Proto-oncogene Health Dictionary

Proto-oncogene: From 2 Different Sources

A gene in a cell that regulates cell growth and development in an orderly fashion. If a protooncogene mutates, it can give rise to cancer by causing growth without the normal controls. The proto-oncogene is then called an oncogene.
Health Source: Dictionary of Tropical Medicine
Author: Health Dictionary
n. a gene in a normal cell that is of identical structure to certain viral genes. Some are important regulators of cell division and damage may change them into *oncogenes.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


A gene in a cancer cell that causes its growth to be uncontrolled. A regulatory gene that has changed and is responsible for uncontrolled growth.... oncogene


GENES found in mammalian cells and viruses that can cause cancer. They are believed to manufacture the proteins that control the division of cells. In certain circumstances this control malfunctions and a normal cell may be changed into one with MALIGNANT properties. Extensive research is being done with oncogenes with the aim of ?nding ways to prevent or control cancers.... oncogenes


n. the development of a new abnormal growth (a benign or malignant tumour).... oncogenesis


combining form denoting 1. first. 2. primitive; early. 3. a precursor.... proto

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