Potentially Preventable Adverse Outcome: From 1 Different Sources
Complication of a condition which may be modified or prevented with appropriate treatment.
This term has many meanings depending on its applicability. Simply an outcome is a change in a situation resulting from an action. More specifically, in relation to health, an outcome is the possible results that may stem from exposure to a causal factor; or the result of preventive, medical, surgical or therapeutic interventions or non-intervention. An outcome can also be viewed as the end result obtained from utilizing the structure and processes of health care delivery. Outcomes are often viewed as the bottom-line measure of the effectiveness of the health care delivery system.... outcome
Any undesirable or unwanted consequence of a preventive, diagnostic or therapeutic procedure.... adverse event / reaction
Changes in health status which result from the provision of health (or other) services.... health outcome
Assessment of changes to personal characteristics and skills, and/or social norms and actions, and/or organizational practices and public policies which are attributable to a health promotion activity.... health promotion outcome
System used to track treatment or care and responses. The methods for measuring outcomes are quite varied among providers. Much disagreement exists regarding the best practice or tools to utilize to measure outcomes.... outcome measurement
Research on measures of changes in outcomes, that is, health status and satisfaction, resulting from specific interventions.... outcome research
The quality of care and quality of life objectives set by an authority which the service providers should strive to achieve for all people.... outcome standard
The atypical mycobacteria. The commonest PPEM to cause human disease is the Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex. PPEM differ from M. tuberculosis in their source (environmental or zoonotic), rate of growth, temperature of growth and ability to produce pigment on culture. Mostly infect immunologically compromised humans and the disease caused by some species may be clinicallyindistinguishable from true human tuberculosis.... potentially pathogenic environmental mycobacteria (ppem)
Herbalists, phytotherapists, other practitioners and companies are required by the Committee on Safety of Medicines to report all adverse reactions associated with herbal products used in the treatment of disease in the UK within one month. Adverse reactions to over-the-counter alternative medicines should be reported using the yellow card scheme. (CSM., Current Problems 1986, No 16:477.) ... adverse reactions
(QOF) a system, introduced as part of the new general medical services (nGMS) contract (see general practitioner), whereby practices are rewarded for implementing good medical practice. There are four main domains: clinical, organizational, patient experience, and additional services. Each domain has various criteria based on best practice, which have a number of points allocated for achievement. The points are collated at the end of the financial year and converted into payment for the practice.... quality and outcomes framework