n. an operation to relieve obstruction at the junction of the pelvis of the kidney and the ureter. The procedure is often performed laparoscopically. The narrowed segment may be excised and the renal pelvis and ureteric ends anastomosed or a flap of tissue from the renal pelvis may be folded down to widen the narrowing. A ureteric stent is left in place while healing takes place. See hydronephrosis; Dietl’s crisis.
acute obstruction of a kidney causing severe pain in the loins. The obstruction usually occurs at the junction of the renal pelvis and the ureter, causing the kidney to become distended with accumulated urine (see hydronephrosis). Sometimes the pelvis drains spontaneously, with relief of pain, but acute decompression of the kidney may be required with surgical relief of the obstruction (*pyeloplasty). [J. Dietl (1804–78), Polish physician]... dietl’s crisis
n. distension and dilatation of the pelvis of the kidney. This is due to an obstruction to the free flow of urine from the kidney. An obstruction at or below the neck of the bladder will result in hydronephrosis of both kidneys. The term primary pelvic hydronephrosis is used when the obstruction, usually functional, is at the junction of the renal pelvis and ureter. Surgical relief by *pyeloplasty is advisable to avoid the back pressure atrophy of the kidney and the complications of infection and stone formation. —hydronephrotic adj.... hydronephrosis