritation ofthe oral and pharyngeal mucosa and associated dry cough; in mild inflammation of the gastric mucosa. (German Commission E, ESCOP.) As demulcent. (The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.) In gastroenteritis, peptic and duodenal ulceration, common and ulcerative colitis. (The British Herbal Compendium.) Topically for varicose veins, skin ulcers, abscesses, cuts, burns.

Althaea rosea (L.) Cav., synonym Al- cea rosea L., Hollyhock flower, is used as mucilage for prophylaxis and therapy of diseases and discomforts of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract and for urinary complaints. (It is included among unapproved herbs by German Commission E.)

The root contains starch, mucilage, pectin, flavonoids, phenolic acids, sucrose, tannins and asparagines. Mucilage (18-35%) consists of a number of polysaccharides. Flavonoids include kaempferol, quercetin and diosmetin glucosides. Polyphenolic acids include syringic, caffeic, salcyclic, vanillic and p-coumaric acids.

The mucilages have proven biological activity including stimulation of phagocytosis in vitro.

The root counters excess stomach acid, peptic ulceration and gastritis.... althaea officinalis


The name given to a group of polysaccharides ?rst discovered in sugar-beet preparations which had become infected with certain bacteria. A homogenous preparation of dextran, with a consistent molecular weight and free from PROTEIN, is in appropriate clinical circumstances used as a substitute for plasma for TRANSFUSION purposes. Dextran is often used as an immediate transfusion measure to treat severe bleeding or certain types of shock until properly cross-matched blood is available. A blood sample for cross-matching must be taken before intravenous dextran is given.... dextran


Holostemma ada-kodien


San: Jivanti;

Hin: Chirvel, Charivel;

Mal: Atapathiyan, Atapotiyan, Atakotiyan;

Tam: Palaikkirai;

Tel: Palagurugu; Mar: Dudurli, Shidodi;

Guj: Kharner, Khiravel

Importance: Holostemma is a twining shrub with large flowers. The roots of Holostemma are useful in ophthalmopathy, orchitis, cough, burning sensation, stomachalgia, constipation, fever and tridoshas. The leaves, flowers and fruits are eaten as vegetable. The root is also used in spermatorrhoea. It is used in preparations of Vidaryadiganam, Dhanwandharam thaila, Manasamithravatakam, Balarishta and Anuthaila. It is also useful in eye diseases and it imparts resistance to diseases.

Distribution: The plant occurs in tropical countries. In India, it is found in Himalayas, Dehradun, Konkan, Bombay, Deccan, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamilnadu. It grows over hedges and in open forests especially on the lower slopes of the hills. It is also distributed in Sri Lanka, Burma and W. China.

Botany: Holostemma ada-kodien Schult. syn. Holostemma annulare (Roxb.) K. Schum.

Holostemma rheedii Wall. belongs to the family Asclepiadaceae. It is a laticiferous twining shrub with large conspicuous flowers. Leaves are simple, opposite and cordate. Flowers are purple, arranged in axillary umbellate cymes. Fruits are thick follicles, 9 cm long, cylindrical and bluntly pointed. The roots are long upto 1 m or more, irregularly twisted, thick and cylindrical. When dry it is yellowish brown to brown black in colour with nearly smooth surface bearing white scars and small depressions. A mature root is about 1-2 cm thick when extracted for use (Warrier et al, 1995).

Agrotechnology: Holostemma prefers a tropical climate. The plant is propagated vegetatively by stem cuttings, but mainly by seeds. The seeds are collected from the plant in November-December before being dispersed. Seeds are cleaned, dried and stored for sowing. The stored seeds after soaking in water for 4-5 hours are sown in the seedbeds. About one month old seedlings are then planted in polybags of size 14x10cm which are filled with soil, sand and dried cowdung in 1:1:1 ratio, respectively. Polybags should be kept in shade and irrigated. About 1-1.5 month old seedlings are ready for transplanting. Pits of 30cm cube size are taken at 1-1.2m distance and filled with 10kg dried cowdung and sand. This is covered with surface soil and formed into a mound. Seedlings are transplanted on to the mounds from the polybags carefully. Regular irrigation is to be given till flowering. To aid in trailing, staking is given one month after planting. Flowering and fruiting occurs in November-December. Harvesting can be done at the end of second year when the vines start drying up. Harvesting is done by digging up the tubers. The tubers are cut into pieces of 10cm length and dried in sun before sale (Prasad et al, 1997).

Properties and activity: Holostemma tubers give -amyrin, lupeol and -sitosterol. Alanine, aspartic acid, glycine, serine, threonine and valine were detected chromatographically (Hussain et al, 1992). The root is antidiabetic, antigonorrhoeic, bechic, alterative, tonic, lactative, ophthalmic, emollient, stimulant, aphrodisiac, expectorant and galactagogue.

BLACH MUSALE Curculigo orchioides Amaryllidaceae

San: Musali;

Hin: Kalimusali, Mushali;

Ben: Talamuli;

Mal: Nilappana;

Guj: Musalikand

Tam: Nilapanai;

Tel: Nelatadi Kelangu;

Kan: Neladali

Importance: Musali is a small, geophilous herb, the tuberous rootstock of which is used as a rejuvenating and aphrodisiac drug. It cures morbid vata and pitta, improves complexion and is useful in general debility, deafness, cough, asthma, piles, skin diseases, impotence, jaundice, urinary disorders, leucorrhoea and menorrhagia (Nadkarni, 1954; Aiyer and Kolammal, 1963; Mooss, 1978). Rootstock is the officinal part and it enters into the Ayurvedic formulations like Vidaryadighrta, Vidaryadi lehya, Marmagulika, Musalyadi churna etc. The Pharmacognosy of C. orchioides has been discussed by Aiyer, Kolamma l (1963), Raghunathan, and Mitra (1982). A bibliographical study on C. orchioides has been done by Pandey et al (1983).

Distribution: The plant is found in all districts of India from near sea level to 2300m altitude, especially in rock crevices and laterite soil. It has been recorded to occur in the sub tropical Himalayas from Kumaon eastwards ascending to 1800m, the Khasia hills, Bengal, Asssam, Konkan, Kanara, the western peninsula and Madras extending south as far as a Cape Comerin. It is also distributed in Sri Lanka, Japan, Malaysia and Australia.

Botany: Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. syn. C. malabarica Wight, C. brevifolia Dryand, Hypoxis dulcis Stand belongs to the family Amaryllidaceae. Musali is a small herbaceous plant with cylindrical rootstock. Leaves are simple, sessile, crowded on the short stem with sheathing leaf bases. Flowers are bright yellow. Seeds are black, deeply grooved in wavy lines.

A detailed description of the plant is as follows (Victoria, 1998). Rootstock is straight, cylindrical, tuberous, 5-22cm long, 0.5-0.8 cm thick, brownish surfaces marked with closely spaced prominent transverse wrinkles in the upper or basal half. It bears a few stout lateral roots of 5 or more cm long. Lateral roots are dull white in colour and spongy externally. The fresh cut surfaces of the rootstock has a starch white colour and mucilaginous. A few fibrous roots also occur. Leaves are sessile or short petiolate with sheathing bases, 15-45x1.2-2.5 cm size, linear or linear lanceolate, membranous, glabrouus or sparsely sofly hairy and plicate in bud. The leaf tips when contacts the soil, develops roots and produce adventitious buds. Inflorescence is axillary, scapose racemose, the scape very short and hidden among the bases of leaves underground, clavte, flattened with the pedicels, bracts and the ovary concealed in the leaf sheaths. The lower big flowers on the scape are mostly bisexual and the upper small ones staminate. Flowers are epigynous bright yellow, bisexual or unisxual with lanceolate, memb ranous bract.. Perianth gamophyllous, rotate & six lobed, locate at the top of a slender sterile long extension of the ovary by means of which the perianth is exposed above the ground. Perianth lobes similar, elliptic oblong 1.2-1.6 cm long, 0.2-0.3 cm broad, outer lobes hairy on the back, inner ones sparsely hairy along nerves. Stamens 6 in number, filamentous filiform, short 2mm long, adnate to the base of the perianth lobes, Anthers linear or linear lanceolate, basifixed and sagittate,.Ovary inferior, hidden among the leaves usually below the ground, tricarpellary syncarpous, lanceolate and trilocular with a fairly long slender beak or extension -the stipe. Ovules many in each cell attached by a distinct long funicle. Style short columnar, 2mm with a 3 lobed stigma. Lobes elongate, erect and appressed. Fruit is a capsule about 1.5-2cm long, 8mm broad, oblong, glabrescent with a slender beak and spongy septa. Seeds 1-many, oblong, black, shiny with crustaceous testa grooved deeply in wavy lines.

Properties and activity: Rao and Beri (1951) have identified glucose, mannose, xylose and glucuronic acid from the rootstock of C. orchioides. The rootstock is also reported to contain glycoside, polysaccharides (hemicellulose and other polysaccharides), starch, resin, tannin, mucilage, fat and calcium oxalate. The hexane extract contains an alkaloid-lycorine, sterols including -sitosterols and sapogenin identified as yuccagenin (Rao et al, 1978). The flavone glycoside from the rootstock has been identified as 5,7- dimethoxy glucopyranoside (Yadav et al, 1974; Sharma et al 1975). Mehta et al (1980) have isolated a number of fatty acids from C. orchioides root oil by GLC techniques. They are palmitic, oleic, linolenic linoleic, arachidic and behenic acid. Kubo et al (1983) isolated a new phenolic glycoside namely, curculigoside from the rhizomes and its structure has been elucidated as 5- hydroxy-2-0- -d-glucopyranosyl benzl 1,2,6-dimethoxy benzoate. Yamasaki et al (1994) developed HPLC method for estimating the curculigoside content in curculigo rhizome.

Two new aliphatic hydroxy ketone 27-hydroxy tricontan-6-one (M. P. 84-85o C) and 23- hydroxy tricontan-2-one (M. P. 109-110 o C) were isolated from the rhizome by Misra et al (1984). They also isolated 21-hydroxy tetracontan-20-one and 4-methyl heptade canoic acid from the root stock. Porwal et al (1988) have isolated and identified three new compounds from the rhizome as N- acetyl-N-hydroxy-2-carbamic acid methyl ester, 3-acetyl-5-carbomethoxy-2H-3,4,5,6-tetrahydro-1,2,3,5,6-oxatetrazine and N, N, N’, N’-tetra methyl succinamide. The rhizomes of C. orchioides yielded a new phenolic glycoside corchioside a, characterised as orcinol-3- -D-xylopyranosyl- (1 6)- -D-glucopyranoside and hentriacontanol (Garg et al, 1989).

A new aliphatic compound has been isolated from the rhizomes and characterised as 25- dihydroxy-33-methyl pentatricontan-one (Mehta et al, 1990). Misra et al (1990) isolated a new natural triterpene alcohol-Curculigol charactrised as 24-methy cycloart-7-en-3-beta-20-diol. A novel pentacyclic triterpene has been isolated from the rhizomes of C.orchioides and characterised as 31- methyl-3-oxo-20-ursen-28-oic acid (Metha and Gawarikar,1991). Xu and Xu (1992) and Xu et al (1992 a, b) have isolated 13 cycloartane type. Triterpene glycosides from C. orchioides rhizome and characterised them as curculigo saponin A-M.

The root stock are mucilaginous, sweet, cooling, bitter, emollient, diuretic, aphrodisiac, depurative, alternative, appetiser, carminative, viriligenic, antipyretic and tonic (Sivarajan and Indira, 1994; Warrier et al, 1994).

The uterine stimulant activity of the flavone glycoside extracted from C. orchioides has been studied by Dhawan and Saxena (1958), Sharma et al (1975) and Dhar et al (1979).

The plant extract of C. orchioides showed hypoglycaemic, spasmolytic and anticancer properties (Dhar et al,1968). Phagocytic activity (Kubo et al, 1983) and immunoadjuvant activity (Oru et al, 1982) of phenolic glycosides, curculigoside isolated from the rhizome of the plant have been reported. Porwal and Mehta (1985) discussed the medicinal importance of the plant and its use in indigenous system of medicine as a tonic. Sharma et al (1991) reported the influence of MAK an ayurvedic food supplement constituting C. orchioides against Dimethyl benz anthracene induced mammary tumours in rats. Samanta (1992) reported the modulation of male infertility by Ayurvedic drug, which constitutes C. orchioides. Immunostimulant activity of C. orchioides has been demonstrated by Saxena (1992). Immunological activites of curculigo saponin G were assayed in mice and the results showed that it promoted proliferation of spleen lymphocyctes very significantly and increased the weight of the thymus in vivo in mice (Xu et al,1992).

Pharmacological studies in China, on the alcoholic extract obtained from the plant showed several active effects such as adaptogenic, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, sedative, androgenic and immunopromoting activities (Xu et al, 1992).

Curculigo orchioides is distributed widely throughout the country. The demand of the raw materials and derivatives of the plant for the indigenous drug industries are satisfied mainly from the wild source, depleting the natural population and thus the species have become extinct or endangered. Ansari (1993) have reported C. orchioides as a threatened plant from Madhulia forest of Garakhpur. Augustin and Souza (1995) also considered the plant as an endangered species. As the information on the cultivation of C.orchioides is scanty, it is very necessary to develop suitable agrotechniques for the domestication and large-scale cultivation of the plant.... holostemma


A polysaccharide substance allied to STARCH, contained in fruits and plants, and forming the basis of vegetable jelly. It has been used as a TRANSFUSION ?uid in place of blood in cases of haemorrhage and shock.... pectin

Astragalus Gummifer


Family: Fabaceae; Papilionaceae.

Habitat: Highlands of Asia Minor, Iran, Greece, Syria and Russia.

English: Tragacanth Gum.

Unani: Katiraa, Kataad (Gum)

Action: Demulcent, emollient (used for irritation of the internal mucosa, colitis, dry coughs), laxative. Mucilage used as an application to burns.

The gum contains polysaccharides and proteinaceous polysaccharides.

Tragacanthin is water-soluble, consisting of an arbinogalactan and traga- canthic acid. Bassorin is an insoluble methylated fraction (gel). The polysac- charides have been shown to have im- munostimulating activity (stimulation of phagocytosis and an increase in plasma cell counts of T-lymphocytes.

Although tragacanth increases weight of stool and decreases gastrointestinal transit time, it does not appear to affect cholesterol triglyceride or phospholipid levels as other soluble fibres do. (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)

Tragacanth has been shown to be active against a variety of tumours. It appears to inhibit growth of cancer cells.... astragalus gummifer

Balsamodendron Myrrha


Synonym: Commiphora molmol Engl.

C. abyssinica (Berg.) Engl.

Family: Burseraceae.

Habitat: Arabia, Somaliland.

Ayurvedic: Bola, Hiraabola, Surasa, Barbara, Gandharasa.

Unani: Murmakki, Bol.

Siddha/Tamil: Vellaibolam.

Action: Oleo-gum-resin—em- menagogue (used for irregular menstruation and painful periods), anti-inflammatory (on pharyngitis and gingivitis), antiseptic, bacteriostatic, antiviral, astringent, stimulant, expectorant, stomachic, carminative (in dyspepsia), a leuco- cytogenic agent (increases number of white cells in the blood). Used externally for treating acne, boils and pressure sores, internally as a blood purifier.

Key application: In topical treatment of mild inflammations of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa. (German Commission E.) As a gargle or mouth rinse for the treatment of aphthous ulcers, tonsillitis, common cold and gingivitis. (The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia, ESCOP.)

The gum (30-60%) contains acidic polysaccharides, volatile oil (2-10%) including other constituents, heer- abolene, eugenol, furanosequiterpenes and monoterpenes.

Myrrh is taken as a powder or a tincture, rather than as an infusion; used generally externally or as a gargle.

Aqueous suspension of the gum resin decreased ethanol-induced and indomethacin-induced ulcer in rats. (JEthnopharmacol, 1997, Jan 55(2), 141150.)

Dosage: Gum-resin—3-5 g (CCRAS.)... balsamodendron myrrha

Basella Alba

Linn. var. rubra Stewart.

Synonym: B. rubra Linn.

Family: Basellaceae.

Habitat: Grown as a pot herb in almost every part of India, except hills.

English: Indian Spinach.

Ayurvedic: Upodikaa, Potaki, Maalvaa, Amritvallari.

Siddha/Tamil: Vaslakkirai.

Folk: Poi.

Action: Demulcent, diuretic, laxative (a good substitute for spinach and purslane). Used as a cooling medicine in digestive disorders. Leaf juice is used in balanitis and catarrhal affections. Externally applied in urticaria, burns, scalds. Root—decoction is given to stop bilious vomiting and in intestinal complaints. Used as poultice to reduce local swellings; sap is used in acne.

Used for checking malnutrition in children.

The essential amino acids are argi- nine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, threonine and tryptophan. The plant contains several vitamins and minerals, is rich in calcium and iron compounds and contains a low percentage of soluble oxalates. The leaves also contain carotenoids, organic acids and water- soluble polysaccharides, bioflavonoids and vitamin K.

Dosage: Whole plant—10-20 ml juice. (CCRAS.)... basella alba


n. 1. a membrane, sheath, or other structure that encloses a tissue or organ. For example, the kidney, adrenal gland, and lens of the eye are enclosed within capsules. A joint capsule is the fibrous tissue, including the synovial membrane, that surrounds a freely movable joint. 2. a soluble case, usually made of gelatin, in which certain drugs are administered. 3. the slimy substance that forms a protective layer around certain bacteria, hindering their ingestion by phagocytes. It is usually made of *polysaccharide.... capsule


n. a complex molecule containing both a lipid component and a polysaccharide component. Lipopolysaccharides are constituents of the cell walls of Gram-negative bacteria and are important in determining the antigenic properties of these bacteria.... lipopolysaccharide

Periodic Acid–schiff Reaction

(PAS reaction) a test for the presence of glycoproteins, polysaccharides, certain mucopolysaccharides, glycolipids, and certain fatty acids in tissue sections. The tissue is treated with periodic acid, followed by *Schiff’s reagent. A positive reaction is the development of a red or magenta coloration.... periodic acid–schiff reaction


n. a carbohydrate. See also disaccharide; monosaccharide; polysaccharide.... saccharide

Bupleurum Flacutum


Family: Umbelliferae; Apiaceae.

Habitat: The Himalayas from Kashmir to Bhutan and the Khasi Hills, at 1,000-4,000 m.

English: Hare's Ear.

Folk: Shingu (Himachal Pradesh), Sipil (Punjab), Thaanyo (Garhwal).

Action: Roots—anti-inflammatory, haemolytic, antipyretic. Used in inflammations, muscle stiffness, neurosis, pain and pyrexia. Roots resolve inflammations of costal margin and diaphragm.

Key application: Extracts have been used for the treatment of chronic hepatitis, nephrotic syndrome and auto-immune diseases (WHO.).

Therapeutic properties are attributed to saikoside or saikosaponins (yield from roots 2.06-3.02%), a complex mixture of triterpenic saponins. Saponin content varies with age. Saikos- aponins are analgesic, antipyretic as well as antitussive; anti-inflammatory on oral administration. In Japan and China, roots have been used traditionally in auto-immune diseases. Saikos- aponins form an ingredient of anti- tumour pharmaceuticals. A water- soluble crude polysaccharide fraction, prepared from the root, was reported to prevent HCl/ethanol-induced ulcero- genesis in mice significantly. Saiko- saponin-d, at a concentration of more than 5 ^m, inactivated measles virus and herpes simplex virus at room temperature.

Several sterols, possessing metabolic activities and plasma cholesterol- lowering activity, have also been isolated from the root.... bupleurum flacutum

Calendula Officinalis


Family: Compositae; Asteraceae.

Habitat: Throughout India; wild in Punjab.

English: Pot-Marigold, Marigold; Calendula.

Unani: Zergul.

Siddha/Tamil: Thulvkka Saamanthi.

Action: Flowers—antiinflammatory, antiseptic, stimulant, antispasmodic, emmenagogue, antihaemorrhagic, styptic. Used in gastric and duodenal ulcers and dysmenorrhoea; externally for cuts, bruises, burns, scalds. Plant—antiprotozoal. Flower— antimicrobial. Essential oil— antibacterial.

Key application: In inflammation of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa, internally and externally. Externally, on poorly healing wounds, ul- cuscruris. (German Commission E, WHO, ESCOP.) Anti-inflammatory, vulnerary. (The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)

The flowers contain triterpenes, sterols, flavonoids, carotenes, bitter glycosides, resins, volatile oil, mucilage (do not contain tannins). Polysaccharides from flowers exhibited immuno- stimulating and antitumour activity in several in vitro test systems.

An alcoholic extract has been shown to have antitrichomonal activity.

Wound healing and antiinflammatory properties are attributed to Mn and carotene. An aqueous alcoholic extract of florets showed CNS inhibitory effect with marked sedative activity in experimental animals.

The extract of flower-heads exhibited estrogenic activity (reduces period pains and regulates menstrual bleeding).

Calephlone, the extract containing the total polyphenols of the inflorescence, has a marked cholagogic effect in rats and has been found helpful in the treatment of CCl4-induced hepatitis. A hypocholesterolaemic saponin has been extracted from the plant.

Dosage: Dried inflorescences powder—1-3 g (API Vol. II); fruit powder—1-2 g. (API Vol. IV.)... calendula officinalis

Carthamus Tinctorius


Family: Asteraceae.

Habitat: Cultivated mainly as an oil-seed crop in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra.

English: Safflower.

Ayurvedic: Kusumbha, Vahin- shikhaa, Vastraranjaka, Kusum.

Unani: Qurtum.

Siddha/Tamil: Chendurakam.

Action: Oil—aids prevention of arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease and kidney disorders as a polyunsaturated fat. Flowers— stimulant, sedative, diuretic, emmenagogue; used in fevers and eruptive skin conditions, measles.

Charred safflower oil is used in rheumatism and for healing sores.

Key application: Dried flowers— in cardiovascular diseases, amen- orrhoea, dysmenorrhoea and retention of lochia; also in wounds and sores with pain and swelling. (Pharmocopoeia of the People's Republic of China, 1997.)

Safflower contains carthamone, lig- nans and a polysaccharide. The polysaccharide, composed of xylose, fructose, galactose, glucose, arabinose, rhamnose and uronic acid residues, stimulates immune function in mice. It induced antibody formation in mice following peritoneal injection. Extracts of flowers have also been tested in China on blood coagulation, where a prolongation of clothing time was observed and platelet aggregation inhibited. Chinese research indicates that Safflower flowers can reduce coronary artery disease, and lower cholesterol levels. Flowers and seeds exhibit lipase activity. The flower extract also exhibited anti-inflammatory, sedative and analgesic effect and inhibitory effect on spontaneous motor activity.

The plant contains a propanetriol derivative, which can be used for the treatment of circulatory disorders.

Recent research suggests that improving the lipid profile might not be as important to reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease as suggested. (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)

Safflower is contraindicated in pregnancy, gastric disorders, excessive menstruation, haemorrhagic diseases.

Wild and thorny Safflower, growing in the arid tract of Haryana and Punjab (locally known as Kantiaari, Poli, Poiyan) is equated with C. oxy- cantha Bieb. The plant is diuretic. Seed oil is applied topically to ulcers. The plant contains a sesquiterpene gly- coside. Aerial parts contain hinesol- beta-D-fucopyranoside. The plant also contains luteolin-7-glucoside.

Dosage: Leaf—3-6 g powder. (CCRAS.)... carthamus tinctorius

Cetraria Islandica

(Linn.) Ach.

Family: Parmeliaceae.

Habitat: Lichen found in the hills from Tehri Garhwal to East Nepal.

English: Cetraria, Iceland Lichen, Iceland Moss.

Ayurvedic: Shaileya (black var.)

Folk: Charela (black var.)

Action: A food and tonic in convalescence and exhausting diseases. Used for chronic catarrh and bronchitis.

Key application: In irritation of the oral and pharyngeal mucous membrane and accompanying dry cough. (German Commission E, ESCOP.) As demulcent. (The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.) As a bitter remedy for lack of appetite. (ESCOP.)

The moss contains lichen acids (dep- sidones); mainly cetraric, protoce- traric, fumarprotocetraric, lichesteric and usnic acids; polysaccharides about 50%—lichenin 40% and isolichenin 10%; also furan derivatives, fatty acid lactones and terpenes. Lichenin is a moss-starch. Demulcent, expectorant and antiemetic properties are due mainly to the polysaccharides.

The usnic acid and protolichesteri- nic acid in the lichen and its crude, aqueous extract showed antibacterial activity against several pathogenic bacteria.

Contraindicated in gastric or duodenal ulcers due to its mucosa irritating properties. (Sharon M. Herr.)

Lozenges containing 160 mg of an aqueous extract of Iceland moss, were determined to be positive in 86% cases with good gastric tolerance. (ESCOP 1997.)... cetraria islandica

Chlorophytum Arundinaceum


Family: Liliaceae.

Habitat: The Himalaya from Nepal to Bhutan, Assam and Bihar.

Ayurvedic: Shveta-Musali. (Considered different from Asparagus adscendens Roxb.)

Unani: Musali Safed, Biskandri.

Siddha/Tamil: Vallaimusali.

Folk: Nising, Tibbati Ginseng.

Action: Tuber—nervine and general tonic. The plant is used as a substitute for onion. Fried powder of the root is chewed in aphthae of mouth and throat. A decoction of the root with turmeric is given in rheumatism.

The roots contain a bibenzyl xylo- side, the steroidal sapogenins, besides stigmasterol and its glucoside, nona- cosane and tetracosanoic, and triacon- tanoic acids.

The root extract exhibited good adaptogenic properties. The fruits yield a polysaccharide, galactoglucan.... chlorophytum arundinaceum

Colocasia Esculenta

(Linn.) Schott.

Synonym: C. antiquorum Schott.

Family: Araceae.

Habitat: Cultivated throughout India.

English: Taro, EdibleYam.

Ayurvedic: Pindaaluka, Aaluki.

Siddha/Tamil: Chaembu, Shaeppam- kizhangu.

Folk: Arvi, Ghuiyaa.

Action: Juice from petiole—styptic, rubefacient. Juice of corn—used in alopaecia.

The leaves contain flavones, api- genin and luteolin, also anthocyanins. Leaves cause severe irritation in mouth. Cooked leaves are a source of dietary fibre for diabetics helping in lowering post-prandial blood glucose level. A significant increase in total lipids, total cholesterol and triglyceride levels was observed in hypercholesterolaemic rats when fed with dried leaf powder.

The pressed juice of the petioles is used as an astringent and styptic. All parts of the plant show an acridity. The acridity is removed by boiling and by addition of baking soda.

From the tubers two dihydroxys- terols, besides beta-sitosterol and stig- masterol, have been isolated. Five novel aliphatic compounds have been reported. Trypsin inhibitors are isolated from the tubers.

The total amino acids recorded in the tubers range from 1380 to 2397 mg/ 100 g. The lysine concentration was relatively low. Besides starch, the tubers contain natural polysaccharides with 56% neutral sugars and 40% anionic components. Steamed corms contain 30% starch and 3% sugar.... colocasia esculenta

Corchorus Aestuans


Synonym: C. acutangulus Lam.

Family: Tiliaceae.

Habitat: Throughout the warmer parts of India, as a weed.

English: White Jute. (Tossa Jute is equated with C. olitorius Linn.).

Ayurvedic: Chunchu, Chanchu, Chinchaa. (bigger var. is equated with C. olitorius; smallar var. with C. capsularis.)

Folk: Chench shaaka, Titapat (Bengal).

Action: Seeds and aerial parts— stomachic, anti-inflammatory. Used in pneumonia.

The seeds contain cardenolides, beta-sitosterol, ceryl alcohol, oligosaccharides. The aerial parts contain triterpenoidal glycosides—corchoru- sins. Corchorusins have similar structural similarity with saikosaponins (isolated so far from Bupleurum sp. of Japan, China and Korea) and some of them exhibit antiviral, anti-inflam matory and plasma-cholesterol lowering activities.

The alcoholic extract of the entire plant was found to have anticancer activity against epidermal carcinoma of nasopharynx in tissue culture. Alcoholic extract and glycosides of seeds exhibit cardiotonic activity. Digitox- ose containing glycosides are reported to be present in Corchorus sp.

C. olitorius Linn. is known as Jew's Mallow (Pattaa Shaaka or Patuaa Shaa- ka).

Corchorosid A, reported from the plant, improved cardiac competence experimentally.

The leaf extracts may be used as moisturizers in skin cosmetics. The extracts consist of uronic acid containing muco-polysaccharide, Ca, K and P, among others, which act as effective moisturizers.... corchorus aestuans

Corchorus Capsularis


Family: Tiliaceae.

Habitat: Throughout warmer parts of India; extensively cultivated in West Bengal.

English: White Jute.

Ayurvedic: Kaala shaaka.

Siddha/Tamil: Pirattai-keerai.

Folk: Naadi shaaka, Narichaa. Titapat (Bengal).

Action: Leaves—stomachic, carminative, diuretic, antidysenteric (dried leaves). Seeds—purgative.

Seeds contain cardiac glycosides. These include two monosides, helveti- coside and corchoroside A and two polar glycosides, erysimoside and olitori- side. Leaves contain beta-sitosterol- glucoside. Corchoroside A exhibited cardiotonic properties.

The aqueous/alcoholic extracts, containing polysaccharides, may be used in preparations of skin cosmetics or hair preparations for their moisturizing effect.... corchorus capsularis

Dillenia Indica


Synonym: Dillenia speciosa Thunb.

Family: Dilleniaceae.

Habitat: The Himalayas from Nepal to Bhutan; north Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh.

English: Elephant Apple.

Ayurvedic: Bhavya.

Folk: Uva, Chaaltaa.

Action: Fruit—laxative, carminative, bechic, febrifuge, antispasmodic (used for abdominal pains). Bark and leaves—astringent.

The sepals contain (on dry weight basis): tannin 0.37, glucose 2.92 and malic acid 0.51%. The bark and leaves contain about 10% and 9% tannin (on dry weight basis) respectively.

The fruit yielded a polysaccharide, arabingalactan.

The leaves yielded cycloartenone, n-hentriacontanol, betulin, betulinic acid and beta-sitosterol. The bark gave iso-rhamnetin, naringenin, quercetin derivatives and kaempferol.... dillenia indica

Echinochloa Crus-galli

(Linn.) Beauv.

Synonym: Panicum crus-galli Linn.

Family: Gramineae; Poaceae.

Habitat: Cultivated mainly in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.

English: Barnyard Millet.

Ayurvedic: Ambah Shyaamaaka.

Siddha/Tamil: Oathupul.

Folk: Samak

Action: Whole plant—used for diseases of the spleen and for checking haemorrhage.

The grains are rich in carbohydrates (3.474 wt %) and trace elements (Cu, Cd, Cr, Ni, Fe, Mn, Sn). The total protein content is 4.2 wt% and the total lipids 4.46%. A hormone, oestrogen, is reported from the lipid.

A polysaccharide extracted from the endosperm and composed of glucose was identified as a phytoglycogen.... echinochloa crus-galli

Eupatorium Cannabinum


Family: Compositae; Asteraceae.

Habitat: The temperate Himalayas up to 3,600 m and in Khasi Hills between 1,000 and 2,000 m.

English: Hemp Agrimony, Water Hemp, Hemp Eupatorium.

Folk: Bundaar (Maharashtra), Tongollati (Assam).

Action: Diuretic, cathartic, anti-tumoral. Used under strict medical supervision for blood impurities and tumours. Internal administration is not advised unless the hepatotoxic alkaloids are shown to be absent from the sample.

The herb contains volatile oil (about 0.5%); sesqiterpene lactones, the major one being eupatoriopicrin; flavonoids, pyrrolizidine alkaloids; immunoactive polysaccharides.

Eupatoriopicrin has shown to be cy- tostatic as well as cytotoxic; it delayed transplanted tumour growth in mice in a dose-dependent manner.

An aqueous extract of the plant exhibited anti-necrotic activity against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepato- toxicity in rats. The effect is attributed to the presence of flavonoids, rutoside, hyperoside and quercetin; phenolic acids, caffeic and chlorogenic; and not due to the presence of eupatoriopicrin.

Acrylic acid and the lactic, malic and citric acids, present in the plant, also exhibited protective effect against acute toxicity induced by ethanol in mice.

The polysaccharides have immuno- stimulatory activity and enhance phagocytosis in a number of immunolog- ical tests. The leaf oil is reported to exhibit fungicidal effect.

A related species, Eupatorium odorum Linn., is known as Gondri in Ori- ssa.... eupatorium cannabinum

Fucus Vesiculosus


Family: Fucaceae. (Laminaria sp.)

Habitat: On the shores of the United Kingdom, North Atlantic Ocean, North Pacific Coast of America; as a weed; found in Indian Ocean on the Manora Rocks. Allied species—F. distichus Linn., and F nodosus Linn. (Included in Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants, CSIR, also in its second supplement.) F. nodosus is found in India along sea shores.

English: Bladderwrack, Black Tang, Rockweed, Kelp.

Action: Weed—one of the richest source of minerals, chiefly iodine, sodium, manganese, sulphur, silicon, zinc and copper. Effective against obesity, antirheumatic. Stimulates circulation of lymph. Endocrine gland stimulant. Allays onset of arteriosclerosis by maintaining elasticity of walls of blood vessels. Mild diuretic, bulk, laxative, antibiotic. High sodium content may reduce effectiveness of diuretics.

(The herb contains trace metal, particularly iodine from 0.03-1.0%. It may contain waste metals such as cadmium and strontium, when grown in a polluted environment. Variable iodine content and arsenic contamination make the herb unsafe.)

The herb should be used with caution in hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Excess thyroid activity maybe aggravated by the iodine content of the herb; it may disrupt thyroid function. One gram of Bladderwrack might contain as much as 600 mcg iodine (Ingesting more than 150 mcg iodine per day may cause hyperthyroidism or exacerbate existing hyperthyroidism.) (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)

Due to the antithrombin effects ofits fucan polysaccharides, consumption of the herb in cases of G1 bleeding disorders is contraindicated.

(Included among unapproved herbs by German Commission E.)... fucus vesiculosus

Enjoy A Cup Of Reishi Tea!

If you haven’t tried reishi tea until now, you should get some. Made from a “cure-all” herb, reishi tea has plenty of health benefits and helps you stay healthy with every gulp. About Reishi Tea Reishi tea is made form reishi, which is considered the best and most superior of all Chinese herbs. Reishi is a polypore mushroom which can be found growing in dark forests, on deciduous trees and logs. It is soft, corky, and flat, and has a conspicuous red-varnished cap, kidney-shaped, and with pores underneath it. It is classified based on its color and shape, and each variety protects and nourishes a different body organ. The classification is the following: white (lungs and skin), purple (joints), red (heart), green (liver), black (brain and kidney), and yellow (spleen). How to prepare Reishi Tea For a cup of reishi tea, you need about 5 grams of dried reishi mushroom herbs. Add them to the necessary amount of water for one cup and boil for about 10 minutes. Then, let the mixture steep for 2-3 hours, before you strain it to remove the herbs. If you don’t like the taste too much or you think it’s too bitter, you can add honey or fruit juice to sweeten it. Reishi Tea Constituents Reishi tea gets many of its health benefits thanks to the active constituents found in the reishi mushroom - the tea’s main ingredient. Some of them include triterpenes (ganoderic acids), polysaccharides, alkaloids, lactones, mannitol and coumarin. Also, reishi tea has various vitamins, proteins, and minerals. Reishi Tea Benefits Reishi tea is an important element in the fight against cancer. It helps by enhancing the human ability to fight abnormal cells and, consequently, it can improve the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acid. It also protects the cells against further damage, and it helps alleviate the pain and discomfort caused by chemotherapy. Drinking reishi tea will keep the heart diseases away, as it lowers bad cholesterol levels and blood pressure. It helps strengthen the immune system, and it will also slow down the aging process by nurturing the cells in your body. Not only is reishi tea good for your immune system, but it also helps your nervous system. This tea is bound to help you relax, by soothing the mind and sedating the nerves. It will also help you sleep properly during the night. You can drink reishi tea if you’ve got problems with coughing or asthma. It protects your liver, therefore it is recommended to persons who suffer from acute and chronic hepatitis. Besides this, it also helps with diabetes, skin allergy, and duodenal ulcers. Reishi Tea Side Effects You might have an allergic reaction to reishi tea. If you end up with an upset stomach, or you feel your mouth, nose and/or throat dry, you might have an allergic reaction. Stop drinking reishi tea and contact your doctor, just in case. Other side effects you might get when drinking reishi tea include dizziness, nosebleeds, sore bones, gastrointestinal distress, or irritated skin. It is best not to drink reishi tea if you’re taking blood thinning medication (aspirin, warfarin). The tea might intensify the effects of the medicine. It is also considered that this tea may interfere with immunosuppressive drugs or even organ transplants.   According to the Chinese, the reishi mushroom is a plant which can bring “the dying back to life”. Reishi tea has quite similar properties too, as it comes with many health benefits. This should encourage you to drink reishi tea every day!... enjoy a cup of reishi tea!

Gelidium Amansii


Family: Gelidaceae, Rhodophyceae.

Habitat: Indigenous to Japan.

English: Agar Agar, Japanese Isinglass. (Dried mucilaginous extract.)

Folk: Agar-Agar.

Action: Bulk-laxative. Agar-Agar does not increase peristaltic action. Its action is similar to that of cellulose of vegetable foods which aids the regularity of the bowel movement. (Often made into an emulsion with liquid paraffin for use in constipation.)

Most agars consist of two major polygalactoses, the neutral agarose and the sulphonated polysaccharide agaropectin, with traces of amino acids and free sugars.

Agar contains a large amount of pectin which may precipitate when exposed to alcohol. (Sharon M Herr.)... gelidium amansii

Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis


Family: Malvaceae.

Habitat: Native of China; grown in gardens throughout India.

English: Rose-of-China, Shoe- flower, Chinese Hibiscus.

Ayurvedic: Japaa, Javaa, Odrapush- pa, Rudrapushpa, Arunaa.

Unani: Gul-e-Gurhal.

Siddha/Tamil: Semparuthi.

Action: Flower—used in impo- tency, bronchial catarrh. Flower and bark—emmenagogue. Leaf— stimulates expulsion of placenta after childbirth; laxative, anodyne. Flower and root—used in menorrhagia.

The plant contains the cyclopro- panoids, methyl sterculate, methyl- 2-hydroxysterculate, 2-hydroxystercu- late, malvalate and beta-sitosterol.

The major anthocyanin in the flower is cyanidin 3-sophoroside. The flower nectar is rich in amino acids, mainly aspartic acid and asparagin. During pollination, the amino acid concentration increases substantially.

Flower powder exhibited anti-inflammatory activity in male albino rats with carrageenan-induced rat paw oedema. The aqueous extract of the plant showed antitumour activity against sarcoma 180 ascites.

An aqueous extract of flowers reduced the duration of oestrus cycle in experimental albino rabbits. The alcoholic extract of flowers showed antiimplantation activity. The benzene extract of flowers, on oral administration, terminated pregnancy in experimental animals.

Flower buds are used in the treatment of vaginal and uterine discharges.

Oral administration of flower extract to rats affected spermatogenesis and endocrine function of testis.

In diabetic patients, a flower bud is given daily up to 10 days or until the level of blood sugar is reduced to tolerable limits.

The white-flowered var. of Japan (cultivated all over India in garden) is equated with Hibiscus syriacus Linn. (Rose of Sharon, Shrubby Althaea). The white flower is an oriental drug used as demulcent and antidiarrhoeal. The bud yields mucilage which consists mainly of partially acetylated acidic polysaccharides. The aqueous extract of the petals causes vasorelaxation of the isolated rat arota via both endo- thelium-dependent and -independent mechanisms. The petals contain anthocyanin pigments.

The cortex and bark exhibit antifun- gal acitivity.

The bark gave canthin-6-one and a fatty acid fraction consisting of lauric, myristic and palmitic acids.

Dosage: Flower—10-20 g paste. (CCRAS.)... hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Iceland Moss Tea

Iceland Moss Tea is known by the people from Iceland, Finland, Norway, Russia and Sweden as being a remedy for disorders of the respiratory system. The Iceland moss grows mainly in the tree barks of Iceland and most Scandinavian countries and reaches a height of almost 4 inches. You can distinguish the plant by its curled leaves and unique spiny margins. The constituent of Iceland Moss Tea is the lichenin, a type of starch. It also contains polysaccharides that strengthen your immune system. How To Make Iceland Moss Tea To make Iceland Moss Tea you will need to place a teaspoon of dried Iceland moss herbs in a kettle of boiling water. Let it boil for about 3 minutes and after that let the mix stand for 10 minutes. It is advised to drink 2 cups of Iceland Moss Tea per day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Iceland Moss Tea Benefits
  • Helps treating bronchitis.
  • Cough remedy.
  • Helps combat irritable bowel infections, gastritis and dysentery.
  • Prevents congestion.
  • Fights infestation of intestinal worms.
Iceland Moss Tea Side Effects
  • Over consumption can be unsafe, because the dried Iceland moss plant can be contaminated with lead.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid drinking Iceland Moss Tea. During pregnancy, it can be harmful to the mother and to the unborn child.
  • It can cause ulcers in the stomach or small intestine.
  • Iceland Moss Tea may interact with the effects of some medications, so make sure you always consult your doctor before drinking Iceland Moss Tea or any kind of herbal tea.
  • It can cause nausea and liver problems.
Iceland Moss Tea is a healthy herbal tea known for its medicinal properties. Try not to drink more than 1-2 cups per day of Iceland Moss Tea in order not to experience its side effects!... iceland moss tea

Indian Beech

Pongamia pinnata


San: Karanj;

Hin: Karanja, Dittouri;

Ben: Dehar karanja;

Mal: Ungu, Pongu; Guj, Mar, Pun: Karanj;

Kan: Hongae;

Tel: Kangu;

Tam: Puggam; Ass: Karchaw; Ori: Koranjo

Importance: Indian beech, Pongam oil tree or Hongay oil tree is a handsome flowering tree with drooping branches, having shining green leaves laden with lilac or pinkish white flowers. The whole plant and the seed oil are used in ayurvedic formulations as effective remedy for all skin diseases like scabies, eczema, leprosy and ulcers. The roots are good for cleaning teeth, strengthening gums and in gonorrhoea and scrofulous enlargement. The bark is useful in haemorhoids, beriberi, ophthalmopathy and vaginopathy. Leaves are good for flatulence, dyspepsia, diarrhoea, leprosy, gonorrhoea, cough, rheumatalgia, piles and oedema. Flowers are given in diabetes. Fruits overcomes urinary disease and piles. The seeds are used in inflammations, otalgia, lumbago, pectoral diseases, chronic fevers, hydrocele, haemorrhoids and anaemia. The seed oil is recommended for ophthalmia, haemorrhoids, herpes and lumbagoThe seed oil is also valued for its industrial uses. The seed cake is suggested as a cheap cattle feed. The plant enters into the composition of ayurvedic preparations like nagaradi tailam, varanadi kasayam, varanadi ghrtam and karanjadi churna.

It is a host plant for the lac insect. It is grown as a shade tree. The wood is moderately hard and used as fuel and also for making agricultural implements and cart- wheels.

Distribution: The plant is distributed throughout India from the central or eastern Himalaya to Kanyakumari, especially along the banks of streams and rivers or beach forests and is often grown as an avenue tree. It is distributed in Sri Lanka, Burma, Malaya, Australia and Polynesia.

Botany: Pongamia pinnata (Linn.) Pierre syn. P. glabra Vent., Derris indica (Lam.) Bennet, Cystisus pinnatus Lam. comes under family Papilionaceae. P. pinnata is a moderate sized, semi -evergreen tree growing upto 18m or more high, with a short bole, spreading crown and greyish green or brown bark. Leaves imparipinnate, alternate, leaflets 5-7, ovate and opposite. Flowers lilac or pinkish white and fragrant in axillary recemes. Calyx cup-shaped, shortly 4-5 toothed, corolla papilionaceous. Stamens 10 and monadelphous, ovary subsessile, 2-ovuled with incurved, glabrous style ending in a capitate stigma. Pod compressed, woody, indehiscent, yellowish grey when ripe varying in size and shape, elliptic to obliquely oblong, 4.0-7.5cm long and 1.7-3.2cm broad with a short curved beak. Seeds usually 1, elliptic or reniform, wrinkled with reddish brown, leathery testa.

Agrotechnology: The plant comes up well in tropical areas with warm humid climate and well distributed rainfall. Though it grows in almost all types of soils, silty soils on river banks are most ideal. It is tolerant to drought and salinity. The tree is used for afforestation, especially in watersheds in the drier parts of the country. It is propagated by seeds and vegetatively by rootsuckers. Seed setting is usually in November. Seeds are soaked in water for few hours before sowing. Raised seed beds of convenient size are prepared, well rotten cattle manure is applied at 1kg/m2 and seeds are uniformly broadcasted. The seeds are covered with a thin layer of sand and irrigated. One month old seedlings can be transplanted into polybags, which after one month can be planted in the field. Pits of size 50cm cube are dug at a spacing of 4-5m, filled with top soil and manure and planted. Organic manure are applied annually. Regular weeding and irrigation are required for initial establishment. The trees flower and set fruits in 5 years. The harvest season extends from November- June. Pods are collected and seeds are removed by hand. Seed, leaves, bark and root are used for medicinal purposes. Bark can be collected after 10 years. No serious pests and diseases are reported in this crop.

Properties and activity: The plant is rich in flavonoids and related compounds. Seeds and seed oil, flowers and stem bark yield karanjin, pongapin, pongaglabrone, kanugin, desmethoxykanugin and pinnatin. Seed and its oil also contain kanjone, isolonchocarpin, karanjachromene, isopongachromene, glabrin, glabrachalcone, glabrachromene, isopongaflavone, pongol, 2’- methoxy-furano 2”,3”:7,8 -flavone and phospholipids. Stem-bark gives pongachromene, pongaflavone, tetra-O-methylfisetin, glabra I and II, lanceolatin B, gamatin, 5-methoxy- furano 2”,3”:7,8 -flavone, 5-methoxy-3’,4’-methelenedioxyfurano 2”,3”:7,8 -flavone and - sitosterol. Heartwood yields chromenochalcones and flavones. Flowers are reported to contain kanjone, gamatin, glabra saponin, kaempferol, -sitosterol, quercetin glycocides, pongaglabol, isopongaglabol, 6-methoxy isopongaglabol, lanceolatin B, 5-methoxy-3’,4’- methelenedioxyfurano 8,7:4”,5” -flavone, fisetin tetramethyl ether, isolonchocarpin, ovalichromene B, pongamol, ovalitenon, two triterpenes- cycloart-23-ene,3 ,25 diol and friedelin and a dipeptide aurantinamide acetate.

Roots and leaves give kanugin, desmethoxykanugin and pinnatin. Roots also yield a flavonol methyl ether-tetra-O-methyl fisetin. The leaves contain triterpenoids, glabrachromenes I and II, 3’-methoxypongapin and 4’-methoxyfurano 2”,3”:7,8 -flavone also. The gum reported to yield polysaccharides (Thakur et al, 1989; Husain et al, 1992).

Seeds, seed oil and leaves are carminative, antiseptic, anthelmintic and antirheumatic. Leaves are digestive, laxative, antidiarrhoeal, bechic, antigonorrheic and antileprotic. Seeds are haematinic, bitter and acrid. Seed oil is styptic and depurative. Karanjin is the principle responsible for the curative properties of the oil. Bark is sweet, anthelmintic and elexteric.... indian beech

Indigo Root Tea

Indigo Root Tea has been known for many years due to its antiseptic, astringent, antibiotic, emetic and antibacterial properties. Wild indigo (baptisia tinctoria) is a herbaceous annual plant that can be recognized by its branching stems and bluish green leaves. Its flowers usually bloom during May and September and they pose as bright yellow flowers. The constituents of Indigo Root Tea are flavonoids, isoflavones, alkaloids, coumarins and polysaccharides. They usually are active when the indigoo root is made into a decoction or used as a tincture. How To Make Indigo Root Tea If you want to make Indigo Root Tea, simply place a handful of indigo root in a cup of boiling water for about 10-15 minutes. After that, take it out of the heat and let it stand for about 3 minutes. Indigo Root Tea Benefits
  • Strenghtens the immune system.
  • Can speed recovery from the common cold.
  • Helps heal wounds and cuts.
  • Treats respiratory infections such as pharyngitis and tonsilitis.
  • Heals sore thorat.
  • Helps reduce fever.
  • Helps in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome when combined with echinacea.
Indigo Root Tea Side Effects
  • Taking in large doses, Indigo Root Tea can cause nausea, diarrhea, voming or asphyxiation.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid drinking Indigo Root Tea.
  • People with auto-immune disorders should not drink Indigo Root Tea.
Indigo Root Tea is an amazing tea with many health benefits. Just make sure you don’t drink too much indigo root tea, in order not to experience any of its side effects!... indigo root tea

Ipomoea Batatas

(Linn.) Lam.

Habitat: Native to tropical America; cultivated throughout India for edible tubers.

English: Sweet potato.

Ayurvedic: Mukhaaluka, Rataalu, Raktaalu, Raktapindaka, Raktakan- da.

Siddha/Tamil: Sakkareivelleikulan- gu.

Unani: Shakarkand, Rataalu.

Action: Root—used in strangury, urinary discharges, burning sensation, thirst. Whole plant—used in low fever and skin diseases.

Cooked tubers contain reducing sugars 6.45, sucrose 2.23, maltose 864, dextrins 0.51 and polysaccharides 14-13%. Cooking increases the sweetness as a result of the hydrolysis of starch to maltose and dextrins through the action of beta-amylase.

Sweet potatoes are rich in starch content. During the storage a part of starch content is converted into reducing sugars and subsequently into sucrose. In a sample stored for 5 months, the starch content was reduced from 19.1% to 14.1% while the percentage of reducing sugars (as dextrose) and sucrose increased from 0.9 to 1.7 and 1.9 to 6.1% respectively.

Indian types with white flesh contain little or no carotene, while American types with pink flesh contain as high as 5.4-7.2 mg/100 g of carotene. Vitamins present in the tubers are : thiamine 0.09-0.14, riboflavin 0.05-0.10 and vitamin C 16-22 mg/100 g.

The hot aqueous extract of leaves exhibits significant inhibitory activity of rat lens aldose reductase (AR). Ellagic and 3,5-dicaffoylquinic acids have been isolated as potent inhibitors.

The leaves also contain polysaccha- rides which increase the platelet count in experimental animals due to enhanced production ofthrombopoietin.

From the stem and root, hexadecyl, octadecyl and eicosyl p-coumarates have been isolated.

The tubers show significant lectin activity and exhibit haemagglutinating activity in trypsinized rabbit erythro- cytes.... ipomoea batatas

Lepidium Sativum


Family: Curciferace, Brassicaceae.

Habitat: Native to West Asia; cultivated throughout India as a salad plant.

English: Garden Cress, Water Cress.

Ayurvedic: Chandrashuura, Chan- drikaa, Vaas-pushpaa, Pashume- hankaarikaa, Nandini, Suvaasaraa, Aashaalim.

Unani: Habb-ul-rashaad, Tukh-e- Taratezak, Haalim, Sipandaan.

Siddha/Tamil: Alivirai.

Action: Used in asthma, bronchial affections and bleeding piles. Seeds—lactagogue, diuretic, and emmenagogue. Used for treating skin disorders, fever, amoebic dysentery and asthma. Leaf— stimulant, antiscorbutic, diuretic. Roots—used in secondary syphilis and in tenesmus.

The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India recommends the use of dried seeds, in powder form, in gout.

The seeds are a good source of iron, but its bioavailability is poor (5.4% of total iron). They are used for rapid healing ofbone fractures. The ethano- lic extract of seeds significantly increased collagen synthesis and its deposition at bone fracture portion in the treated rats. The tensile strength of the broken tibiae also increased.

The seeds contain an alkaloid (0.19%), glucotropaeolin, sinapin (cho- line ester of sinapic acid), sinapic acid, mucilaginous matter (5%) and uric acid (0.108 g/kg). The seed oil exhibits pronounced oestrogenic activity.

The seed mucilage allays the irritation of the mucous membrane of intestines in dysentery and diarrhoea. It consists of a mixture of cellulose (18.3%) and uronic acid-containing polysaccharides; acid hydrolysis yield L-arabinose, D-galactose, L-rhamnose, D-glacturonic acid and D-glucose.

The plant contains pantothenic acid, pyridoxin and rutin. Ethanolic extract of the plant showed antiviral activity against rinderpest virus.

Dosage: Seed—3-6 g powder. (API, Vol. I.)... lepidium sativum

Lilium Candidum


Habitat: Native to Southern Europe and South-West Asia; grown in Indian gardens.

English: Madona Lily, Annunciation Lily, White Lily.

Action: Bulb—astringent, demulcent. Used for gynaecological disorders. A decoction of the bulbs in water or milk is given for dropsy; a poultice is applied to tumours, ulcers and skin inflammations. Fresh flowering plant is used in homoeopathy as an antispasmodic; the pollen is used against epilepsy

A total extract stimulates phagocytosis in mice. The bulbs contain alkaloids (pyrroline derivatives), jat- ropham, ethyljatropham and citracon- ic acid imides.

Mucous, tannin, sterine and gluco- side impart anti-inflammatory, analgesic, diuretic and expectorant properties to the bulb.

Bulbs of Lilium species contain soluble polysaccharides (glucomannans), starch, gamma-methylene glutamic acid and tuliposide.... lilium candidum

Litsea Glutinosa

(Lour.) C. B. Robinson.

Synonym: L. sebifera Pers. L. chinensis Lam.

Family: Lauraceae.

Habitat: Punjab, Khasi Hills, Bengal, Assam and South India.

English: Common Tallow Lowrel.

Ayurvedic: Medaasaka.

Unani: Maidaa-lakdi, MaghaaseHindi.

Siddha/Tamil: Mushaippeyetti, Elumpurukki, Uralli.

Action: Leaf—antispasmodic and emollient. Bark—demulcent, emollient, astringent, antidiarrhoeal, anodyne. Root—decoction is used as an emmenagogue. Oil from berries—used in rheumatism. Essential oil—antibacterial, antifungal.

The bark is mucilaginous. The plant contains a polysaccharide. Leaves and stem contain aporphine al- kaloids—boldine, laurotetanine, acti- nodaphnine and their derivatives. The trunk bark gave sebiferine and litsefer- ine.

Boldine produced dose-dependent inhibition of induced microsomal peroxidation in experimental studies.

Dosage: Bark—3-5 g powder. (CCRAS.)... litsea glutinosa

Lycium Barbarum


Family: Solanaceae.

Habitat: Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Maharashtra.

Unani: Chirchataa, Chirchitaa, Chirchitta.

Folk: Kheechar Chirchataa.

Action: Immunostimulatory, antiproliferatory, antiageing; antioxidant.

The leaves and flowers contain free quercetin (1.28 and 1.58 mg/g dry weight, respectively), and bound kaem- pferol. Total alkaloid percentage is nearly the same in shoots (1.26%) and fruits (1.24%) but lower in cal- li (0.83%) and roots (0.67%). Fruits had highest atropine content (0.95%) and shoots the highest hyoscyamine content (0.33%).

Flavonoids are active against E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans (quercetin does not show activity against Candida albicans).

The polysaccharide extract from fruits showed antiageing, immunos- timulatory and antiproliferatory activities. The polysaccharide acts as an an- tioxidant and prevented CCl4-induced increases in lipid peroxidases in liver. It can also protect against genetic damage from mutagenic and genotoxic compounds. This activity leads to its potential use in preventing the adverse effects of chemotherapeutic agents.

The fruit contain beta-carotene (8 mg/100 g dry weight), also free amino acids (1.0-2.6%); major amino acid is proline.

The dried fruit and root bark reduce cholesterol level by preventing its absorption in gastrointestinal tract. A constituent of the root bark, kuko- amine exhibits cholesterol lowering, antihypertensive and hypoglycaemic effects. Hepatoprotective activity is attributed to a cerebroside constituent found in the fruit. (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)

The fruit and root bark is contraindi- cated in bleeding disorders and hypoglycemia. (Sharon M. Herr.)... lycium barbarum

Matricaria Chamomilla


Family: Compositae; Asteraceae.

Habitat: Native of Europe; grown in Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.

English: German Chamomile, Chamomile. German chamomile flower is equated with Matricaria recutita L. (synonym Chamomilla recutita L.) and Roman Chamomile flower with Anthemis nobilis L. (synonym Chamamaelum nobilis L.)

Unani: Baabunaa.

Action: Sedative, anticonvulsant, carminative, antispasmodic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic. See also Anthemis nobilis.

Key application (German Chamomile) ? In inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and gastrointestinal spasm. Externally, in skin, mucous membrane and ano-genital inflammation and bacterial skin diseases. (German Commission E, The British Herbal Compendium.) As anti-inflammatory and anti- spasmodic. (The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)

The flowers of German chamomile gave volatile oil up to about 2%, containing alpha-bisabolol up to 50%, azu- lenes including chamazulene, guiazu- line and matricine; flavonoids including apigenin and luteolin and their glycosides, patuletin and quercetin; spiroethers; coumarins; polysaccha- rides.

The flowers are used as herbal tea for cough and cold and for promoting the flow of gastric secretion and bile. In chamomlile extracts, chamazulene has been found responsible for anti- inflammatory activity. Matricine and (-)-alpha-bisabolol also show anti- inflammatory and analgesic activity. Bisabolol exhibits ulceroprotective effect. Natural (-)-alpha-bisabolol has been shown to be significantly effective in healing burns; (-)-alpha-bisabolol, spiroethers and apigenin exhibit spasmolytic effect comparable with that of papaverine.

The polysaccharides are immunos- timulating and activate macrophages and B lymphocytes; play an important role in wound healing.

Crude aqueous extract of the plant has been reported to significantly delay the onset of convulsions and reduce mortality rate produced by picrotoxin experimentally.... matricaria chamomilla

Nerium Oleander


Family: Apocynaceae.

Habitat: Native to Mediterranean region; grown in Indian gardens.

English: Red Oleander, Rose Bay.

Unani: Surkh Kaner.

Action: See N. indicum. (The white- and red-flowered varieties are equated with Nerium oleander; both possess similar properties. The yellow-flowered variety is equated with Thevetia peruviana.)

Key application: Leaf—included among unapproved herbs by German Commission E. Positively inotropic and negatively chronotropic actions have been mentioned; the use of leaf for diseases and functional disorders of the heart, as well as for skin diseases has been indicated.

The leaves and roots gave a number of active principles including gly- cosides, terpenoids, sterols and other compounds. Cardiac steroids, isolated from the leaf, include oleandrin, gen- tiobiosyl oleandrin, odoroside. The stem contained alanine arginine, as- partic acid, cysteine, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, phenylalanine, proline, serine, threonine, tryptophan, tyrosine and valine. A polysaccharide (2.3%), containing galacturonic acid, rhamnose, arabinose and galactose has been isolated from leaves.

Neutral fraction from leaves at low doses caused marked suppression of locomotor activity.

Aqueous extract of leaves showed significant antibacterial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The leaves also showed insecticidal activity.... nerium oleander

Nyctanthes Arbor-tristis


Family: Oleaceae; Nyctanthaceae.

Habitat: Outer Himalaya, Assam, West Bengal; cultivated in many parts of India.

English: Tree of Sorrow, Night Jasmine, Coral Jasmine.

Ayurvedic: Paarijaata, Shephaali, Shephaalikaa, Mandaara.

Unani: Harasingaar.

Siddha: Pavazha mattigai.

Action: Leaves—bitter tonic, chola- gogue, febrifuge, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, hypotensive, respiratory stimulant. Used for fevers, rheumatism, obstinate sciatica.

The leaves and seeds contain iri- doid glycosides; other constituents reported from the leaves are mannitol, beta-amyrin, beta-sitosterol, hentria- contane, benzoic acid, astragalin, nico- tiflorin, oleanolic acid, nyctanthic acid, friedelin and lupeol. The seeds contain a polysaccharide glucomannan.

All parts of the plant are used for allergic disorders. Alcoholic extract of the plant was found to inhibit passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA) in experimental animals. The inhibition was comparable to standard drugs used for allergy and bronchial asthma.

Ethanolic extract of the leaves, flowers and seeds demonstrated strong stimulation of antigen specific and non-specific immunity in mice.

The 50% ethanolic extracts of the leaves, flowers, seeds and roots were found effective in treating caecal amoe- biasis caused by Entamoeba histolytica in rats. But the extracts did not exhibit direct amoebicidal activity in vitro against trophozoites of the parasite.

The iridoid glucosides showed an- tileishmanial activity both in vivo and in vitro.

Dosage: Leaf—10-20 ml juice. (CCRAS.)

Seeds—used in diabetes, also in cutaneous diseases. Filaments— astringent and cooling; prescribed for bleeding piles and menorrhagia. Plant—toxic on the nervous system.

The flowers contain flavonoids including quercetin, kaempferol, api- genin. Cardiac glucoside, nymphalin, showed sedative action in small doses.

The petroleum ether extract of the plant of Nymphaea species, given at a dose of 300 mg/kg i.p. prevented necrosis of the liver tissue and promoted, to some extent, liver regeneration in CCl4-induced toxicity.

Dosage: Dried flowers—3-6 g (API, Vol. III); seed—3-6 g. powder (CCRAS.).... nyctanthes arbor-tristis

Opuntia Dillenii

(Ker-Gawl.) Haw.

Synonym: O. stricta Haw. var. dillenii (Ker-Gawl.) Benson.

Family: Cactaceae.

Habitat: Native of Mexico; well- acclimatized throughout India.

English: Prickly Pear, Slipper Thorn.

Ayurvedic: Naagaphani, Kanthaari.

Unani: Naagphani.

Siddha/Tamil: Sappathikalli, Nagathali.

Action: Leaves—applied as poultice to allay inflammation and heat. Fruit—baked and given in whooping cough.

Dried or fresh flowers of cactus (opuntia series)—astringent and haemostatic. An infusion is given in irritable bowel, mucous colitis, and prostatitis. Ash of the aerial portion, mixed with sugar candy, is given for 21 days for birth control in tribal areas of Andhra Pradesh.

The Plant is recommended for growing in high pollution zones for abating sulphur dioxide pollution.

Pods contain a polysaccharide, ar- binogalactan. Betanin has been isolated from ripe fruits. Flowers contain the glycosides of isorhamnetin and quer- cetin, with smal amounts of the free flavonols.... opuntia dillenii

Plantago Lanceolata


Family: Plantaginaceae.

Habitat: Western Himalayas, from Kashmir to Garhwal and Simla.

English: Rib Grass, Ribwort Plantain, English Plantain, Buckhorn Plantain.

Unani: Baartang, Aspaghol.

Folk: Balatang.

Action: Leaf and root—astringent, bechic, antiasthmatic, anti-inflammatory, hypothermic, diuretic. Seed—cathartic, diuretic, haemostatic.

Key application: Internally, for catarrhs of the respiratory tract and inflammatory alterations of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa; externally for inflammatory reactions of the skin. (German Commission E, ESCOP.)

Globularin and methyl ester of de- sacetyl asperulosidic acid were isolated from the plant along with cat- apol. A crude mucilage, isolated from the leaves, contains L-arabinose 26.0, D-galactose 35.8, D-glucose 21.9, D- mannose 4.6, L-rhamnose 4.6 and uronic acid 6.9%. Alpha-D-glucan was separated from this mucilage.

Leaves gave aucubin and esculetin, in addition to polysaccharides. The whole plant yielded rhamnosidoglyco- side of caffeic acid. Seeds contain 1.1% aucubin. Aucubin exhibits antibacterial activity. Hepatoprotective effect is also attributed to the aucubin content.

Alcoholic extract of young leaves exhibit antibacterial action against Streptococcus betahaemolyticus, Micrococ- cus pyogenes var. aureus and Bacillus subtilis, thus confirming their wound- healing properties.... plantago lanceolata

Plantago Ovata


Synonym: P. Ispaghula Roxb.

Family: Plantaginaceae.

Habitat: Cultivated In Parts Of Rajasthan And Maharashtra.

English: Ispaghula, Spogel Seeds, Blond Psyllium.

Ayurvedic: Ashvagola. Ashwakarna (Also Equated With Shorea Robusta).

Unani: Aspaghol.

Siddha/Tamil: Isapppa.

Folk: Isabgol.

Action: Seed And Husk—Laxative, Diuretic, Demulcent, Bechic, Cholinergic. Used In Inflammatory Conditions Of The Mucous Membrane Of Gastrointestinal And Genitourinary Tract, Chronic Amoebic And Bacillary Dysentery; Also In Hypercholesterolemia.

Key Application ? In Chronic Constipation And Irritable Bowel. (German Commission E.) Also In Constipation Due To Duodenal Ulcer Or Diverticulitis (Who.) German Commission E Also Noted That Blond Psyllium Seed Lowers Serum Cholesterol Levels. It Has Also Been Shown To Slow Sugar Absorption Thereby Reducing Blood Glucose. (Escop.) Use Of Blond Psyllium Husk Up To Six Months Did Not Clinically Alter Vitamin Or Mineral Status In A Review Of Eight Human Trials. It Did Not Reduce Absorption Of Calcium. (J Am Geriatr Soc, 43, 1995; Am J Clin Nutr, 71, 2000; Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)

The Seed Contains Amino Acids Including Valine, Alanine, Glutamic Acid, Glycine, Cystine, Lysine, Leucine And Tyrosine; And A Mucilage Consisting Of A Mixture Of Polysaccharides Composed Mainly Of Xylose, Arabinose And Galacturonic Acid; Rhamnose And Galactose Are Also Present. The Seeds Also Gave Aucubin, The Antibacterial Principle. The Seed Coat Contains Fatty Acids Mainly Linoleic, Oleic And Palmitic Acids In Decreasing Concentrations.

The Seeds Show A Liver Protective Effect On Induced Hepatotoxicity In Mice. In China, The Plant Is Used Clinically To Treat Certain Types Of Hepatitis (Activity Due To Aucubin Content).

Dosage: Husk—5-10 G. (Ccras.)... plantago ovata

Seronoa Repens

(Bartram) Small.

Synonym: Sabal serrulata (Michaux) Nichols.

Family: Palmae.

Habitat: Southeastern North America.

English: Sabal, Saw Palmetto.

Action: Ripe fruit—diuretic, urinary antiseptic, antiandrogenic, and antiexudative.

The fruit contains fatty acids, especially capric, caproic, caprylic, lau- ric, myristic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic, stearic and palmitic acids; sterols, principally beta-sitosterol and its 3-gluco- side (and fatty acid derivatives), cam- pesterol and stigmasterol; triglycerides; triterpenes; alkanols; polysaccharides; flavonoids; essential oil and anthranilic acid.

Key application: In urination problems due to benign prostatic hyperplasia stages I and II (German Commission E, ESCOP, WHO.) (The lipophilic extracts of Saw Palmetto berries are used in France and Germany for the treatment of BPH. In a study (1999), shrinkage of the epithelial tissue in the transition zone of the prostate has been recorded. (Expanded Commission E Monographs.) (For Clinical studies, see ESCOP.)

In India, Sabal palmetto Lodd. Ex Roem. & Schult (Sabal or Cabbage Palm) is planted in gardens for ornament. The sweet drupes are eaten as such or cooked for preparing a syrup. Other species of Sabal introduced into Indian gardens are: S. mauritiiformis Griseb. & Wendl., S. mexicana Mart., S. umbraculifera Mart., and S. minor Pers. The leaves of S. mexicana contain cyanidin. The leaves of S. minor contain caffeic, p-coumaric and sinapic acids.... seronoa repens

Rheum Emodi

Wall. ex Meissn.

Synonym: R. australe D. Don.

Family: Polygonaceae.

Habitat: Sub-alpine Himalayas, from Kashmir to Sikkim at altitudes of 3,300-5,200 m.; also cultivated in Assam.

English: Indian Rhubarb, Himalayan Rhubarb.

Ayurvedic: Amlaparni, Pitamuuli, Gandhini Revatikaa. Revandachini (roots).

Unani: Revandchini.

Siddha/Tamil: Revalchinikattai, Nattirevaichini.

Action: Purgative, astringent, aperient. Used for constipation and atonic dyspepsia. Not advised for patients suffering from gout, rheumatism, epilepsy. (When given internally, the root imparts a deep tinge to the urine.)

The root gave emodin, emodin- 3-monomethyl ether, chrysophanol, aloe-emodin, rhein. These occur free and as quinone, anthrone or dianthrone glycosides. The astringent principle consists of gallic acid together with small amounts of tannin. The drug also contain cinnamic and rhe- inolic acids, volatile oil, starch and calcium oxalate. Two major glyco- sidic active principles, sennoside A and B, are present along with free an- thraquinones.

At low doses, the tannin exerts astringent effect and relieves diarrhoea; at higher doses anthraquinones stimulate laxative effect and relieve constipation. (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)

There are three main types of rhubarbs—Chinese, Indian or Himalayan, and Rhapontic.

The Chinese rhubarb consists of the rhizomes and roots of Rheum palma- tum and R. officinale.

The Indian rhubarb consists of dried rhizomes of R. emodi and R. web- bianum; rhizomes and roots of R. moorcroftianum and R. spiciforme are also reported to be mixed with the drug. R. rhaponticum is the Rhapontic rhubarb.

Rheum moorcroftianum Royle (the Himalayas at altitudes of 3,0005,200 m., chiefly in Garhwal and Ku- maon) possesses properties similar to those of R. emodi and the roots are mixed with the latter.

Rheum spiciforme Royle (drier ranges of Kumaon and Sikkim at altitudes of 2,700-4,800 m.) also possesses purgative properties. The rhizomes and roots are mixed up with Himalayan rhubarb.

Rheum webbianum Royle (the western and central Himalayas at altitudes of 3,000-5,000 m.) is the source of Himalayan rhubarb.

Rheum palmatum is esteemed as the best type of (Chinese) rhubarb. Two new stilbene glycosides, 4'-O- methylpiceid and rhapontin, isolated from the roots, exhibited moderate alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activity. Anthraquinone glucoside, pul- matin, isolated from the roots, along with its congeners, chrysophanein and physcionin, showed cytotoxic activity against several types of carcinoma cells. Polysaccharides, isolated from the roots and rhizomes, contained lyx- ose, glucose, galactose, xylose, rham- nose, mannose and ribose.

Dosage: Root—0.2-1.0 g powder. (CCRAS.)... rheum emodi

Spondias Pinnata

(Linn. f.) Kurz.

Synonym: S. mangifera Willd.

Family: Anacardiaceae.

Habitat: A small, aromatic tree occurring wild or grown throughout the country for edible fruits.

English: Hog-Plum, Wild Mango. Great Hog-Plum is equated with S. cytherea Sonn, synonym S. dulcis Soland. ex Forst. f.

Ayurvedic: Aamraataka, Aamraata, Aamadaa, Madhuparni, Kundalini, Kapitana, Markataamra.

Siddha/Tamil: Mambulichi, Kat- tuma.

Folk: Jangali Aam.

Action: Fruits, leaves, bark— astringent, antidysenteric, anti- speptic, antiscorbutic. Bark paste applied externally to articular and muscular rheumatism. Root—used for regulating menstruation.

The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia ofIn- dia recommends stem bark in haem- orrhagic diseases.

The fruit contains beta-amyrin, olea- nolic acid and amino acids—glycine, cystine, serine, alanine and leucine; polysaccharides are also present.

Aerial parts gave lignoceric acid, 24-methylenecycloartanone, stigmast- 4-en-3-one, beta-sitosterol and its glu- coside.

Dosage: Stem bark—5-10 g powder for decoction (API, Vol. II); 1-3 g powder (API, Vol. III).... spondias pinnata

Strychnine Tree

Strychnos nux-vomica


San: Karaskara;

Hin: Kajra, Kuchila;

Mal: Kanjiram; ;

Tam: Itti, Kagodi, Kanjirai Mar:Jharkhatchura;

Kan: Hemmushti, Ittangi;

Tel: Mushti, Mushidi; Ori: Kora, Kachila

Importance: It is a large deciduous tree, with simple leaves and white fragrant flowers.

Strychnos is highly toxic to man and animals producing stiffness of muscles and convulsions, ultimately leading to death. However, in small doses it can also serve as efficacious cure forms of paralysis and other nervous disorders. The seeds are used as a remedy in intermittent fever, dyspepsia, chronic dysentery, paralytic and neuralgic affections, worms, epilepsy, chronic rheumatism, insomnia and colic. It is also useful in impotence, neuralgia of face, heart disease, spermatorrhoea, skin diseases, toxins, wounds, emaciation, cough and cholera. Leaves are applied as poultice in the treatment of chronic wounds and ulcers and the leaf decoction is useful in paralytic complaints. Root and root bark used in fever and dysentery (Nadkarni, 1982; Kurup et al, 1979).

Distribution: The plant is distributed throughout India in deciduous forests up to 1200m. It is also found in Sri Lanka, Siam, Indochina and Malaysia.

Botany: Strychnos nux-vomica Linn. is a large tree belonging to the family Loganiaceae. Leaves are simple, opposite, orbicular to ovate, 6-11.5x6-9.5cm, coriaceous, glabrous, 5 nerved, apex obtuse, acute or apiculate, transverse nerves irregular and inconspicuous. Inflorescence is many flowered terminal cymes, 2.5-5cm across. Bracts (5mm) and bracteoles (1.5mm) small. Flowers are white or greenish white and fragrant. Calyx 5 lobed, pubescent and small (2mm). Corolla salver shaped, tube cylindrical slightly hairy near the base within and greenish white, tube much elongate than the lobes. Tube 7mm and lobes 2.5mm long. Lobes 5 and valvate. Stamens 5, filaments short, 0.1mm long. Anthers 1.5mm subexerted, linear oblong. Ovary 1.5 mm, pubescent, 2 celled, ovules one to many. Style 9mm, stigma capitate. Fruit is a berry, 5-6cm diameter, globose, indehiscent, thick shelled, orange red when ripe with fleshy pulp enclosing the seeds. Seeds 1-many, discoid, compressed, coin like, concave on one side and convex on the other, covered with fine grey silky hairs.

The leaf fall is during December (do not shed all the leaves at a time) and new foliage appears in February. Flowering is during March - April and fruiting during May - December. Fruits take about 8-9 months to mature.

Properties and activity: Strychnine and brucine are the most important and toxic alkaloids present in the plant. They occur not only in the seeds but also in roots, wood, bark, fruit pulp and hard fruit shells. The minor alkaloids present in the plant are vomicine, -colubrine, -colubrine, pseudostrychnine and N-methyl-sec-pseudobrucine (novacine). Loganin a glycoside is also present (Warnat, 1932; Martin et al, 1953; Guggisberg et al, 1966; Bisset and Chaudhary, 1974). Chatterji and Basa (1967) reported vomicine as the major constituent alkaloid along with unidentified alkaloid in leaves and identified another alkaloid kajine (N-methyl pseudostrychnine) from the leaves of very young plants.

Root bark of S. nux-vomica yeilded 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy strychnine, 4 hydroxy strychine, nor-macusine, a new alkaloid 12 , 13 dihydro-12 -hydroxy isostrychnine named protostrychnine (Baser et al, 1979) methoxy strychnine, and mavacurine (Guggisberg et al, 1966). Leaves and root bark also yeilded 11 new alkaloids. 10-hydroxy strychnine, 3-12-dihydroxystrychnine, 12-hydroxy–11- methoxy strychnine, 3-12-dihydroxy- 11-methoxy strychnine,12-hydroxy strychnine-N- oxide 12-hydroxy-11-methoxy strychnine- N-oxide-19,20–dihydro isostrychnine, 16 , 17 dihydro-17 -hydroxy isostrychnine, O- methyl-macusine B, 16-epi-o-methyl–macusine B and normelinone B (Baser and Bisset, 1982).

De and Datta (1988) isolated 5 tertiary indole alkaloids viz. strychnine, brucine, vomicine, icajine and novacine from S.nux-vomica flowers. Bisset et al (1989) isolated and identified two phenolic glycosides salidroside and cuchiloside – a compound consisting of salidroside and an attached xylose unit, from the fruit of S.nux-vomica.

Rodriguez et al (1979) isolated an indole alkaloid from the seeds of S. nux- vomica and identified as a 3-methoxy icajine. A new alkaloid 15-hydroxy strychnine has been isolated from the seeds and the structure of the alkaloid established by spectroscopic data (Galeffi et al, 1979). Cai et al (1990a) isolated 4 new alkaloids isobrucine, isobrucine N-oxide, isostrychnine N-oxide and 2 hydroxy–3-methoxy strychnine from the heat treated seeds of S. nuxvomica and the structure of the alkaloids were determined by 13 CNMR (Cai et al, 1994). Cai et al (1990 b) studied the changes in the alkaloid composition of the seeds during drug processing. Saily et al (1994) determined the mineral elements in Strychnos nux-vomica. Corsaro et al (1995) reported polysaccharides from the seeds of Strychnos species.

Seeger and Neumann (1986) reviewed the physico-chemical characteristics, occurrence, identification, utilisation, poisoning, toxicity, kinetics, differential diagnosis and therapeutic uses of strychnine and brucine. Aspergillus niger, A. flavus and Pencillium citrinum showed regular association with Strychnos seeds and effectively deteriorated the alkaloid content of the seeds (Dutta, 1988; Dutta and Roy, 1992). Nicholson (1993) described the history, structure and synthesis of strychnine which occur in the seeds of S. nux-vomica. Rawal and Michoud (1991) developed a general solution for the synthesis of 2- azabicyclo (3.3.1) nonane substructure of Strychnos alkaloids.

Villar et al (1984) and Hayakawa et al (1984) developed HPLC method for the analysis of strychnine and brucine. Graf and Wittliner (1985), Kostennikova (1986) and Gaitonde and Joshi (1986) suggested different methods for the assay of strychnine and brucine. Biala et al, (1996) developed new method for the assay of alkaloids in S. nux- vomica.

The seeds are bitter, acrid, alexeteric, aphrodisiac, appetiser, antiperiodic, anthelmintic, digestive, febrifuge, emmenagogue, purgative, spinal, respiratory and cardiac stimulant and stomachic. The bark is bitter, and tonic and febrifuge (Nadkarni, 1954; Kurup et al, 1979; Warrier et al, 1996).

The quarternery alkaloid from the root bark of the Sri Lankan plant exhibited muscle-relaxant activity (Baser and Bisset, 1982). Antimicrobial activity of indole alkaloid isolated from the Strychnos nux-vomica was studied by Verpoorte et al, 1983. Shukla et al (1985) evaluated the efficacy of Rasnadigugglu compound consisting of S. nux-vomica, on rheumatoid arthritis and found to be effective in reducing inflammatory oedoma and rheumatoid arthritis. It also exhibited analgesic activity. A compound Unani formulation containing S. nux-vomica significantly attenuated withdrawal intensity in morphine dependent rats (Zatar et al, 1991). Shahana et al (1994) studied the effect of Unani drug combination (UDC) having Strychnos nux-vomica on the abstinence syndrome in moderately and severely morphine dependent rats. The UDC strikingly suppressed the abstinence syndrome was seen to possess central depressant and analgesic action.

Melone et al (1992) reported brucine-lethality in mice. Panda and Panda (1993) and Satyanarayanan et al (1994) reported antigastric ulcer activity of nux vomica in Shay rats. Banerjee and Pal (1994) reported the medicinal plants used by the tribals of plain land in India for hair and scalp preparation and S. nux-vomica being used to cure alopecia (baldness) by the tribals. Tripathi and Chaurasia (1996) studied the effect of S. nux-vomica alcohol extract on lipid peroxidation in rat liver.... strychnine tree

Tamarindus Indica


Synonym: T. occidentalis Gaertn. T. officinalis HK.

Family: Caesalpiniaceae.

Habitat: Indigenous to tropical Africa; now distributed throughout the plains and sub-Himalayan tracts of India.

English: Tamarind tree.

Ayurvedic: Amli, Amlikaa, Suktaa, Chukraa, Chukrikaa, Chinchaa, Chandikaa, Tintidika.

Unani: Tamar Hindi

Siddha/Tamil: Puli, Aanvilam.

Action: Pulp of fruit—cooling, digestive, carminative, laxative, antiscorbutic; infusion prescribed in febrile diseases and bilious disorders; used as a gargle in sore throat; applied as a poultice on inflammatory swellings.

The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India recommends the fruit pulp in tiredness without exertion.

Leaves—juice, used for bleeding piles, bilious fever and dysuria. Stem- bark—antipyretic and astringent.

Used for diarrhoea. Bark is also prescribed in asthma and amenor- rhoea. Seed-kernel—stimulant; used as a supporting tonic in sexual debility in Unani medicine.

Water stored in the tumbler, made out of the wood, is given for treating splenic enlargement.

Ethanolic extract of the seed coat exhibited antioxidant activity. Kernel gave polysaccharides composed of D- glucose, D-xylose, D-galactose and L- arabinose in a molar ratio of 8:4:2:1. Polysaccharides showed immunomod- ulatory activities such as phagocytic enhancement, leukocyte migration inhibition and inhibition of lymphocyte proliferation.

The leaves gave flavone C-glycosi- des—orientin, vitexin, iso-orientin and iso-vitexin. The leaves and fruits gave tartaric acid and malic acid. The fruit pulp yielded amino acids—ser- ine, beta-alanine, proline, pipecolinic acid, phenylalanine and leucine.

A bitter principle, tamarindienal, isolated from the fruit pulp, showed fungicidal and bactericidal activity against Aspergillus nigar, Candida al- bicans, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli and Pseudomonas aerug- inosa.

The ash of the bark is given in colic and indigestion. The ash is also used in gargles and mouthwash for apthous sores.

Dosage: Fruit pulp without seeds— 4-10 g. (API, Vol. IV.)... tamarindus indica

Taraxacum Officinale

Weber ex Wiggers.

Family: Compositae; Asteraceae.

Habitat: Temperate Himalayas, Khasi Hills, Mishmi Hills, Gujarat and in hills of South India.

English: Common Dandelion.

Ayurvedic: Dugdh-pheni, Luutaari, Payaswani.

Unani: Kaanful, Kaasani Dashti, Kaasani Sahraayi, Hind-baa-al- Barri. (Not to be confused with Ci- chorium intybus, known as Kaasani.)

Folk: Dudhli, Dudhal.

Action: Root—diuretic, cholagogue, pancreatic and bile duct stimulant, stimulant to portal circulation, choleretic, urinary antiseptic, detoxicant, promotes elimination of plasma cholesterol. Used chiefly in kidney and liver disorders, for rheumatism and as a general tonic. A decoction is given for infective hepatitis.

Key application: In dyspepsia, loss of appetite, and for diuresis. (German Commission E, ESCOP.) ESCOP indicates its use for restoration of hepatic and biliary function.

Most of the diuretics cause loss of potassium, but dandelion leaves contain high levels of potassium.

The leaves and root contain sesqui- terpene lactones (bitter substances); triterpenes and sterols—beta-sitosterol, beta-sitosterol-glucosides, taraxasterol, psi-taratexol and taraxol; flavonoids, including among others, apigenin-7- O-glucosides and luteolin-7-O-gluco- sides; mucilages; inulin (2-40%, high values in autumn). The amaroids are cholagogic and secretolytic. (PDR.) An appetite-stimulating bitter has been identified as eudesmanolides (previously called taraxacin).

The vitamin A content is higher than in carrots.

The polysaccharides and aqueous extracts exhibited antitumour activity in animals. The anti-inflammatory activity has also been confirmed in animal studies.

The high K+ content of roots and leaves is considered responsible for the diuretic activity.

Dosage: Root—1-3 g powder. (CCRAS.)... taraxacum officinale

Teas For Migraines

Migraines are described as strong headaches associated with a certain discomfort of the nervous system. Although practitioners around the world tried to find the ultimate cure for this ailment, they are still far from finding the miraculous cure. Since ancient times, herbalists used a wide range of alternative remedies to induce a state of relaxation and bring relief to those suffering from migraines. However, modern medicine found new ways to treat this condition, even if no definitive cure has been provided yet. Drink Teas for Migraines Alternative medicine, however, gives you a hand. There are a lot of teas for migraines and headaches which can successfully be used in order to treat the affected areas and calm the localized pain. If you are suffering from this condition, you may want to try one of the following teas: - Black Tea - when it comes to Teas for Migraines, Black Tea turns out to be quite a helper. Thanks to its anti-oxidant and alkaline properties, this natural remedy can calm your pain and release the necessary amount of active constituents. - Catnip Tea - another name on the Teas for Migraines list is Catnip Tea, a powerful treatment with anesthetic, sedative and relaxing properties which can be found in almost any teashop. Just make sure that you’re buying the product from a trusted provider in order to avoid unnecessary complications. - Chamomile Tea - used in both the cosmetic and the pharmaceutical industries, Chamomile Tea is probably one of the world’s greatest panaceas. When choosing Teas for Migraines, you need to make sure that the herb you’re about to use has no side effects and that its action is rapid and very effective. If that is the case, Chamomile Tea, with its calming and nourishing properties may be a good alternative to traditional medication. Also, if you suffer from sleeping disorders, Chamomile Tea might bring relief and a good night sleep. - Lavender Tea - used mostly for its memorable scent, Lavender is used by both the cosmetic industry and the cleaning products factories. However, when choosing Teas for Migraines, Lavender Tea may be just as important as the other too teas mentioned above. Thanks to a good level of tannis and volatile oils, Lavender Tea makes migraines go away within minutes. Other Effective Teas for Migraines - Tansy Tea - although it is yet unknown to the European public, Tansy Tea is one of the most efficient Teas for Migraines in the alternative medicine. Tansy Tea contains tanacetin, volatile oil, tannic acid, parthenolides, which are toxic for your body in high dosages. Although its action is very quickly, you need to be careful when taking a treatment based on Tansy Tea. Exceeding the recommended dosage may lead to death! - Thyme Tea – known mostly for its ability to treat menstrual pain, Thyme Tea is also one of the Teas for Migraines we strongly recommend. Its active ingredient is a substance called thymol, which is responsible for the calming effect that this tea has on you and your health. Also, applied topically, Thyme Tea is a good remedy for cuts and opened wounds. - White Peony Root Tea – used especially for its anti-inflammatory properties, White Peony Root Tea is probably the most effective and also the rarest of these Teas for Migraines. It contains a substance called paeoniflorin, which has a high anti-spastic action, so it can calm not only your migraines, but almost any type of localized pain. The other ingredients, flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, tannins and polysaccharides make this particular herbal treatment work more efficient. By its own, paeniflorin is not as effective as used in combination with these other substances. - Yucca Tea – familiar to the South American populations and almost unknown for the Europeans, Yucca Tea is one of the teas that could probably treat almost any kind of affection. When you look in the Teas for Migraines section, you’ll notice that Yucca Tea has its own place. Thanks to a series of curative properties generated by the amount of saponins contained, Yucca Tea can treat other conditions of your body as well. If you suffer from arthritis or you just want a natural remedy for your hair, Yucca Tea is the answer! - Yerba Mate Tea – drank from special reservoirs, Yerba Mate Tea is commonly known as “the Argentine coffee”. Although it might be a little difficult to find it if you live in Europe, in case you’re looking for Teas for Migraines and you run into a teashop specialized in Yerba Mate products, hold on to it! It is said that this miraculous tea has all the ingredients necessary to sustain life. Specialists even call it “the new green tea”, thanks to its many curative properties. If you suffer from severe migraines, there’s no point in spending a lot of money on traditional pain killers. Just give one of these teas a try and enjoy its wonderful benefits!... teas for migraines

Tinospora Cordifolia

(Willd.) Miers ex Hook. f. & Thoms.

Family: Menispermaceae.

Habitat: Tropical India and the Andamans.

Ayurvedic: Guduuchi, Gudu- uchikaa, Guluuchi, Amrita, Am- ritaa, Amritalataa, Amritavalli, Chinnaruuhaa, Chinnodbhavaa, Madhuparni, Vatsaadani, Tantrikaa, Kundalini. Guduuchi sattva (starch).

Unani: Gilo, Gulanchaa. Sat-e-Gilo (starch).

Siddha: Seenil, Amrida-valli.

Folk: Giloya.

Action: Herb—antipyretic, an- tiperiodic, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, spasmolytic, hypo- glycaemic, hepatoprotective. Water extract increases urine output. Stem juice—prescribed in high fever; decoction in rheumatic and bilious fevers. Aqueous extract of the plant—fabrifuge. Starch—antacid, antidiarrhoeal and antidysenteric.

The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, along with other therapeutic applications, recommends the dried stems in jaundice, anaemia, polyuria and skin diseases.

The stem contains alkaloidal constituents, including berberine; bitter principles, including columbin, chas- manthin, palmarin and tinosporon, tinosporic acid and tinosporol.

The drug is reported to possess one- fifth of the analgesic effect of sodium salicylate. Its aqueous extract has a high phagocytic index.

Alcoholic extract of the stem shows activity against E. coli. Active principles were found to inhibit in vitro the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Oral administration of alcoholic extract of the root resulted in a significant reduction in blood and urine glucose and in lipids in serum and tissues of alloxan diabetic rats. (Phytother Res. 2003 17 (4), 410-3.)

A significant reduction in levels of SGOT, SGPT, ALP and bilirubin were observed following T. cordifolia treatment during CCl4 intoxication in mature rats. (J. Toxicol Sci. 2002, 27 (3), 139-46.) The plant extract showed in vitro inactivating activity in Hepatitis- B surface antigen. (Indian Drugs, 1993, 30, 549.)

A new hypoglycaemic agent was isolated from the plant; it was found to be 1,2-substituted pyrrolidine.

The starch from roots and stem, used in chronic diarrhoea and dysentery, contains a polysaccharide having 1-4 glucan with occasional branching points.

Dosage: Stem—3-6 g powder; 2030 g for decoction. (API, Vol. I.)... tinospora cordifolia

Tussilago Farfara


Family: Compositae; Asteraceae.

Habitat: Western Himalayas from Kashmir to Nepal at 1,500-3,500 m.

English: Coughwort, Coltsfoot, Asses' Foot.

Unani: Fanjiyun.

Action: Leaves and flowers— anticatarrhal, antitussive, expectorant, antispasmodic, demulcent, anti-inflammatory. Used for dry, unproductive, irritative cough, smoker's cough, whooping cough, bronchial asthma (effect shortlived), laryngitis.

Key application: In acute catarrh of the respiratory tract with cough and hoarseness; acute, mild inflammation of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa. Contraindicated during pregnancy and nursing. (German Commission E.)

The leaves and flowers contain flavo- noids including rutin, hyperoside and isoquercetin; pyrrolizidine alkaloids including senkirkine and tussilagine (about 0.015%); mucilage (about 8%) consisting of polysaccharides based on glucose, galactose, fructose, arabinose and xylose; inulin, tannins.

Polysaccharides are antiinflammatory and immuno-stimulating, as well as demulcent. Flavonoids also have anti-inflammatory and antispasmod- ic action. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids have caused hepatotoxicity in rats fed daily on high doses, but not on daily low dose regimes. These are largely destroyed when the herb is boiled.

The leaf contains an inhibitor of platelet activating factor (PAF). The PAF inhibitor can account for Coltsfoot's efficacy in asthma. The constituent, tussilagone has respiratory stimulant and cardiovascular (including pressor) activities. In animal studies, Coltsfoot is reported to have a pres- soreffect similartodopaminebut without tachyphylasis. (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)... tussilago farfara

Urtica Dioica


Family: Urticaceae.

Habitat: North-western Himalaya from Kashmir to Simla at 2,4003,600 m.

English: Stinging Nettle.

Ayurvedic: Vrishchhiyaa-shaaka (related species).

Unani: Anjuraa.

Folk: Shisuun (Kumaon).

Action: Plant—diuretic, astringent, antihaemorrhagic; eliminates uric acid from the body, detoxifies the blood. Externally, astringent and haemostatic.

Used internally for the treatment of nephritis, haemoptysis and other haemorrhages.

Key application: Above ground parts—as a supportive therapy for rheumatic ailments (internally and externally). Internally, in irrigation therapy for inflammatory diseases of the lower urinary tract and prevention and treatment of kidney gravel. (German Commission E, ESCOP, The British Herbal Compendium, The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.) Root—in symptomatic treatment of micturition disorders (dysuria, pol- lakiuria, nocturia, urine retention) in benign prostatic hyperplasia at stages I and II. (German Commission E, ESCOP, WHO, The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)

Clinical experiments have confirmed the utility of the herb as a haemostatic in uterine haemorrhage and bleeding from nose. The herb is also used in sciatica, rheumatism and palsy. The treatment for paralysis comprises slapping the patient with a bundle of twigs. Alcoholic extract of Russian sp. is used in the cholecystitis and habitual constipation.

The root exhibits an antiprolifera- tive effect on prostatic epithelial and stromal cells. It may also lessen the effects of androgenic hormones by competitively blocking acess to human sex hormone binding globulin. (Planta Med, 63, 1997; ibid, 66, 2000. Also, ESCOP monograph; Altern Complem Ther, 1998; Simon Mills; Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)

In Europe, the juice of the leaves or roots, mixed with honey or sugar, was prescribed forbronchial asthma. In the USA, a freeze-dried preparation of the herb (300 mg gelatin capsules) has been found to improve condition of allergic rhinitis patients. The powdered seeds were considered a cure for goitre. (M. Grieve.)

The urticating properties of the hairs are attributed to the presence of acetyl- choline, histamine and 5-hydroxytryp- tamine (5-HT). A histamine-liberating enzyme is also present.

Acetylcholine is present in the leaves, rootlets, rhizomes and cortex in the ascending order of concentration. Histamine is not present in the underground parts of the plant. Its concentration in the leaves is about four times than that in the stem-cortex. Betaine and choline are present in the leaves.

The leaves gave flavonoids (including rutin), sterols, carotenoids, vitamins (including C, B group, K), minerals, plant phenolic acids. The coumarin scopoletin has been isolated from the flowers and the root.

A polysaccharide fraction obtained from aqueous extract showed anti- inflammatory activity in carrageenan- induced rat paw oedema and lymphocyte transformation test. A lectin was found to stimulate proliferation of human lymphocytes. (Planta Med, 55, 1989.)

The leaf and root is contraindicat- ed in kidney disease and pregnancy. 5-hydroxytryptamine is a uterotropic constituent. (Francis Brinker.)... urtica dioica

Vallisneria Spiralis


Family: Hydrocharitaceae.

Habitat: Hydrophyte; throughout India.

English: Eel-Grass, Tape Grass, Wild Celery.

Ayurvedic: Shaivala, Shaivaala. (Ceratophyllum demersum Linn. is also equated with Shaivala.)

Folk: Sevaar.

Action: Plant—stomachic, refrigerant, demulcent. Also used in leucorrhoea and spermatorrhoea.

Extracts of the plant yielded polysaccharides containing D-galactose, D-xylose, L-arabinose, L-rhamnose, uronic acid, acidic xylan and an arabi- no galactan.... vallisneria spiralis

Wigandia Caracasana


Family: Hydrophyllaceae.

Habitat: Native to tropical America; introduced into Indian gardens.

Action: Leaves and branch tips— a decoction is used in rheumatism; also for whooping cough and respiratory problems.

Solvent extracts of the leaves (etha- nol, acetone and M-hexane) were found active against Gram-positive bacteria.

Synonym: W. viridiflora Meissn. W. indica var. virdiflora Hook. f.

Family: Thymelaeaceae.

Habitat: Eastern Assam; as a weed in Tamil Nadu.

English: Small-Leaf Salago.

Folk: Salago.

Action: Root bark—diuretic, vesicant, purgative and piscicidal.

The root bark is reported to contain a flavone glycoside, wikstroemin, which exhibited diuretic activity.

In Chinese folk medicine, the bark is used for schistosomiasis.

The stem contains wikstromol, a lig- nin prototype which exhibited anti- neoplastic activity. Daphnoretin, isolated from the plant, caused platelet aggregation in the blood of rabbits. A polysaccharide, comprising glucose, arabinose, galacturonic acid, galactose and xylose, protected mice against radiation and enhanced the formation of macrophages.... wigandia caracasana

Viola Sylvestris

Lam. (in part)

Family: Violaceae.

Habitat: Kashmir at 1,200-2,400 m.

English: Pale Wood Violet, Wood Violet.

Unani: Banafashaa (related species).

Action: Plant—pectoral, bechic; used in chest troubles. Stem, leaf and flower—applied to foul sores and wounds.

Habitat: Native to Europe; grown as an ornamental.

English: Heartsease, Wild Pansy.

Unani: Banafashaa (related species).

Action: Herb—anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, expectorant, diuretic, antirheumatic, alterative. Used for bronchitis, rheumatism, chronic skin disorders and for preventing capillary haemorrhage when under corticosteroid therapy. Root— antidysenteric; used as a substitute for Cephaelis ipecacuanha.

Key application: Externally in mild seborrheic skin diseases and milk scall in children. (German Commission E.) The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia recognizes the herb as an expectorant and dermatological agent.

The herb contains rutin, violin and salicylic acid. The flower contains rutin, quercetin, violanthin (6,8-digly- coside of apigenin), violaxanthin, p- hydroxycinnamic acid and delphini- din. A flavone C-glycoside-saponarin has also been obtained from flowers. Flowers, in addition, contain 15-cis- violaxanthin.

The herb exhibits anticoagulant property and diminishes the aggregation of platelets. It can be used as a preventive measure against thrombosis.

Habitat: Temperate Himalayas from Kashmir to Nepal between 1,200 and 2,700 m (a semiparasitic plant).

English: European Mistletoe.

Ayurvedic: Bandaaka, Suvarna- bandaaka. Vrikshaadani (substitute).

Unani: Kishmish Kaabuli.

Action: Vasodilator, cardiac depressant, tranquiliser, stimulates the vagus nerve which slows the pulse, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, immune enhancer, antineoplas- tic. Used for hypertension and tachycardia, as a nervine tonic.

The extract of leafy twigs is anti- inflammatory exerting an action upon capillary permeability and oedema. It stimulates granulation and the neoformation of connective tissue.

Key application: For treating degenerative inflammation of the joints by stimulating cuti- visceral reflexes following local inflammation brought about by intradermal injections; as palliative therapy for malignant tumour through non-specific stimulation. (German Commission E.)

Mistletoe contains glycoproteins; flavonoids, usually quercetin-derived (dependent on host tree to some extent); polypeptides; phenylcarboxylic acids; polysaccharides (including viscid acid); alkaloids; lignans.

Cardiotonic activity is due to the lig- nans. The polysaccharides stimulate the immune response. Antineoplas- tic activity is claimed to be responsible for prolongation of survival time in cancer patients. Polypeptides (visco- toxins) inhibit tumours and stimulate immune resistance. (For uses of lectin from Mistletoe in cancer, see Eur J cancer, 2001, Jan, 37(1), 23-31; Eur J Cancer 2001, 37 (15), 19101920.) (For application in hepatitis, see Fitoterapia, 70, 2001.)... viola sylvestris

Irish Moss

Carrageen. Chondrus crispus L. Seaweed. Whole plant (thallus).

Constituents: trace minerals, polysaccharides. Source of minerals, iodine, iron, bromine.

Action. Antitussive, nutrient, demulcent, pectoral, antibacterial. Detoxicant. Anticoagulant, hypotensive. Lowers blood cholesterol levels.

Uses: Bronchitis and respiratory disorders generally. Pulmonary tuberculosis. Dry cough. To cleanse mucous membranes. Thin people desiring to put on weight. Wasting diseases, cachexia. Inflammation of the alimentary canal. Irritable stomach, gastric and duodenal ulcer, recovery from surgical operation. To protect lining of stomach from acidity. Inflammation of kidneys or bladder.

External. A base for ointments, cosmetic creams, etc.

Preparations: Thrice daily, or as necessary.

Decoction. Dried seaweed, 5 to 10 grams to each large cup water gently simmered 20 minutes. Cannot be strained. Half a cup eaten with spoon. Honey enhances action.

Diet. Use of the powder to thicken soups, jellies, aspic and for inclusion in recipes requiring a thickener. A fingerful (powder) in early morning tea for chest protection in winter. ... irish moss

White Peony Root Tea Benefits

White Peony Root Tea is one of the most important herbs in Asian medicine, being used since ancient times to treat liver problems and to improve women’s general health. White Peony Root Tea can be made from a plant called Chinese peony or common garden peony, a perennial herb that grows in Eastern China, southern Tibet and Siberia. You can recognize it after its big white flowers and yellow stamens. The leaves are deep green and medium sized. White Peony Root Properties The best thing about White Peony Root Tea is that its properties contribute to a better general health of the human body, thanks to a high concentration of acids and amino-acids and also to a great alkaline conductivity. The main ingredient in White Peony Root Tea is paeoniflorin, a substance that has a high anti-spastic action in many areas of your system. The other active substances that can be found in this tea and enhance the paeonflorin’s effect are flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, tannins and polysaccharides. White Peony Root Benefits White Peony Root Tea has anti-inflammatory, sedative, analgesic and diuretic properties. This tea is a great help if you suffer from one of the following conditions: - Liver malfunction, by energizing it thanks to its alkaline property and helping it flush away all the toxins. - Bad blood circulation or poor blood nourishment. Also, White Peony Tea can lower your blood pressure. - Menstrual problems that consist of heavy bleedings and aggravated abdominal pain, by calming the affected area and by bringing relief. - Abdominal and chest pains, dizziness, headaches. - Epilepsy, by stopping seizures and convulsions and by nourishing your nervous system, so that the negative reaction can be eliminated. How to make White Peony Root Tea Infusion Preparing White Peony Root Tea infusion is very easy. Use a teaspoon of White Peony Root for every cup of tea you want to make. Put the herbs in a teapot and add boiling water. Wait for 10 or 15 minutes (depending on the amount of water you’re using) and drink it hot or cold. Don’t take more than 3 cups per day. White Peony Root Tea Side Effects White Peony Root Tea is safe as long as you take it for a short amount of time. Taken in high dosages, it may cause rashes and problems of the nervous system. White Peony Root Tea is not to be taken unsupervised and it’s a medical treatment. Do not drink it as often as you drink your coffee! Also, a higher dosage will not make your general health improve any faster. Follow our recommendations and talk to a doctor before making any move. White Peony Root Tea Contraindications If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should not take White Peony Root Tea, because it may cause uterine contractions and blood clotting. But if you have the green light from your doctor, there’s no reason not to try White Peony Root Tea. Add it to your medicine cabinet, follow our instructions and enjoy the wonderful benefits of White Peony Root Tea responsibly!... white peony root tea benefits

Fibre, Dietary

Indigestible plant material in food. Dietary fibre includes certain types of polysaccharides, cellulose, hemicelluloses, gums and pectins (see carbohydrates), and lignin. Humans do not have the necessary enzymes to digest these substances, which pass through the digestive system virtually unchanged and cannot be used as a source of energy.

Some components of dietary fibre hold water, thereby adding bulk to the faeces and aiding bowel function. For this reason, dietary fibre can be effective in treating constipation, diverticular disease, and irritable bowel syndrome. Unrefined carbohydrate foods such as wholemeal bread, cereals, and root vegetables are rich in fibre. (See also nutrition.)... fibre, dietary

Dietary Fibre

(roughage) nonstarch polysaccharides (NSP), which cannot be digested and absorbed to produce energy; specifically, sources of NSP that do not contain lignin or resistant starch. Fibre is divided into two types: insoluble (cellulose and hemicelluloses) and soluble (pectins). Highly refined foods, such as sucrose, do not contain dietary fibre. Foods with a high fibre content include wholemeal cereals, vegetables, nuts, and fruit. A diet high in insoluble fibre (e.g. wheat bran, wholegrain and wholemeal bread and cereals) may help prevent bowel diseases, such as constipation, diverticulitis, and colon cancer. Soluble fibre (e.g. oats, barley, beans, pulses, fruit, and vegetables) slows the reabsorption of *bile salts and so helps to lower cholesterol as well as dampening the glycaemic response to glucose (see glycaemic index). A high-fibre diet used to be the first-line advice for irritable bowel syndrome; however, a low *FODMAP diet can be more effective.... dietary fibre


(osteogenesis) n. the formation of *bone, which takes place in three stages by the action of special cells (osteoblasts). A meshwork of collagen fibres is deposited in connective tissue, followed by the production of a cementing polysaccharide. Finally the cement is impregnated with minute crystals of calcium salts. The osteoblasts become enclosed within the matrix as osteocytes (bone cells). In intracartilaginous (or endochondral) ossification the bone replaces cartilage. This process starts to occur soon after the end of the second month of embryonic life. Intramembranous ossification is the formation of a *membrane bone (e.g. a bone of the skull). This starts in the early embryo and is not complete at birth (see fontanelle).... ossification

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