Pyaemia Health Dictionary

Pyaemia: From 2 Different Sources

A form of blood-poisoning in which abscesses (see ABSCESS) appear in various parts of the body. (See also SEPTICAEMIA.)
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
n. blood poisoning by pus-forming bacteria released from an abscess. The widespread formation of abscesses may develop, with fatal results. Compare sapraemia; septicaemia; toxaemia.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Gunshot Wounds

To prevent suppuration and pyaemia – Marigold.

Internally: Marigold petal tea freely.

Externally: Marigold (Calendula) ointment, cream or fomentation with petals. During the Coup d’etat in Paris in 1849, a Dr Jahr saved many limbs with Marigold. Echinacea to allay infection. See entry: WOUNDS. ... gunshot wounds

Blood Poisoning

the presence of either bacterial toxins or large numbers of bacteria in the bloodstream causing serious illness. See pyaemia; septicaemia; toxaemia.... blood poisoning


(portal pyaemia) n. septic inflammation and thrombosis of the hepatic portal vein. This is a rare result of the spread of infection within the abdomen (as from appendicitis). The condition causes severe illness, with fever, liver abscesses, and *ascites. Treatment is by antibiotic drugs and surgical drainage of abscesses.... pylephlebitis


n. blood poisoning by toxins of saprophytic bacteria (bacteria living on dead or decaying matter). Compare pyaemia; septicaemia; toxaemia.... sapraemia


n. widespread destruction of tissues due to absorption of disease-causing bacteria or their toxins from the bloodstream. The term is also used loosely for any form of *blood poisoning. Compare pyaemia; sapraemia; toxaemia.... septicaemia


n. blood poisoning that is caused by toxins formed by bacteria growing in a local site of infection. It produces generalized symptoms, including fever, diarrhoea, and vomiting. Compare pyaemia; sapraemia; septicaemia.... toxaemia

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