The meaning of the symbols of potato seen in a dream.

Potato: From 1 Different Sources

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Author: Health Dictionary

Indian Potato Or Eskimo Potato

Claytonia species

Description: All Claytonia species are somewhat fleshy plants only a few centimeters tall, with showy flowers about 2.5 centimeters across.

Habitat and Distribution: Some species are found in rich forests where they are conspicuous before the leaves develop. Western species are found throughout most of the northern United States and in Canada.

Edible Parts: The tubers are edible but you should boil them before eating.... indian potato or eskimo potato

Strychnos Potatorum


Family: Loganiaceae; Strychnaceae.

Habitat: Forests of West Bengal, Central and South India, up to 1,200 m.

English: Clearing Nut tree.

Ayurvedic: Kataka, Katakaphala, Payah-prasaadi, Chakshushya, Nirmali.

Unani: Nirmali.

Siddha/Tamil: Thettran, Thetrankot- tai.

Action: Seed—antidiabetic, antidysenteric, emetic.

Mannogalactan from seeds reduces cholesterol and triglycerides (one-tenth and one-fifth when compared to clofi- brate). Seeds are also applied to abscesses, and venereal sores (internally in gonorrhoea). Fruits—antidiabet- ic; antidysenteric, expectorant. (Pulp is used as a substitute for ipecacuanha.)

The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia ofIn- dia recommends the seed in dysuria, polyuria, urolithiasis, also in epilepsy.

The seeds, leaves and trunk bark gave diabolin (major alkaloid) and acetyldiabolin. Seeds also gavebrucine, strychnine, novacine, icajine, oleanolic acid and its glycoside. Leaves and bark gave isomotiol, stigmasterol, campes- terol and sitosterol. Diabolin exhibits hypotensive activity.

A decoction of seeds is given to treat stammering.

The seeds resemble those of Nux- vomica but are non-poisonous. The ripe seeds are used for clearing muddy water.

Dosage: Seed—3-6 g. (API, Vol. IV.)... strychnos potatorum

Sweet Potato

See Batata.... sweet potato

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