An operation performed to remove a kidney stone (see calculus, urinary tract).
Pyelolithotomy has been largely replaced by other procedures, such as lithotripsy, which uses ultrasonic waves to break up the stones.
Surgery to remove a stone from the kidney (see KIDNEYS, DISEASES OF) via an incision in the pelvis of the kidney.
n. surgical removal of a stone from the kidney through an incision made in the pelvis of the kidney. The incision is usually made into the posterior surface of the pelvis (posterior pyelotomy) to gain access to the stone, which can then be lifted clear.
n. the presence of stones in the kidney (see calculus). Such stones can cause pain and blood in the urine, but they may produce no symptoms. Full investigation is undertaken to determine the underlying cause of stone formation. When stones are associated with urinary obstruction and infection they usually require surgical removal (see nephrolithotomy; pyelolithotomy).... nephrolithiasis