Premature Beat: From 2 Different Sources
see ectopic beat.
This is the beat of the APEX of the HEART, which can be felt through the skin to the left of the breastbone between the ?fth and sixth ribs.... apex beat
A disorder in which EJACULATION of semen occurs before or immediately after the penis penetrates the vagina during sexual intercourse. The most common sexual problem in men, persistent premature ejaculation may have psychological causes, although many adolescents and some adults experience it occasionally. Sexual counselling may help to alleviate the condition.... premature ejaculation
A heart muscle contraction that is outside the normal sequence of the cardiac cycle (see HEART). The impulse is generated outside the usual focus of the SINOATRIAL NODE. Also known as extrasystoles, ectopic beats are called ventricular if they arise from a focus in the ventricles and supraventricular if they arise in the atria. They may cause no symptoms and the affected subject may be unaware of them. The beat may, however, be the result of heart disease or may be caused by NICOTINE or CAFFEINE. If persistent, the individual may suffer from irregular rhythm or ventricular ?brillation and need treatment with anti-arrhythmic drugs.... ectopic beat
(Celtic) One who gives life Betha, Beathah, Bethah... beatha
(Hebrew) One who serves God... beathag
(Scottish) Having great wisdom... beathas
(Latin) One who blesses others Beatrix, Beatriz, Beatriss, Beatrisse, Bea, Beatrize, Beatricia, Beatrisa, Beate, Beata, Beat, Bee, Beitris, Betrys, Bettrys, Bice... beatrice
Emission of semen before sexual partner is prepared for orgasm. Agnus Castus, Vervain, Cramp bark, Mistletoe, Valerian. ... ejaculation, premature
See: TACHYCARDIA.... heart, rapid beat
menopause occurring before the age of 40. It may be caused by autoimmunity, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or genetic factors, for example a mutation in the FSH receptor gene causing excess secretion of gonadotrophins and small underdeveloped ovaries. Treatment is by hormone replacement, either with the contraceptive pill or HRT. *Oocyte donation should be discussed if the patient wishes for assisted conception.... premature ovarian failure
see PROM; PPROM; labour.... premature rupture of membranes