Preoperative Health Dictionary

Preoperative: From 1 Different Sources

adj. before operation: referring to the condition of a patient or to treatment, such as sedation, given at this time.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


The induction of analgesia (see ANALGESICS) by the use of cold that is produced by means of a special probe. The use of cold for the relief of pain dates back to the early days of mankind: two millennia ago, Hippocrates was recommending snow and ice packs as a preoperative analgesic. The modern probe allows a precise temperature to be induced in a prescribed area. Among its uses is in the relief of chronic pain which will not respond to any other form of treatment. This applies particularly to chronic facial pain.... cryoanalgesia

Lugol’s Solution

A compound solution of iodine and potassium iodide used in the preoperative preparation of patients with thyrotoxicosis (see THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF). The solution is taken orally.... lugol’s solution


The discipline concerned with the immune system. Immunologists study the immune system’s functioning and investigate and treat immune system disorders, including allergies, autoimmune disorders, and immunodeficiency disorders such as AIDS. Immunologists are also concerned with finding ways in which the immune system can be stimulated to provide immunity. In addition, they play a role in transplant surgery, looking preoperatively for a good match between recipient and donor organ, and suppressing the recipient’s immune system after transplantation to minimize the chances of organ rejection.... immunology

Colorectal Cancer

malignancy of the large intestine (i.e. the colon, appendix, and rectum). It is the fourth most common cause of death from cancer: one million people are diagnosed each year. Most cases should be preventable by screening and surveillance protocols (including the *faecal occult blood test) and modifiable lifestyle factors. Risk factors include older age, increased consumption of red meat and fatty foods, excessive alcohol intake, smoking, and sedentary lifestyle. Clinical symptoms include change in bowel habit, rectal bleeding, loss of appetite and weight, anaemia, and gastrointestinal obstruction. Diagnosis is made following analysis of samples taken during *colonoscopy. CT scanning of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis defines the extent of the disease; MRI and PET scanning may yield additional radiological information. These findings are assessed using the *TNM classification. Early localized disease is amenable to surgery, preoperative chemoradiation, and postoperative chemotherapy; advanced disease with metastases necessitates a palliative approach.... colorectal cancer


(scopolamine) n. an *antimuscarinic drug that prevents muscle spasm. Hyoscine butylbromide is administered in the treatment of spasm in the digestive system and difficult or painful menstruation. Hyoscine hydrobromide is used for preoperative medication and to treat motion sickness. Side-effects of both drugs are rare but can include dry mouth, blurred vision, difficulty in urination, and increased heart rate.... hyoscine

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