A term applied to a disease that has originated within the organ or tissue affected, and is not derived from any other cause or source. The term primary is also applied to the 1st of several diseases to affect a tissue or organ in turn. Primary is also used to mean “of unknown cause”.
The 1st teeth (also known as milk teeth), which usually start to appear at age 6 months and are replaced by the permanent teeth from about age 6 years. There are 20 primary teeth, 10 in each jaw. (See also teeth; eruption of teeth; teething.)... primary teeth
Sometimes called primary medical care, this is the care provided by a GENERAL PRACTITIONER (GP) – traditionally entitled the family doctor – or other health professionals who have ?rst contact with a patient needing or wanting medical attention. In the NHS, the primary health-care services include those provided by the general, dental, ophthalmic and pharmaceutical services as well as the family doctor service. Community health services provided outside the hospitals also o?er some primary health care.... primary health care
An investigation that collects original (primary) data from subjects, e.g. randomized controlled trials, observational studies, series of cases, etc. See “secondary data analysis”.... primary study